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Messages - wwallacecc

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 26, 2006, 11:20:51 PM
just got a call from the schep-dawg in which he told me he had his "dancin shoes" on!  like i didn't know already...i've been sitting on d3hoops all day!  we're proud as hell of our guys and hope for the best from both of our conference reps...let's turn some heads in the process damnit.

on to saturday....yeesh, what a game...AGAIN!  don't get me wrong, i hate losing to anyone, especially LU, but no regrets!  the atmosphere all weekend was awesome and i've gained a mutual respect for and from some of LU fan (aspenson and grandma pat) in the process.  don't worry g'ma pat, we have a designated driver  ;)

the kilts go back to last year when we beat LU at home to finish the regular season.  basically the just of the morning was a keg and a braveheart dvd.  also significant...carroll was founded by scottish presbyterians.  our kilts last year were make-shift and marginal at best...but this year a dear mother of our football team Mrs. Harland made up a couple dozen of these things for us to wear with pride!  speaking of wearing them with pride, i'll be wearing mine all day tomorrow at school.  chicks dig them....


Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 14, 2006, 12:40:50 AM
we'll make sure to get those photos to you guys...and there is no doubt that it WILL be a newsworthy game!

did anybody know that braier and mcgillis, being from the milwaukee area, showed up for a carroll open gym this summer???  how great is that...takes some major balls, but it says something about them off the court...big props for that!

we'll see you guys in waukesha for the MWC heavyweight championship!
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 13, 2006, 12:27:39 AM's all the same to me!  they both seem to be much tastier contents for a skull than brains...and subsequently being called a meat head loses its sting after about a thousand times. 

most of our fan base actually is the football team.  we've got a good thing goin at carroll and we love gettin out there and supporting our guys.  nelson i like your style...on banya's behalf i have to say that on some nights carroll can be the toughest team to play at home and some nights not.  i have actually been disappointed overall with the student turnouts this year.  i can tell you that wednesday night will be above and beyond expectation, but also that we have had to clean up our act alittle bit as bring the kids! 

oh...big props to bo johnson on that sweet dunk yesterday!  how does that oaf muff a dunk at his height!!!  between that and him falling on his on the new ripon R, he's a walking blooper reel.  also, big props to ripons rowdy student section who showed up with 48 seconds left in the're a joke!  and did anyone know that ripon's announcer has a son at carroll???  i don't know him but as soon as i do, i'm sneaking his freshman ass into the bars and going a few rounds with jose!

see you all in town wednesday for the game of the year!

just livin' the dream...
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
February 09, 2006, 06:43:18 PM
as a carroll fan, i would love to play grinnell in the first round of the tournament for a few specific reasons:

- "the system" is hoops101 for pussies, it is not the tough, physical style that REAL teams (ie carroll) play.  i have no respect for "the system", no fear of "the system", and if i say "the system" one more time i'm gonna puke!  "puke, that's a funny word...jerry...can i use that?"

- whether the tournament is held at carroll or the "big gay al" i would love to see my guys kill them once again!  i wasn't able to make it to grinnell because of work, but i will be at the conference tourney if it kills me

- and finally, knox or beloit would probably be gimme games for carroll in the first round, but i can respect beloit and the job Hinz has done for beloit in his career, and on a good night beloit CAN play with anyone

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
January 15, 2006, 11:08:57 PM
its been too long...i've been out of town and very busy, sorry for the lack of posts this new and wonderful year.

anyone else excited about wednesday???  i can remember being five years old on christmas eve and the excitement level being no where near what it is for this weeks carroll/lawrence faceoff at "the big gay al"!  i have no intentions of talking trash about the'll be a dog fight from start to finish and hopefully it'll help our boys get some more well deserved recognition from d3hoops.  do you think appleton police have ever detained anyone wearing a kilt and face-paint?  i guess we'll see...but i'm ready to win that $50!

my next point...could the goons at d3hoops spend alittle more time on their knees for the CCIW!  Wesleyan has a great program and a storied tradition, they have earned quite a bit of respect.  but elmhurst (who finally dropped out of the rankings) is garbage!  unless they have completely revamped the team from last year, they should be no where near the top 25.  we beat them at their tourney last year by 30+.  Also, #10 Augy almost drops one to a lackluster Carthage squad!  the mwc gets no respect and im downright pissed off about it!!!  the force for change is in this room.   REVOLUTION!

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 30, 2005, 05:46:59 PM
yo room!  now that i've got your attention....
just sitting at kbanya30's drinkin the champagne of beers gettin ready for the bucks/knicks game tonite, also to be attended by one mr falco, who's looking forward to a long weekend after multiple tps reports were due circa the end of the fiscal year. 
wanted to update you on the games from daytona.  the carroll men won both of their games convincingly by 22 and 33 respectively vs. mcdaniel and nichols.  the women also won both of their games one by almost 50 and the other by 1.  so congrats to both of our hoops teams on a great trip.  both teams move to 8-1 overall on the season.  hopefully the d3hoops top 25 will give us a couple looks again....but we'll have to wait and see.

