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Messages - Danny Boy

General football / Re: 124th Monon Bell Classic
November 09, 2017, 01:23:50 PM
Quote from: wally_wabash on November 09, 2017, 12:14:17 PM
I think Wabash fans could cool it on the cost of tickets after the Monon Village/super duper premium re-entry ticket cash grab that went on in C'ville last year.  What a cluster. 

What was this? I don't recall any changes last year in Crawfordstuky but the Danny elite mostly stayed in the "Arts Center" lot prior to kickoff. Never heard about the Village People or re-entry...

I have to agree that the schools seem to be monetizing the event, but I'll give it a chance and see whether it's worth admission. Are all the Wallies hanging at their local BW3 or did anyone actually apply for admission to Monon Mecca?
General football / Re: 121st Monon Bell Classic
November 12, 2014, 06:42:18 PM
Quote from: Caveman # 95 on November 12, 2014, 05:54:12 PM
Awww, Dannie Boy still upset and frustrated... :'(

Think I'm frustrated? Try talking to your dad. Mommy may be happy since she still gets to dress you, but all that poor man wanted was a return on his $8k investment and maybe a grandkid.

Sweet post though. Nice to see some progress from toadie-esque cheerleading. Got a score prediction for Saturday? (Hint: "Yeah, gonna score with Stephen!" is not the answer)
General football / Re: 121st Monon Bell Classic
November 12, 2014, 05:22:20 PM
Quote from: Wabash Hokie on November 12, 2014, 02:46:33 PM
The chapter that raises the least amount of money will do the ice bucket challenge.

Yes, but somewhat misleading.  All capable of donating should do so.  However, if DePauw wins the challenge the Wallies plan to use Wesson oil -- not ice water.  For shame!

From The DePauw:
Jimmy Kimmel knew his audience while visiting DePauw University, opening with, "I was invited to come to Wabash tonight, but I said I'd sooner die than go to that pack of deadbeats."

Should be busy tomorrow sharpening everything within reach and painting my neighborhood stop signs gold.  Looking forward to gathering some insider info on Friday when we visit the Wally moms at Touch of Class.  God speed to all Dannies traveling Friday and Saturday.  See you at the tailgate, and don't be shy about bringing an extra bag of ice (the Manhattans really deplete our reserves).  I encourage Wally nation to drive fast and take chances.  Happy Monon to all, and to all a good fight.
General football / Re: 121st Monon Bell Classic
November 11, 2014, 02:32:21 PM
Quote from: Pat Coleman on November 11, 2014, 01:46:15 PM
Well, almost. He took Game 120 off.

Wow, Pat's right.  Would have wagered I was on here last year but apparently not.  Oh well, many years ahead to compensate for that omission.  Or I could just hop in my DeLorean  ... "Hey Gash, eat a bowl of d**cks!  38-21?  Can I borrow your Gash degree?  Garbage now fuels the flux capacitor and I gotta get back to 2014 and celebrate.  Put your money on the Broncos, guzzlers!"
General football / Re: 121st Monon Bell Classic
November 10, 2014, 02:48:54 PM
Quote from: Caveman # 95 on November 07, 2014, 02:46:20 PM
Go ahead, hit me with another homophobic slur...I've heard them all!!

No doubt you have, Tinkerbell.

Quote from: wally_wabash on November 07, 2014, 02:16:04 PM
As reported by The Bachelor

A rather self-serving source, wouldn't you agree?  I suppose "self-service" is the norm for many Wallys whom fear acting on their urges would make Liberace blush.

Happy Monon Week (to two of you)!!!  Jeez, it smells like sex in here.  Bear, I hope your o-ring is holding up after 2 months with these starved deviants.  Did Coach Nick steal signals?  Doubt it.  Do I really give a ****?  Nope.  As Wally indicated, even if this contemptful allegation is true, Gash failed to adjust.  I believe even Wallies are familiar with Einstein's definition of insanity.

Full disclosure: it's been a tough start to the decade for Depauw fans.  I never thought I'd see 5 consecutive Bells lost to Gash in my lifetime.  Perhaps it's simple karma collecting on the 4 Bells I thoroughly enjoyed (during DPU's last streak of 5).  Thouroughly.  Enjoyed.  Perhaps it's payback for activating so many Wally dental plans.  Either way, I earned my "I Survived Robby Long" t-shirt and my Lynch Mob shrine is almost complete.  That lump you feel down below is not a penis and no, it's not in your anus.  That lump is simply nerves.  We all see the storm swirling on the horizon.  The brutal, unforgiving ****storm that is a team of angry Tigers is coming to a tiny stadium near you -- just not sure if it hits this year or next.  Apparently our recruiting is much improved, and with our facilities not even Michael Sam would choose Wally World.  But nobody want's to hear about the future; we're all more interested in the now.

