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Messages - Tglassman55

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
January 16, 2010, 10:07:07 PM
Quote from: LOGGER4LIFE on January 15, 2010, 04:30:16 PM
Quote from: Tglassman55 on January 15, 2010, 02:06:44 PM
prediction -

The Loggers will lose 2 in a blood bath this weekend securing the future of this season. 

is it even worth going to watch either of these games?

If you're going to be that type of fan who is going to throw these Loggers under the bus because of the early season struggles, you shouldn't bother going to either of these games at all.

In fact, just stay out of the Fieldhouse all together. Forever. Let the fans who go and cheer their a** off for these kids fill the stands. And stop pretending you have some kind of inside hookup for information.

That being said, I hope with all my heart that the Loggers pull off these two vics--I'll be keeping my eyes posted to the live stats tonight and tomorrow.



1.  I love that you are trying to paint me as some "kind of fan".   As if there were a limited number and because of the comments that I make occassionally on a message board somehow give you some insight into my type of "fanhood."

2.  Is making a prediction throwing them under the bus?  Predicting that they will win and hoping that they will win are two entirely different things.  This reminds me a great a deal of the "If your not with us your against us" argument.  Apparently, if you have any serious doubts about the abilities of your team or coaching staff, you are not allowed to voice them for fear of sounding like somehow you aren't a fan.  As the definition of "fan" does not mean "only the fans who cheer their ass[es] (I assume that's what the stars meant), I will continue to go to Logger games and support them... with a healthy dose of skepticism. 

3.  If I have said anything that is incorrect on this board or you think you know me well enough to say that the information I have put on here is incorrect, please cite examples.  I have no motive to go onto and lie about University of Puget Sound basketball. 

With that being said, kudos to the Logs on their big win tonight.  It goes to show what a team can do when they shoot 19% higher than their season FG% and 17% higher than their season 3pt% can do. 
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
January 15, 2010, 02:06:44 PM
prediction -

The Loggers will lose 2 in a blood bath this weekend securing the future of this season. 

is it even worth going to watch either of these games?
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
January 07, 2010, 12:54:34 AM
UPS loses...

at home...

to PLU...

by 15

the wheels have come off. 
Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 18, 2009, 01:10:21 AM
Loggers lost.

That kid Menefee dropped 57 on us.  It was disgusting. He can shoot the lights out and go to the basket.  Especially with no hand in his face.  

One of the Loggers Freshman who is (according to the website) 6'8" is out with a boot on (stress fracture).  

The Loggers kept it close in the first half but a severe lack of size hurt them all game long.  Nadav Heyman flashed some brilliant moves but consistently forced shots going to the basket.  

The Loggers reserve back court is young and they show it.  Far too many ill advised shots tonight.  

The defense is no longer the typical suffocating press they used to run.  Though after the lack of success on the defensive end (108 points allowed).  There was still a press but they didn't guard the inbound pass opting to instead double team the person attempting to receive the inbounds.  Usually they opted for the football type pass all the way down the court which allowed menefee so many easy buckets.  

Austin Boyce is still fantastic at getting to the basket though his three point shot choice needs work.  

The worst thing that the Loggers showed was a lack of leadership and heart.  Jason Foster and Robert Kraul last season wore their heart on their sleeve and would get in the team or an individual's face if they needed it.  It seems as though no one has stepped into that role as Austin and Nadav are both more "lead by example" type of players.  Not a bad thing, but when they are down, the energy seems to be sucked out.  

On the positive side they have a real workhorse in Colin Koach (pronounce KOH).  He plays stifling defense and is the quintessential energizer bunny.  Not much of an offensive player but a guy you want on your team.  

The freshman who got the most minutes was Riggs Yarbo.  Nice body, long player with potential.  But he was way overmatched by some larger players and for the most part, pushed around.  

Here is the bottom line ladies and gentlemen

FG% evergreen - 58.7%
FG% UPS - 36.3%

you won't win many games with that ratio.  


anyone who read my earlier posts should note that I don't think they are as bad as I predicted.  


Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 14, 2009, 08:28:42 PM
No one loves Logger basketball more than me and I'm not afraid to say exactly how I feel about it.  That's why I put my real name and not "BonnerforLogs" or something as my SN.  

I love UPS basketball and tried hard to make it fun for the fans (despite the worst AD in the conference).  

This does not make me unrealistic about their abilities or the abilities of the other teams in the conference.  We all knew the day would come when we have to live with ONLY Lunt recruits.  If Lunt had more to do with the recruiting while Bridge was here than he would have continued to pull stellar players every year like Bridge did after he was gone.  Austin and Nadav are good, where is the rest of the Logger future?

