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Messages - fotoguy

The Field is WIDE open.  Bring back the hardware WNEC.  Best of luck.
Whats up with these college coaches leaving their starters in one too many batters.  Husson coach must have been blind not to see his starter pitch very well for 6 innings but the kid was leaving one hanging curve ball after another and, gee what a surprise, the wheaton kid smacks a grannie that wins the game.....THEN he pulls the kid.  always one batter too late.  happens all the time with these college coaches...if you dont trust your bullpen, replace them with cheerleaders or position players.  husson home now becuase of bad coaching.
did the guys at MIT rig the NCAA computer?  if anyone can.....
Seems to me that the NEWMAC is given more credit then they are due.  They had 3 good teams but most conferences do also.  For example, St. Joes got hosed with the 6 seed, incredibly...behind MIT.  Thats simply stupid....the GNAC who had 3 good teams, (st joes split with suffolk and jwu, jwu won 3 of 4 vs suffolk and suffolk make the conference finals) compare them with the NEWMAC.  MIT even ahead of Babson was silly, let alone Amherst.  
I'm not saying Suffolk or JWU should have been considered for at at-large bid, they shouldn't but neither should MIT.
kudos to the guys doing the webcast.  i'm not getting any work done here at work but thats ok.  great job. 
You best check out Mitchell a little deeper.  They are the #1 hitting team in d3 and have an outstanding pitcher/hitter in Apostolino (sorry if i butchered that name)  Cortland is average at best this year.  1st round upset here.
in that case, they should move the finals to not conflict with baseball.  where the heck are their priorities??? ;D
why dont all the other conferences do what the LEC does? its so darn exciting and rolls into next week.  they should all get on the same page.  this is great stuff.  you guys are playing ball while everyone else is playing golf. 

LEC has it right.
St joes just out depths everyone.  good luck in the regionals.
and as the JWU luck would have it, their freshman phenom, Aldo Morales who moved from Miami campus to RI to play ball and would have been pitcher of the year in the GNAC, (IMHO), breaks his ankle in 3 places backing up a throw and is done for the year.  a horrendous injury to a kid who wants to be a chef and a pitcher.  hopefully he makes a full recovery and is back next year. 
why was the rule changed so quickly in college yet the high schools get one more year of the old bats? doesnt that bother anyone?  either change them all at the same time or dont do it! ??? ???
my guess is the top hitting average in the NCAA this year will be around 375.  Anyone hitting over 400 in college this year will be a 1st round draft pick.

and how about the use of rolled bats? how many "good" teams are ordering pre rolled ones now? ???
anyone hit with the "new" bats yet? i heard you might as well approach the batters box with a toothpick. 
How is Keneborous not playing D1?  Kid's a stud.
only a few days till practices start.  any reading on the GNAC this season?  lets get this going.