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Messages - AZDutchman


My hats off to the Wartburg Tailgate. They definitely were winners there. I drove by and seen the big orange flag and almost made a u turn to join in on the festivities.

I have to add the looks on the faces of the Central fans when Wartburg came back at the end....
Quote from: Klompen on November 04, 2012, 12:54:01 PM
Old Dutch, you are so right on the o-line play.  What do you think is the issue there this year?

One thing that I think is happening....The type of rotation. I know any player has to be ready to go at any time, but I got the inside information that they're feeling cold when getting back into the game. Hitting the switch on and off multiple times can be tricky.
I think if the game was closer, the level of play would have been much different. In their minds, I don't think the urgency was there. It wasn't until the game got close that the their play changed and it was almost too late.
Quote from: DutchFan2004 on November 03, 2012, 07:06:01 PM
Nice meeting AZ Dutchman after the game.  It is a shame these 4 years have gone by so fast and your son is a senior but you will always have the memories.

Quote from: Klompen on November 03, 2012, 11:41:27 PM
Nice to see AZD again and to meet a couple of your kids. And you got to see your son help keep the Central tradition alive.  Hope you have had a great visit and that those Dutch letters get home okay.

Quote from: Old Dutch on November 04, 2012, 08:56:16 AM
On activities outside the lines, very nice to visit with you AZD!  Hope your trip to Pella was enjoyable, I'm sure that win helped out!

It was awesome to meet all of you! I had the chance to meet others also. With talking with all of you, I heard such a great history that stands with Central. Old players, coaches and games. Hearing about when you and your sons had played at Central. It was very nice to meet your families also. I had such a great time at the game! and Yes the win did help.

Dutch Letters? I came home with a full box of bakeries. No chance of any of those missing...I had my own selection to eat from. Mrs. AZD had a huge smile.

My thanks to all. I couldn't have had a better time!  :) ;D 8-) :)
x  grill
x  propane cylinders
x  match lighter
x  grill utensils
x  knight head
x  black/orange Oreoes
x  orange Koozie cups
x  orange tub
x  orange plates and dinnerware
x  folding chairs
x  orange/black flag
x  brats, hotdogs & buns
x  beer
x  bail money

I came across this Warburg Tailgating Check List in an old post.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but they shouldn't have to worry about bail money in Pella.
The Pella police keep the keys for the jail outside the cell for the town drunk...don't they? 

"Warthog, you know there's no tailgating in Pella"
I posted previously about meeting anyone that would be at the Wartburg game.

There's a problem with my email on the D3 site. I tested it by sending myself an email and it didn't work properly. I did receive some emails and tried to respond, but it was undeliverable. Then I looked in my in box on the D3 site and they weren't there.  I also tried to send directly to the actual emails and that didn't work either.

Bottom line...It's too late to try to get my email/D3 account corrected before the game. I hope to run into some of you at the game. I don't know how things are set up before the games. I would have to assume that the Wartburg tailgates will be much larger than the Central ones.  :)
I would like to give a quick hello to those who are going to be at the Central Wartburg game. If you would, send me an email to let me know if you'll be at the game. Thanks. 
Quote from: doolittledog on October 18, 2012, 10:43:32 AM
Quote from: notlongago on October 18, 2012, 10:12:38 AM
or maybe my significant other and I have a mutual respect and an adult relationship where we dont need permission to do things we want to do.... :o

It's too early for me to read if you are putting us on or serious. 

footballdaddy started with 'trying to talk my wife into going also' which isn't asking permission.

I JOKED that he should say he is the boss...which for me, and I believe others (including you, if you have a relationship of mutual respect) would result in our wives being upset we would say we are the boss, when in fact we are in this together.

Most people I know enjoy spending time with their spouses, which would mean we would discuss what the options were for the weekend, and then make a decision from there.  Maybe we do something she came up with, maybe we do something I came up with, or maybe we end up doing something seperately (not likely).  Then you also factor your children and their schedules in as well.   

While my wife and I don't need to ask permission, we most certainly talk about what WE want to do this weekend, we actually enjoy being with each other.  Though, as it turns out, this weekend she is taking our son to her brothers place so he can play with his cousins while I will take our daughter to Waverly for the football game. 

One of the great things about D3 is we often become friends with the other fanbases and end up tailgating with each other.  Something you don't often see at the higher levels.