In speaking with Lunt (several times) I like the man.  I think he has vastly improved his clock management and defensive coaching over the last two seasons. But anyone on this board could have run the team we had out last year and won the conference.  

When we graduated McVey and Curtiss, Antwan and Foster had already played a season of college basketball to be ready for the next season.  Unlike most teams, we play 9-11 players a game because of the press.  We are untested in this regard because the Sophs we had last year barely played and the feshman could not possibly be in shape enough for Logger basketball.  

I am afraid that the Logger dynasty is finally over.  I am afraid that all of those Whitworth fans who want to be our program from 03 - 09 (last year) have finally gotten there.  Although I would hate to have to cheer for David Riley.  

I hope I'm wrong.  I hope that all of the UPS recruits do fantasitically(despite one having a stress fracture) and we roll into the playoffs yet again.  

I hope that all the UPS cheerleaders on here are right.  But to say that this years losses is equal to any of the years in the past is just out and out false.  I'm sorry to hurt my own team's fans feelings. 

but I'm not a rah rah fan, I'm a realistic fan and I see UPS going a very different direction.  

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
November 12, 2009, 11:09:26 PM
I am way dissapointed in UPS this year.

I wonder if the Logger fans emailed bridgeland and begged him to come back he would.  Did you see Whitman's recruiting class?  Easily the best in the conference.  And yes that is including the D1 transfer to Whitworth and Linfield.  I don't even think it's close. 

We are way young and inexperienced and unfortunatly I think everyone will see how Lunt was living off of Bridgelands outlandishly successful recruiting. 

I think we'll win most of our home games because of the atmosphere, but mark my word, as much as it pains me to say so, I think the Loggers finish 3rd or 4th this season.  We certainly won't be beating the heck out of Whitworth again... 
Quote from: speedybigboy on June 30, 2009, 01:39:26 AM
Quote from: Bluenote on June 29, 2009, 11:56:04 PM
Quote from: Tglassman55 on June 29, 2009, 06:21:12 PM
The University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University are attempting to put their annual rivarly game (battle for the Totem Pole Trophy) in the Tacoma Dome where it used to be played. 

That would be a nice venue.....hope they can pull if off.

I played in the first two at the T-Dome when the rivalry was resumed.  If they can draw a good crowd that would be great.  If it's only going to be 4-5k though it would seem empty and they might be better continuing at the current stadiums.

Agreed.  But it's hard to believe that the same amount of fans that have been showing up to Sparks or UPS would show up the Tacoma Dome.  the game never had less than 8000 people when it was in the T-Dome.  That's awesome that you played in the game in that atmosphere.  It would be wonderful to get that back.  Plus than the schools could actually make some money from the game and get in the news a little bit. 

not to mention it certainly would not hurt recruiting. 

now "I will leave you tikets at the door, go ahead a sit where ever it doesn't matter"
then "We will leave you tickets at gate D1, the recruits will get a special badge to come down on the field, you might want to bring ear plugs..." 

For any other high school football nerds like me the games at the Tacoma Dome have been great in the last couple of years since they put in the new turf.  Not like it used to be... all the games are on TV and radio now and thousands of people show up. 

This game is a long time coming...
The University of Puget Sound and Pacific Lutheran University are attempting to put their annual rivarly game (battle for the Totem Pole Trophy) in the Tacoma Dome where it used to be played. 
dissapointing.  UST is a heck of a team and hey, we just didn't play that well.  As a senior it was certainly the best year we've had since I've been here.  I guess we will have to disagree that the teams from a few year's ago were the best, but maybe I am just a bigger fan of defense. 

In the years when we were averaging between 93-103 points per game were still averaging the same field goal perccentage (about .470) but this year was the first time in 5 years that our opponents field goal percentage was below .500. 

Lunt did not recruit Antwan according to Antwan, in fact Antwan almost left when bridge did to go play at Pepperdine to follow the coach who recruited him. 

UPS needs to recruit a ton better than we have, I love Austin Boyce as much as anyone but he is no post and the Kevin Wright (6'6ish) was on the team last year but quit (understandibly) because of family issues.  Any high schools have an extra Nate Montgomery laying around?    Our TALLEST player going into next year is 6'4 (maybe...Austin and Kaleb are listed at 6'5 on the website but I don't know...).   

For next year the season will finish:
Lewis and Clark
the rest don't matter

Behind Whitworth's returners, that ain't much left in the conference

on one last pessimistic note, i'm sorry to say that George Fox's girls won the whole thing.  I've never had a more unfortunate experience sitting next to opposing fans.  Last year they were barking and mooing at our players and one of the Dad's tried to start a fight with our fans (or from their perspective standing up for his daughter by acting out violently in public?).   It is unfortunate to me that this justifies their behavior and is sure to give them even more of a sense of entitlement that their players deserve and unfortunatly, their fans tarnish. 

