The Denison Baseball situation is an unfortunate one in that this fall will see a 3rd Coach in 4 years for the incoming seniors. Denison is a superb academic institution with extraordinary integrity. Unfortunatley the administration chose the least qualified applicant (after they could not come to terms with 2 other extraordinarily well qualified candidates) and "they paid the price". Live & learn as they say. No need to go into Coach Dedman's inadequacies but if he is wise, he would genuinely ask the administration for ALL of the feedback and try to learn from his shortcomings (and there are many). Treating kids/players as objects and having NO relationship with ANY of the 37 players tells virtually the entire story. Parents had very very little to do with his firing. Please give the administration some credit. It takes a village to get a Coach fired and there was not 1 player, NOT 1, that would have gone to bat for him. He dug his own grave, wouldn't listen to ANYONE, including his own peers @ the University, was not well liked by many of the opposing Coaches, made an ass of himself far too many times with umpires, and there was nothing, nothing anyone could ever tell him. A real "know-it-all"! Finally, to suggest that parents of current players will have any involvement in the selection process is absurd, an insult to the administration and to the University. The school knows it made a mistake, and it will fix the problem. Ask yourself, have you ever made a bad hire? It happens all the time and smart businessmen admit their mistake, handle it, take responsibility and move on. Like every other unfortunate situation, this too will pass and come next fall with new, fresh leadership, everyone will long forget Coach Dedman. Let's worry about the MLB pennant races for our favorite teams and move on D3 baseball fans!