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Messages - llcfan

I posted this on the men's and thought this should go here too


  Lindsey Crum's dad / parents here. We would like to thank you for all your support for Eureka on the boards and what you did for Eureka in general.
  You're posts were very well written, classy, unbiased and very factual. They in general were a pleasure to read amonst the otherwise often radical nature of posters. You are wise beyond your years as they say. We had no idea you worked for Eureka and thought you were strictly a fan.

   I know enough to know that as an institution Eureka has definitely taken a step backwards with this decision.

  We thoroughly enjoyed your work @ Eureka

  My familiy wishes the best of luck to you and yours in this tough time. Anyone as polished as you will come out fine.


Matt Crum & Pam Crum
parents of Lindsey Crum"
  Hopefan I tried to e-mail him and recognized the name but it was after I had already posted.

  I didn't know him at all but I thoroughly enjoyed his work.

  Thanks for the feedback anyway.
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
July 11, 2009, 10:53:52 PM
I posted this on the men's and thought this should go here too


  Lindsey Crum's dad / parents here. We would like to thank you for all your support for Eureka on the boards and what you did for Eureka in general.
  You're posts were very well written, classy, unbiased and very factual. They in general were a pleasure to read amonst the otherwise often radical nature of posters. You are wise beyond your years as they say. We had no idea you worked for Eureka and thought you were strictly a fan.

   I know enough to know that as an institution Eureka has definitely taken a step backwards with this decision.

  My familiy wishes luck to you and yours in this tough time. Anyone as polished as you will come out fine.


Matt Crum & Pam Crum
parents of Lindsey Crum"
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
July 11, 2009, 12:09:21 PM
Man that is too bad about Eureka Sid he was a classy post and had great input.
Eureka will miss him
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
July 10, 2009, 11:42:31 PM
Quote from: coachdubb on July 05, 2009, 11:22:58 PM
Mr. Crum,

Thanks so much for the message, and yes, the guy at blackburn's name is Mr. Huber. I wish your daughter much luck, and I hope that she is back on the court soon.

Coach Dub

  Coach thanks for the kind words. My wife and I ( and probably Lindsey )will probably still go to a few Eureka games. if I can swing the home game vs Blackburn I'll try to stop and say hello. I'll give you an advance heads up if we are going to make it.

  On a side note just some food for thought
( not just for coach but for everyone ).
  You mentioned players not being the right fit and leaving etc.
  One of the reasons Lindsey didn't originally play was she needed to work to attend college. She also hadn't planned on playing so she had purchased a low priced plane ticket to go to New York at New Years eve. She told the coach no based on not being able to commit to a full slate of practices. She didn't feel it was right to be different than the other players.
      The coach said she was willing to be flexible thus Lindsey played. I would imagine being very low on numbers was also a factor.
    I only bring this up as an example of the unique challenges that a coach faces at this level of competition.

  If I were the coach I'm not sure how I would hadle this one and I'm her father! lol
  I didn't bring this up for any particular reason just as a discussion point for the board.

Thanks again

Mr Crum
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
July 10, 2009, 11:27:47 PM
Quote from: y_jack_lok on July 05, 2009, 08:45:04 PM
llcfan, can you tell us if Lindsey is transferring from Eureka, and if so where? Or is she staying at Eureka and electing not to play basketball anymore? If she is transferring, will she be playing at her new school?


  Lindsey is not playing as she will be graduating in December. Apparently she cannot do a full season w/o paying for another semester as she will be a 4.5 yr student vs a 4yr. She would have to pay 4-5-$7,000 ? to effectively play basketball for the second semester. She could play till the end of the semester but she'd have to quit midway through the year. She doesn't feel right about doing that.

  Re eligibility I belive my information is correct. She played 1yr at ICC for which she was a small piece of the puzzle that earned her a Juco National championship ring. She decided to just focus on studying the second year and didn't play. After the 2 years at ICC she went to ISU as a student only.

  Lindsey didn't like the "you're student #1234" approach @ ISU.
  She ended up @ Eureka with no intention of playing sports and was kind of talked into it by a friend as well as plenty of pursuit from the coach as a result of a pickup game during summer gym. Lindsey turned it down twice but the spark of competition finaly changed her mind.
She didn't seem to do too bad for someone that hadn't picked up a basketball for 2 years! As a family we had a lot of fun watching her again. She is a pretty decent overall athlete as well as a pretty good kid in general.
  Lindsey found out just how much she did miss basketball as she said she had a lof of fun despite playing for a team that didn't win alot of games.

  Clear as mud I know but it's the best I've got.

Lindsey's dad
Matt Crum
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
July 04, 2009, 09:40:06 AM
  Coach Dubb I've got a tip for you,

  I can share this now that my our dughter Lindsey Crum won't be playing for Eureka college anymore ( despite 2 years of elegibility remaining ).

  Lindsey was recruited our of Washington IL H.S. by Blackburn by a female coach whose name I don't remember.

  During that process we met the head of the art department. I just checked your website and I think it was Bob Huber but I'm ot 100% sure. I remember that he really seemed to know his stuff. If you ever have a recruit who is interested in any form of art have them & the parents talk to him. Blackburn does not offer graphic art which Lindsey wanted. Bob explained how a good foundatation of art basics could still go a long way toward that. More importantly he gave insight that job opportunities do exist for art.

  Even though Lindsey chose not to attend Blackburn, as a parent that guy impressed me. He didn't try to selll Blackburn as he didn't need to. His experience, demeanor and confidence sold Blackburn.

   Good luck you seem like a class guy and I hope this helps.


Matt Crum
Washington IL
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
February 26, 2009, 05:37:25 PM
Quote from: coachdubb on February 26, 2009, 02:35:30 PM
Hey Eureka SID, please explain to me how Vollmer (top 3 in conference in points and rebounds) not be 1st team all conference. Secondly, how can Hawkey not be 1st Team?

  Coach I'm not quite as up on the players as either you or Eureka Sid but I'd say he's got it pretty close. I'd say Lowe would be first team before Vollmer.  I'm surprised with her shooting and points that Lowe wouldn't be higher on Ft percentage?
Vollmer is 4th in conference in pts per gm as of the last game

  I think Crum doesn't get quite enough credit but I'll have to admit I'm biased of course as I'm her father LOL
Region 8 women's basketball / Re: SLIAC
February 25, 2009, 12:23:30 PM
  It's sad to see but Lindsey Crum of Eureka has played her last game. It's been fun to watch.  She did well considerig a 2 year abscence from playing basketball of any kind.

re-post with spelling error fixed