I'm off to law school!  peace everyone, it's been real
radio broadcast has begun!
Also, now that the regular season is over, how would you guys make your "fantasy line ups" for the NWC.   Not the players of the year statistically or otherwise, I mean who would you want going into a game. 

here's mine

PG - Ross Nakamura  (TO/A ratio is rediculous)
SG - Antwan Williams (best defender in the conference against other gaurds)
SF - Garold Howe (averaged a double-double, scary to think of what he would do with a team around him)
PF - Jason Foster (POY, right attitude)
C - Nate Montgomery (giant human being)

tough to leave off anyone from LC and Cam Mitchell but oh well
After having watched the the last 4 years of teams (Foster, Antwan, Kraul and I are all seniors) I think it's extremely hard to compare the old UPS teams with this team. 

I believe that the diffence is with Coach Lunt.  While I mourned the loss of Bridgeland as much as any (I was a sports writer for "The Trail" at the time and had spoken with him several times) I felt we could have done a much better job searching for a coach and chalked it up to another Amy Hackett mistake (he is a Lute for god's sake!).  While I am certainly doubtful that next years team will be close to this years team in terms of wins and losses, I have seen Lunt learn extremely quickly on the job.  He has a done a fantastic job adopting a half court defense which has slowed other teams much more than some of the bridgeland team's of old and is getting much better at timing on his time outs and shift changes (hockey reference to UPS' 3,4,or 5 person subs).  On an unrelated note, Lunt has not done the job recruiting the Bridgeland did, not even close. 

The old Logger teams were much different defensively, much more frantic than either the player or who wrote a couple days ago on here or the TNT this morning gave us credit for.  Many claimed that the Loggers used to win by trickery and gadgetry with a crazy defensive scheme creating 30 TO's a game and the team not actually being the good a "traditional basketball."  I, unlike many Logger fans, feel that is at least partially true. 

While the teams of old certainly had prolific scorers, none of them had the depth in the starting five that this teams has.  The bench is thinner than any UPS fan is used to but has outperformed it's expectations and left us certainly sweating for tonight's game.  The old teams did not have the staying power that this team has.  Those teams may have been better from 1-9 in the rotation, but they all had uncharacteristic losses to bad teams when our inflated three point shooting failed or they had any sort of a presence inside. 

using the old "they play 10 times" analogy I think this team wins 7-10 on consistency over the Curtiss, Medved, Rogers, years. 

2 more hours!
A couple of UPS Stats from the big 3:

  • Antwan Williams this season not only breaks the career Assists record of 426 (which was actually 48 ahead of the next highest player) with 497 assists and counting, but is currently only 66 points from hitting the 1500 point mark.  For some reason UPS doesn't have the career leaderboard for steals but he is sitting at a rediculous 297 for his career
  • Robert Kraul is 15 away from 1300 points and 20 rebounds away from 550 for his career.  The truly impressive stat is the .586 FG % he has going right now. 
  • Jason Foster just passed the 1603 point mark for his career, making him 18 points shy of being 3rd in school history.  He is also 8 rebounds away from 600.  This puts him in the company of only Curt Peterson in UPS history at having both 1600 points and 600 rebounds in a career.  He is also only the second player in UPS history to earn NWC player of the year honors

already had midterms...

Quote from: LogShow on March 10, 2009, 11:56:58 PM

I am pumped to actually have video!  8)

I spoke with our athletic department multiple times about broadcasting video for all the homegames on the website that most of the teams in the conference use  I explained how easy it was and found volunteers to point the camera.  Chris Thompson informed me that "we don't have the technology in the fieldhouse."  I told him that they obviously do because 1) they broadcast the "radio" broadcasts on Ustream which only requires an internet connection and 2) They broadcast video for the Willamette game using the laptop that they were carrying around.  Our library said have cameras with all the cords they would need for use for FREE. 

It is so frusterating to see Whitworth, Willamette, and especially Whitman (they have a clock and scoreboard!) among others with professional looking broadcasts that people outside of the general area or someone that needs to be somewhere else but has an internet connection. 

We have the worst athletic department in the conference FAR AND AWAY.  Unless there are some big problems at other schools I don't know about. 

It's GREAT to see video, now let's see some recognition for 1,000 point scorers and record setters, some signs letting people know when games are, some positive interactions between our Athletic MisDirector Amy Hackett and the student body that supports the sports she doesn't care about. 

d3 is only small time when your leadership believes it is.  ...sorry about the rant...

that is great news!