Fell off the grid for a while. I'm having a great stretch of work. In Arizona construction is still very slow and grabbing it while I can.

I will be at the Wartburg game on November 3rd. Even though tailgating is not at the level of Wartburg. I would still like to get together with any D3 fans that will be at the game.

For the record....I have been married for a long time. I don't consider my wife to be my significant other.  Call me corny, but we are one and appreciate any and all time together. The time that we are together you can call it getting permission, following orders or whatever you would like. If she says this is what's happening this week end and I need you to be here...I'm there. I still stand in front of her (like a little kid) after I get dressed and say, How do I look? If she says change your shirt. Guess what? I change my shirt.   

I do know that my beautiful wife did give me a great gift for our anniversary yesterday.... A trip to the Wartburg game and I'm going to enjoy it with fine folks like yourself. I can't wait and going to start getting ready to go!  :) ??? 8-) :)

Quote from: doolittledog on September 14, 2012, 08:19:33 AM
Video of Chris Norton at the Twins game this week.

And here is video from 1 year ago.

Chris is unbelievable!
I don't know if any would agree, but everyday each of us have to push ourselves in many ways throughout our days.
I would put myself at a very small percentage compared to how much that Chris has pushed himself. He is truly an inspiration!  :)
Quote from: Klompen on September 08, 2012, 10:13:43 PM
AZD, saw jr. out there today, granted he was sprawled out on the field at the time, but he was out there.   :)  The woman sitting next to me said, "My, that 71 is a big player isn't he.  Must be why he is pushing the defense aside close to the goal line.   :)

Junior is a big boy. He's working through some bumps and bruises. He, along with everyone else, is ready to do their part for the team. The coaches are moving the line around, doing their adjustments. When Junior is in there, he does have the ability to move some bodies out of the way.
I have a habit of watching close to the O line. I'm impressed with how hard the line is playing. I really don't like the announcers considering them inexperienced. The majority of them are seniors. A senior should be ready to go. I would consider freshman and sophomores more of an inexperienced player.
Personal note: Mrs. Az and I are now empty-nesters. We sent the last of 6 off to college. 3 of them being big and O line players. It is sooo nice not to have my food bill be higher than all my other bills combined.  ::) ??? :o
Congratulations to the Dutch!
I give you guys a lot of credit for coming back this week and playing strong!  ;D
Ready for week 2! I know Central may want to put game 1 behind them, but I don't think they should. I believe there is such a thing as a good loss. I also believe that the most powerful weapon that a player/team can have on the field is their mind. So, it all depends on how they take last weeks beating. I'm hoping that they'll never want to go through something like that again and remember the bitter taste of that loss.

I know many have mentioned that mid season for their teams will show a better outlook to the end of the season. I think Centrals game 2 is probably one of the most important games of the season. Another loss, especially a bad one, could possible put a majority of the players on the team in the mindset that this season could be a bad one. It would be a hard hurdle for the coaches to rally all the players on the team to get them all on the same page of winning.

Coach McMartin would probably say....."Lets just take this one game at a time".
So, I'll be rooting and hollering for a win in week 2!
Go Dutch!  8-)
Quote from: AZDutchman on September 01, 2012, 02:41:52 PM
Quote from: Klompen on September 01, 2012, 02:33:00 PM
Yikes, Oshkosh has the experience, Central doesn't.  Central goes 3 and out twice, Oshkosh marches to the end zone twice four times.  Too bad experience has to come the hard way.

Football Trivia....What goes faster, Oshkosh's scoring or the time clock?
Quote from: Klompen on September 01, 2012, 02:33:00 PM
Yikes, Oshkosh has the experience, Central doesn't.  Central goes 3 and out twice, Oshkosh marches to the end zone twice three times.  Too bad experience has to come the hard way.
mulligan.... :o ??? :-[ :-\ >:(
If I may offer a word of Prayer over this 2012 season....

Dear Lord,

Please lay your blanket of protection over this 2012 season. Keep the injuries few and minor. Watch over the health of all the players from the all teams. Show your Blessings in their sportsmanship, in their play and in their abilities to enjoy your gift of athletics out on the field. Please watch over everyone else during the games...The coaches, trainers, the students, refs and fans. Let them enjoy the game as You would want. If you would, please watch over the weather and keep everyone safe. Watch over everyone's travels to and from the games.
Most of all...we give you Thanks Lord for all that You have done!

I ask this in Jesus Name. Amen