Saw the guilford game last night. Congrats to the quakers! Transylvania had three guys that had NBA range. Guilford applied enough pressure to keep contain them. Guilford was able to pound the ball inside to sanborn and neville, especially in the second half. Transylvania had a decent crowd, which were able to light up the gym when Trans converted from deep.
The call at the end of regulation definately was a foul, after listening to the discussion from NCAA officials and the coaches, the right call was made. Rhett Bonner came up big in overtime, silencing the Trans crowd with an immediate drive and three point play after Guilford won the tip.
Big game tonight against Averett. Last night Averett was able overcome a great Centre crowd. The keys to the game will definately be containing Rumley and Brown, who carried the torch for Averett.
The call at the end of regulation definately was a foul, after listening to the discussion from NCAA officials and the coaches, the right call was made. Rhett Bonner came up big in overtime, silencing the Trans crowd with an immediate drive and three point play after Guilford won the tip.
Big game tonight against Averett. Last night Averett was able overcome a great Centre crowd. The keys to the game will definately be containing Rumley and Brown, who carried the torch for Averett.