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Messages - gobrits

Region 7 men's basketball / Re: Great Lakes Region
January 15, 2019, 05:52:18 PM
Wednesday, January 19

Kalamazoo at Calvin4
Trine at Albion3
Adrian at Olivet2
Hope at Alma1
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 14, 2019, 06:59:31 PM
Wednesday, January 16

Adrian at Olivet 4
Kalamazoo at Calvin 3
Trine at Albion 2
Hope at Alma 1
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 11, 2019, 05:32:39 PM
Sat., Jan. 12

[4] Albion[/b] over Kalamazoo

[3] Hope over AdrIan

Olivet over Alma

Calvin at Trine

Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 11, 2019, 05:06:09 PM
Weds. Sat. 1/12

Kalamazoo at Albionl 4/4]

Adrian at Hope 3[3/b]

Alma at Olivet [2/b]

Calvin at Trine[1/b]
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 09, 2019, 06:23:38 PM
Weds., Jan.9

4 Albion at Alma

3 Trine at Adrian

2 Olivet at Kalamazoo

1 Hope at Calvin
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 05, 2019, 02:58:04 PM
Saturday, Jan. 5

4 – Albion at Adrian
3 –Kalamazoo at Hope
2 – Alma at Calvin
1 – Trine over Olivet
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
February 18, 2017, 11:26:29 AM
Saturday, Feb. 18

Trine @ Albion4
Calvin @ Hope3
Adrian @ Kalamazoo2
Olivet @ Alma — 1
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
February 15, 2017, 04:24:56 PM
Wednesday, Feb. 15

Albion at Alma — 4
Hope over Kalamazoo — 3
Olivet at Trine — 2
Calvin at Adrian — 1
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
February 11, 2017, 11:18:58 AM
Saturday, Feb.11

Albion at Olivet — 4
Hope at Adrian — 3
Alma at Trine — 2
Kalamazoo at Calvin — 1

Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
February 08, 2017, 09:42:46 AM
Wednesday, Feb.8

Albion at Adrian — 4
Hope over Trine — 3
Calvin over Alma — 2
Kalamazoo over Olivet — 1
Officials don't always get it right, either. I remember a game at Calvin a few years ago where Albion coach Jody May got T'd up for yelling instructions to his point guard, who was dribbling up the middle of the court several feet away. The official who called it, Randy Hutton, apparently thought Jody was yelling at him.
Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
February 03, 2017, 10:19:43 AM
Saturday, Feb. 4

Kalamazoo at Albion4
Hope at Alma — 3
Calvin at Olivet — 2
Adrian at Trine — 1

Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
February 01, 2017, 10:34:47 AM
Wednesday, Feb. 1

Calvin at  Albion4
Hope at Olivet — 3
Adrian at Alma2
Kalamazoo at Trine — 1
Harrison Blackledge played an outstanding offensive game against Albion Saturday night. He's a great shooter.

My complaint is with his interior defense. I sat near the floor, and I could see Blackledge make extensive use of "swim-stroking," where a defender hooks his arm between an offensive player's arm and the player's body, preventing movement. This is a foul, whether the ball is involved or not. In football it's called holding.

I've seen interior defensive players use this maneuver often this season, even though the NCAA announced before the season that it wanted better flow in its games and planned to emphasize allowing freedom of movement on the floor. How come it's not being called?

Pick-ems, fantasy leagues, etc. / Re: MIAA pick 'em
January 28, 2017, 10:57:47 AM
Saturday, Jan.28

Albion at Hope — 4
Olivet at Adrian3
Trine at  Calvin2
Alma at Kalamazoo1