For now I'll say 20-28 in favor of Wabash.  That's what my gut says.  My heart says 55-14 DPU but the Tiger's air attack is too thin for such a score to be realistic.  I can stomach a loss (we've all had to deal with that) but the tought of consecutive Bell #6 to Gash makes me nauseous.  History has taught me to stay optimistic; we all remember 2001:  the ghost of Harvey Milk sprang from Knott's limp wrist and carried the ball 52 yards through the air for a Wally TD as time expired.  That miracle prevented Depauw from claiming its straight 6.  We have all witnessed strange phenomena in this clash and it's nice to know Tiger fans don't have to "hope" as much as we have recently.  Our program is almost tuned for payback.

It was great meeting some of the Gashies back in 2012.  That encounter inspired me to open two new corporations and sales for voodoo dolls and urinal cakes continue to rise.  Should your beverages require any antifreeze, please stop by our tailgate.  Bear and I can explain reproductive science and even help with your Container Store applications. Ding motherf***in dong.

General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
November 07, 2012, 03:03:28 PM
Quote from: BashBacker#16 on November 07, 2012, 01:55:42 PM

It amazes me that you and the other 2 DPU fans (total) continue to throw stuff around when the last 2 Bell games have been a whopping Wabash 92, Dannies 7.  Seriously.  92-7 bro, that's not a joke, Wabash has scored 92 points, and the Mighty Tiggers have scored 7 points. 


DPU attendance speculations for Saturday by quarter:

At kick:  732
After Q1:  658
At half:  345
After Q3:  107
At the buzzer:  16

WAF ding ding.

You finally show up and this is your input?  Have your mother read you the previous 9 pages on this board and you'll hear that the last 2 years has already been referenced.  Repeatedly.  Glad you like to hang your tampon on 2010 and 2011.  We fondly remember our tour of duty from 1997, 1998, 1999, and 2000.  Those are the years we most enjoy referencing. 
General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
November 05, 2012, 12:50:31 PM
Quote from: wabndy on November 02, 2012, 05:48:57 PM
To have a even a snowball's chance - they are going to have to give up one or fewer turnovers in the first half and allow 0 points off turnovers.  THEN they are going to to have to figure out a way to keep Belton & co. off the field in the second half and get some quality relief from the second string.  Then we might, just might, have a ball game.

I agree that the Wally offense needs to stay on the sideline if we want to avoid witnessing another 40+ massacre.  Problem is, DPU can't burn the clock by running the ball.  IMO, that's the 2nd aspect DPU needs to address for the future (the 1st being special teams -- having PATs blocked is unacceptable).  The ground attack has been abysmal and the days of Dick to Koors are behind us.  Air attacks won't work when you encounter another Snow Bowl and it's disappointing that the Tigers have become so one-dimensional.  I won't dread turnovers so long as the Tigers can force a few of their own.  Burn the clock, boys.  Slow and steady might actually win this race if the FGs don't get blocked  >:(

Irish, you'd look damn good coaching the Black and Gold.  So good, the Wallies would be tossing you their panties and room keys.

Oh, and Happy Monon to all, and to all a good fight.
General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
November 02, 2012, 04:58:31 PM
First and foremost, nobody on this board should be taking shots at Ken Owen.  I don't give two squirts of piss what he did or did not say, nor whether he was misquoted.  That guy has done more to preserve and advance the Bell tradition than anyone else on this board.  Ever.  To think he's capable of anything less is pure ignorance.  Sorry Ken, I know you are well-equipped to fight your own battles.

What exactly is the "news" here?  That DPU has only hit 1/3 capacity?  And we've used 3 pages talking about that?!  We all know why attendance has dipped -- DPU's program is suffering.  And we all know why it's suffering -- poor coaching/recruiting.  Bash does a great job of luring players and I credit Raeburn for that.  Hell, if I had an IQ of 75 and a taste for steroids I'd probably play for Wabash, too.  It's not hard to convince a meatbot to waste time at the C-Ville VoTech.  Walker's exit gets brought up on this board every season so it's nothing new, but I agree with Bear.  We need a great recruiter that embraces the tradition and wants to be the long-term solution.  I'm really looking forward to that guy's arrival.  If anything, maybe DPU's poor attendance will sound an alarm for the "powers that be."
General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
October 28, 2012, 08:40:55 PM
Quote from: BashDad on October 28, 2012, 11:48:14 AM
Also, I recognize that you're kind of damned-if-do/damned-if-you-don't, but Depauw fans, hello, I'd just as soon not read anything on here than have to read all of these disparaging posts about a team from that team's own fan-base. Ugh. It's depressing.

