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Messages - Ghost of Brig

 :) BAM! SNAP! you got me man... you so got me.

Thanks for the longies back in the day blue, you guys are awesome. Just keep it all in proper perspective. I was at the MHB game I regret not coming by and saying hi but I was going low profile and didn't get there till kind of late. Good Luck this weekend.
Oh my...
Well Linfield is back in the playoffs and you fans are going right back to the old ways.  Beating Linfield is no easy task and their period of Dominance is enviable.  But, the past is indeed the past. Speck may be 3-8 against you guys but he has been working with some hindrances that have never existed at Linfield.  We don't have your tradition and don't have your level of support and can't get the recruits you get to be admitted to our school. It kind of sucks sometimes and we are jealous of it, but we respect it and we overcome it. I for one have seen how much WU has changed behind the scenes, allowing us to be more competitive in the recruiting realm.  As many of you noted after last years game.  It is a what have you done for me lately world and as I see it right now both Willamette and Linfield are strong and thriving.  Coach Smith is 2-2 against Willamette and last year at this time you were calling for his head and his job.  Don't be scared of your little brother just cause he grew up and can now put a whoopin into you every now and again. Because he is still your brother,  In the end we benefit eachother and the conference when we are both strong. I played against you guys I know the history, but things change and tides turn.  It seems that WU has finally taken the next step as a program and will continue to piss you guys off even when you have bigger fish to fry. It cracks me up.  And I would rather have a couple rude fans than a d-line coach who tells our starting tackle that his d-ends are going to embarrass him right before the game. That isn't class. So just chill with the Bearcat Bashing cause none of us is without imperfection. Focus on Whitewater they are the enemy, I am a friend of Linfield and the NWC but don't slip back to the blind arrogance which once made me hate you so... please.
Oh you guys know you love Speckman. You had such nice things to say when it looked like he might leave, I was starting to think you were all very gracious, truly a kinder gentler Wildcat nation.  But he is staying now so back to ripping him eh? Anyway I don't see how a 3 point loss is getting it handed to you but it is a loss.  I would think you would all be happy, a strong Willamette= a strong Linfield= a strong NWC.  Willamette will be back in the playoffs next year, but for now good luck Wildcats. I respect the heck out of your team and your tradition you guys are class all the way. Do the NWC proud. Go Wildcats!!!!!

Linseed- 31
purple hawks- 24
Good luck to the Sailor capped kitties.   :) do the nwc proud. Might make it out to the "Dome" if the weather isn't too bad.
Dens, they lost to a playoff caliber team in oregon earlier this year...
Hey hey, evreybody just calm down.   8) Hey I wish i could be on here BSing with you all, settin ya straight.  Ya know keepin the Purple colored glasses with which you see the world in check. But I am retired so you guys have fun. Hope all of you are doing well and good luck to all NWC teams next year lets settle it on the field