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 28, 2005, 04:17:21 PM
good day all, 
good to see banya gettin in on the action!  the king of wing is finally getting his d3hoops sea-legs.  our fellas and ladies our on their way to daytona as i post and we wish them luck and success in the coming days.  i am posting today from emory university hospital in atlanta georgia where i have been for a few days.  a family health emergency saw me speeding through freezing rain through the night on christmas to be by the side of my sick relative.  the relevence to d3hoops and this board especially is my two posting buddies falco and banya.  most of you know us for our obnoxious courtside manner but their is much more to the equation.  the guys beside me at those games are the same guys calling and offering support and keeping my family in their prayers (though falco is a raging liberal and i'm not sure who he prays to, could be krishna or ra for all i know)  but i'm glad to have people like that surrounding me during the highs and the lows.  go carroll!

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 17, 2005, 07:44:49 PM

WCCX is all about playing "alternative music that doesn't get played in main stream radio".... at least that is what they told me and a  couple football team buddies that would rather play ac/dc, queen, aerosmith, kiss, and the like...instead of franz ferdinand or some garage band from gary, indiana.  so, i can imagine that a weekend of the man in black will not be on the docket any time soon, but i will put them in a ring of fire for being a bunch of counter-culture queers.

wallace........gotta go to hte game
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 17, 2005, 04:14:06 AM

carroll's radio station is dead to me, they cancelled their highest rated show EVER, the weekend soundtrack, because we had too much questionable content, of the main characters in the milwaukee public museum contraversy is a 2nd cousin of mine, though i could give a flying you know waht cuz i don't know him.

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 17, 2005, 04:09:42 AM
falco, you're dead to me....not really you're still my brother.  but just to let you and kbanya30, a poster soon to debut have been "preparing" all night for the game tomorrow, including drunk dialing his dad and telling him we had been taken into custody for stealing cars and setting houses on fire!  i cannot belive your michael bolton ass willl not be there but i'm pretty sure you have a good excuse. 

as for this being carrroll's super bowl, shut up you little beehotch.   you don't know a  damn thing about this team or what  we are capable of!  i've got banya inline to do some  posting during halftime, because his dorm room (yeah, he lives in the god-forsaken dorms) is close to the field house.   we'll be in touch then...

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 16, 2005, 04:18:10 PM
good to see you finally getting in on the action falco!  for those of you who do not know, falco is a distinguished colleague of mine and a pretty good buddy as well.  hopefully he can get some of the scores posted for you guys while i recover.  in his prime, falco could flush the hooch with the best of them, but upon graduation he has entered the real world where he sits in a cubicle sluffing off TPS reports and peruses  

tomorrow's matchup against UW-zero will be interesting.  what can i say...they have talent, but haven't been playing as a complete unit like carroll has, that's where i believe we've got the edge.  on to gibby, his 7 foot plus frame always causes matchup difficulty, but if we can get him into foul trouble and get on him a bit he'll be a non-factor.  he's a friend of mine and a hell of a guy to party with, but tomorrow is business.  carroll wins by 6.

Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 13, 2005, 07:52:03 PM

You've got yourself a deal!
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 13, 2005, 10:32:02 AM
clever comment...i got a welcomed chuckle out of it in the midst of finals.  i just shot two research papers (10 and 8 pages) out of my ass over the last 24 hours, while taking short study breaks to prepare for the essay final i had last night and the final i had this morning at 8am...i'm spent.  in response to your comment i believe that i may be the only carroll fan on the board and after the games i'm usually alittle...occupied.   and as for the occasional sleep over at the cop shop, nobody's counting.  make sure to let the fine men and women of the outagamie county police force know that i'm on my way and just dying to take a gander at their facilities :D!  but i will try to get on the posts sooner and tell you what i remember of the game.

ps.  titan, if i make a post from jail, you owe me $50, you'd be suprised at the little ammenities they allow you when you are a regular ;D
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 09, 2005, 03:04:34 PM
you're right old school, our guys didn't play very consistently last night, got into some foul trouble, and didn't find a workable rhythm against concordia.  and you are also right, concordia is not very good.  but the guys found a way to win, and didn't get down when they weren't playing well.  for anyone that missed it, tosh won it in dramatic fashion.  johnson dribbled it down the sideline with 4.7 seconds left to go looking to hit drury in the corner, tosh's defender went to help out and james lobbed it up to tosh who hit the shot at the buzzer.  that makes two buzzer beating shots THIS WEEK at van male fieldhouse!  and you bet your ass i was at both of those games with bells and whistles on.  the girls game on monday ended with a sophmore phenom going coast to coast and hitting a jumper as time expired.  i like to think i had something to do with that one because i am on the team of "gym rats" that practices against the girls. point is that its one hell of a time to be a pioneer!  and not a damn hippie pioneer from the field of dreams back country.
Region 9 men's basketball / Re: MBB: Midwest Conference
December 06, 2005, 05:12:02 PM
wow...i'm not sure who you are LU 05, but you sure are clueless.  we do have our share of transfers on the team, but not a single one that was "deemed academically inelligble" by other institutions.  our student athletes work hard on the court and in the class room.  they have mandatory study sessions in the library in season and out of season because academics comes first!  so next time you shoot your mouth off about the integrity of the program or its some research.