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Messages - BOYA87

Quote from: DBQ1965 on August 19, 2012, 07:16:36 PM
Since MIAA discussions sometimes roam far-and-wide ... on the Puke Meter, the recently unvieled Notre Dame new football helmet models have scored an 11+!

As a ND fan I am pretty put off by it.  I understand that in a competitive recruiting market there is a lot stacked against ND.  Academic standards, location, tradition of uniforms and other things (when how an athlete looks on the field is so important).  But if all these things really do stack up against a team and how they recruit then how is OSU (and it pains me to say this) able to sustain it year in and year out?! 

Going to be dissapointed not to see the golden domes out on the field on saturdays. 
Quote from: TUAngola on August 15, 2012, 05:59:33 PM
Didn't Thunderhead have a job transfer that took him to Arizona? Or did that fall through?

Hey Boya, what is the word on Trine for this year?  Have enough talent to challenge for a MIAA championship or are we a middle of the pack team?  Any impact freshmen or transfers? I sure hope Hargraves has a good Sr year, as it looks like all the backups at QB are either freshmen or soph Yoder, who came into camp as a QB last year but was switched to DB.  I see on this year's roster Yoder is back at QB.

I have not been around camp as much as usual so not much to share from my standpoint.  I've seen some of the freshman come in and they do look to be pretty good size.  I am sure there are some injuries and suprises throughout camp but who doesnt have those.  I am just excited to see the end product that we put out on the field this year.
I think we all know where Thunderhead is.  Probably bugging on boards where his "boy" is playing at now.
70 degrees, overcast, no humidity for day 1 of camp...spoiled brats!

back in my day we ran our 40 yard dashes uphill both ways!
Football moving in today for Trine!  Won't see the field yet but still getting pretty excited to have football back on campus!
HEY ALL!!!  I'm back and ready for some football!  I can't wait for the team to report and to see what kind of athletes come in.  For once it seems like it has been a quiet off-season which makes me happy.  I can't stand all the talk about big name transfers that usually never pan out.  I want 11 guys on the field working their butts off to be the best not just being told they are the best!

I see Albion and Adrian getting some love for top 25 votes!  Congratulations, it should be another competitive season. 
Havent seen a Trine game summary yet so here it goes.

Absolutely beautiful day at Zollner Stadium and great turn out in the stands for senior day.  Campus was alive with visiting students and football recruits for the game and they had a great day to visit.

Trine looked to be pretty well in control the hole game although when it came time to put the dagger in them, they lacked the capacity to finish them off.  Kalamazoo being a much improved team showed a little life at the end of the game to maybe put a small shadow of doubt into Trines mind (could we really be letting this one slip away too?!)  but Trine's defense proved too strong and they played pretty well for the majority of the game.

Again not to poke at an old sensitive subject but the biggest weakness looked to be protection for the passing game.  Ryan showed a lot of improvement in this game under pressure.  He wasnt taking sacks and did a great job escaping pressure and picking up a couple yards at a time with his legs.  Again towards the end it looked like mental toughness slipped away a little as personal foul calls gave Kzoo the chance to make some plays and get back in the game.

I watched with some of the recruits and was pretty lucky to be able to sit and talk football with a bunch of high schoolers who love the game.  They were impressed with the team, facilities, and the gameday atmosphere!  I am obviously bias but I love being able to show our campus off to new people, ESPECIALLY new students!

Good win Thunder!  Next weekend is going to be a big game for our momentum going into next year!


but Trine fans will respect what these coaches have done for this team and this program.  it is the fair weather fans that are the ones calling for peoples heads after one loss or after one season. 

I am a Notre Dame fan and although I have disagreed with some of their coaching hires in the past I am also a reasonable football fan and realize that coaches need their time to develop their programs.  A lot of those coaches probably got axed before they had that full opportunity because of the pressures of the job.

All Im saying is I wish there were more reasonable football fans out there rather than emotional football fans (ones that purely make their decisions based on feeling and recent events)
If they have played at Trine for a couple of years than they have been a part of an ELITE TEAM IN THE NATION!  it has only been this year that they have been an average MIAA team.  If having a season like this is enough to make a kid question wanting to play for a program then I say "nice to know ya" and send them on their way!  We want kids that are going to come in and work.  Not kids who want to come in and just have rings given to them for standing on the sideline.

