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Messages - wonder_woman

There's an idea sean-o. There's not much harder I think than attending college, especially a UUA college!- and playing a varsity sport. We could a use a message board all its own to thank to each and every one of these kids.

Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Top 25 discussion
March 05, 2007, 07:15:43 AM
Yes David- The metaphor was being carried forward.

Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Top 25 discussion
March 04, 2007, 09:11:16 PM
Quote from: feces monkey on March 04, 2007, 08:47:27 PM
Quote from: BachDog on March 04, 2007, 07:11:50 PM
GMC fans will be forever remembered by myself and NYU as the most classless, bigoted, arrogant, toolsheds in the world. Harrassment is a crime and harrassment based on sexual orientation is a hate crime, and that's what a select group of GMC mothers and fathers participated in.


Assigning one label to a large/diverse group because of the actions of some, as you've done with GMC fans, is prejudicial. The next step in the evolution is bigotry.

Either step off your high horse or step in line.

Relax feces-
Bach clearly references a "select group" of GMC fans. I was sitting next to a group of their fans who were behaving appropriately. No one is accusing ALL their fans of being 'classless, bigoted, arrogant toolsheds'

The select group Bach refers to made some very hateful, harassing remarks to some people much beloved in the NYU family. The remarks were intended to offend, hurt and humiliate us. Forgive us for being hurt, offended and humiliated. And recognize our right to call a spade a spade.
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Top 25 discussion
March 04, 2007, 01:38:57 AM
I'm guessing it was you that was thrown out of the gym - correct?
Sorry to see you go Caitlin- you had a GREAT career!
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Top 25 discussion
March 04, 2007, 01:26:34 AM
I'm with you THX. NYU-Gwynnedd was a hard fought game both ways. The reffing was weak, but no worse than usual. The immature behavior of the Gwynnedd PARENTS was embarrasing to watch. Disgusting actually.

Blaming the loss on the refs is the easy way out too. Bad refs are part of the game, deal with it. Missed foul shots, dumb fouls, and players arguing with their own teammates were responsible for the loss. It's always easy to blame the refs. Add to the list the coach shoving one of his players during a timeout,

TC - I guess you missed the same ref high-fiving one of GMC's players when NYU was shooting.

Been doing this for 15 years and it was the first time I've seen visiting parents asked by security to leave the building.
Multi-Regional Topics / Re: Top 25 discussion
February 28, 2007, 03:44:19 PM
Well said ROAR

Poll rankings are OPINIONS and opinions are like a**h*les, everyone's got one!

AND - as we see every year...anyone can lose a game they shouldn't and anyone can win a game they shouldn't. That's why we play the game instead of just calling in the score.
Don't worry Bach...if your sister has even half the game she had last weekend, NYU should cruise through the early rounds. She was phenomenal!

BUT- Every game is going to be tough. No bad teams in this tourney. Any one can win.

Don't worry about OPINION polls either, they are meaningless.

Not sure what planet Newton is from - no Wojo team was good
I also see a lot of PARITY in the UAA, right down to the fact that it seems on any night, any team can beat any other team by 20.

Teams down this year from the last few include Rochester, Washington and Brandeis

Teams up this year include Chicago, NYU, Emory and Carnegie

Holding steady is Case