That's why this season's thread is only 4 pages.  At least we know when to call a spade a spade.  I look forward to your contributions when the table turns.
General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
October 28, 2012, 09:59:09 AM
Yay.  DePauw beat Wooster.  Yay. /sarcasm.  That Kenyon game still bothers me.  Our special teams really look like "special" teams.

The Wallies really should be rooting for DePauw this year for the simple reason that the surprise of winning the Bell will give many DPU supporters a fatal case of shock.

Irish, have you been contacted about the coaching vacancy yet?  ;)
General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
October 15, 2012, 04:12:07 PM
Quote from: Wabash Hokie on October 15, 2012, 02:46:31 PM
if Depauw can hire a coach that can type, file, take shorthand, make coffee, and perform his administrative duties as called for by the chick with the big stick (oh, and coach a little on the side), then we will have a game.

So you're suggesting we hire a Wabash alum? 
General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
October 11, 2012, 12:44:08 AM
General football / Re: 119th Monon Bell Classic
October 10, 2012, 04:08:28 PM
Hello all, good to see the usual suspects once again visiting the venom pool. 

Attendance wise, I agree with Bear and Hokie.  Student attendance should be the same due to the unfortunate fact that this is the only away game most DPU students ever see.  Every ticket should be sold, but I can see wives and the more-weary alums bailing at the last minute (especially if weather is bad).  Wabash fans are better travelers, but if I made the unfortunate decision to attend Wally World I'd also look for any reason to flee the campus. 

For me WW is like Long John Silver's -- vile, but need to get my fix once every two years.  However, this is probably the least excited I've ever been to attend the game.  DPU has been absolutely rolled and smoked the last 2 years and it's hard to keep optimism alive for this season.  Don't get me wrong; I'll be there, whiskey in hand, taking a kick in the nuts once again.  After all, not every American is afforded the opportunity to make use of a 60 acre toilet.

Just wish our program would get back to being competitive.  SURELY these blowouts are becoming boring for the Cavemen.  I shall, of course, hope for a miracle but begrudgingly believe the Bell will stay at Wabash.  Enjoy it.  There is no way any Wally will ever experience anything on par to the joygasm I will have when we finally win back the Bell.  When DePauw finds a long-term solution at coach, renovates the facilities, and improves recruiting, this should be a match-up befitting of the rivalry. 
General football / Re: 118th Monon Bell Classic
November 14, 2011, 03:43:40 PM
Well, it didn't rain and DPU didn't lose 47-0.  That's about all the silver lining I can find.  Wabash won this game in this 1st qtr and there was no competition.  Well done, wallies.

There is a "list" of problems from Saturday's abortion, but two problems keep jogging through my head.  1) 92-7 is completely unacceptable.  Losing consecutive Bells is common (3 in a row now) but 92-7 over the past 2 games is a loud statistic.  Not only did DPU lose but they were absolutely destroyed.  Clearly outmatched.  Not even close.  Big problem.  2) Bear and I watched our players as they walked to Blackstock (yes, it's still sacred despite the crime that just occured) and those guys are small.  I have never seen a college football team with such undersized players.  So WTF has happened to recruiting?  Why are we asking golfers to play for the Tigers?  Even worse, these guys did not look ready to eat a still-beating heart.  They looked like they were walking to a final and just remembered they forgot to study.  I say that falls on the coach. 

Actually agree with bashdad for probably the first time ever.  A coaching change isn't ideal but DPU must stop the bleeding.  Get it over with b/c Long clearly can't handle this job. 
General football / Re: 118th Monon Bell Classic
November 10, 2011, 04:33:06 PM
Do wallies bring real martini glasses to their tailgates or do you guys just pour your cosmos into a plastic cup?  I'm guessing plastic since it saves the hassle of washing your lipstick off the rim.  Then again, maybe you enjoy dishwashing since it matches your vocational abilities.

Congrats on your season thus far, wallies.  I hope we ruin it.  I'd be lying if I didn't agree that Garbash Institute Online will likely win this game.  Yeah Dannies, we have a chance but it's about as slim as CJ Gum's employment prospects (unless he wants a role on Dog the Bounty Hunter).  The Little Debbies seem to have the superior team, though I'm not convinced the gap in talent is as wide as many like to believe.  My biggest concern is the coaching.  Raeburn has demonstrated the ability to win this game and Long still needs to deliver a Bell. 

Not excited to expect another loss, but it's nice that I won't be as disappointed (probably) as last year.  A) 47-0 or worse is unlikely, B) not expecting rain, and C) not wasting any time in Crawfordstucky.  IF we do win, this will be the happiest I've been about a game result since 2000.  Enjoy your squad, wallies.  And remeber, if you sh*t on the grass please pick it up with a plastic bag;  you're back on hallowed ground this year.