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Messages - OdacSupporter

Congratulations to Guilford!!!!!  The South shall rise again...and hopefully bring another National Championship home to the ODAC.   Wouldn't that be sweeeeeeeeet...........No one gave the Marlins much of a chance against Washington U or Wittenburg in 06" but the Marlins never gave up.  Play smart Guilford and remember that ANY team can be beaten on any given night.  I wish you the best of luck.  GO ODAC!!!!
 Congratulations  Guilford on a great win tonight!!!! May you be as successful tomorrow and next week and the week after...... Congratulations also to the Marlins on a great effort.  I think inexperience was the key factor in the loss but the Marlins were in the game up until the last minute and the game could have gone either way.   Both teams deserve  our praise.  Go Guilford!!!!!
I am new to this board, although I have been reading it for years, I have never written before.  So here's my two cents.  From the time VWC started to make an impact in the ODAC there has always been resentment.  Unfortunate but true.  VCW teams have always been given the cold shoulder and Coach Macedo rarely given the credit due him for what he has accomplished. Even winning a National Championship with a team no one thought could possibly win did not improve VWC's stature.  Sure, he has had to recruit locally because VWC does not have the endowments that some of the other ODAC schools do.  Yes, His players are mostly from poorer neighborhoods where not all the social graces have been taught.  The players come with baggage and problems , but they can do one thing.  Play basketabll.  Macedo gives them the chance to get a college degree and a better life.  I for one, think he has done a remarkable job.  The ODAC is a better conference for having VWC and Coach Macedo.  VWC will never fit the mold of HSC  or RMC.  Two fine schools with reputations to match.  VWC has threatend their storied  reputations of being the best basketball schools and a lot of people don't like that.  Yet all the ODAC schools have become better.  All of them..Look at Guiford's last 3-4 years and Washington and Lee's play in the ODAC tournament this year.   Roanoke  had a great year and many more will follow.   When  Mike Rhodes and  David Macedo entered the league as young coaches, I think that's when the changes began.  That was 10 years ago for Mike and 9 for David.  The changes will continue and the best is yet to come . With many new coaches this year I look forward to an even greater future for the ODAC.  Whichever ODAC teams make the "dance" each year,  we should support them.  That's what being an ODAC fan is all about.  I wish both Guilford and VWC the best of luck this year.  Next year, it could be any team in the ODAC  playing for a national championship, and that is really exciting to think about.