I busted my ass off for 4 years to have the chance to win one ring.  I dont have much sympathy for some of these kids who have 3 rings and now want to complain because somehow things arent magically going our way.  Nothing is given in this world, you have to earn it!  and even then sometimes its not enough.

Just a little sick and tired of hearing mumbles and grumbles about a coaching staff that raised a program from the dead!  I am sorry we arent undefeated and competing for a national championship this year, but if you walk up to any DIII president and say "hey we are going to bring this coach in, he will win 3 conference titles in a row, produce a Gagliardi Trophy Winner, but that 4th year hes going to lose a few games"  I cant imagine many will decline that offer let alone bend over backwards to get that coach as party of their program!

Keep working hard Coach Land and staff!
Quote from: TUAngola on October 26, 2011, 04:32:52 PM

Like I said in an earlier post I wish each unit had a leader to "punch them in the face" (not literally) if guys weren't "all in" together as a team.

I disagree, It is ok and even necessary for the leadership to quite literally PUNCH them in the face!  I can remember as a player having fights between the defense and offense several times during camp and then maybe even another time or two throughout the year!  that fire, passion, and competition is what makes football so great!  I think that kind of mutual desire to compete on the practice field and to not be beatin is something that builds a great amount of team respect and commrodery.  It made the team stronger as a unit.


I think its no secrect of who you are refering to and perhaps with your connections you may know of a certain player who is thinking about leaving.  My opinion on that is that if they dont want to be here then let them leave.  However your posts somewhat contradict themselves as far as the reasons people leave.  You have obviously shown displeasure with the coaching staff and the playing time for a certain player and you are now imply that said player may want to leave because of it.  This sounds like it is directly correlated to playing time.

I hope certain players dont leave, especially when they show a lot of promise, both talent and leadership wise.  But if it is a player that can't handle the wait or cant respect the path of earning a position rather than having a position given out of defult, then maybe they arent a player we want.  Because when things get tough in a game that is going to be the first kid to jump ship!

I had the rare opportunity to start for 4 years at Trine University but what a lot of people dont know about me is that my starting spot was replaced every single season by a more athletic, explosive player.  I look back on my career and smile big because I never once stopped working, learning, and growing.  I made it so that the coaches couldnt afford to not have me on the field.  I played every position on the entire offense (minus o-line, but including QB if you count revers passes).  I earned every practice rep and every saturday snap!  Theres an attitude and sense of entitlement with youth anymore and it has created a generation of quiters and whinners.

Thats just my opinion...toughin up, and start earning what you get!
I support the decision to shake up captains.  All too often teams select captains purely based on the talent they show on the field and I think we all know that is really the last piece of the puzzle as far as a captains position goes.  I heard rumors that this might happen and heard the same confirmation this week about the new captains.  Ryan Steiniker is a senior defensive linemen who came in as a scrawny 150 lbs (maybe) and has now put on a truely impressive build.  He has worked his but off on and off the field, in season and out of season, to make himself and this team better!  Yes he is not a start, but he is a senior who does all the right things.  If there were 11 Steinikers on the scout defense then this offense would be the most prepared offense every week.

Austin Thrana is also a great human being and works his tail off!  I believe he gets in on special teams in varsity games but I'm not 100% sure.  I also love what I see out of Casey Blackport on the sidelines and I think even as a freshman he has gained a ton of respect from that team.  I hope he gets an opportunity to show what he has on the field at somepoint in his career and I hope he knocks it out the park (sorry to mix sports).

I can only imagine that this Trine team's goals were to win conference and to get to the third round of the playoffs!  They have continued to push themselves and their expectations every year.  But it seems like the effort and desire and leadership from this senior class has never seemed to match those expectations.  These new captains are guys who have the right attitudes and do the right things that it is going to take to sustain a great football program!  There is some great young talent on this Trine team right now and I think this season is teaching them a lot!

But time will tell and we will see how this decision affect locker room chemistry and other aspects of the team.
UR, thanks for my daily laugh!

I think Trine should be on upset alert.  This Trine team continues to remind me of the make up of the 2009 championship team that was carried by their defense and the offense was able to do enough.  I hope to see the offense continue to show improvements in the running game like they did last week.
thunderhead, is it that we dont have an offense or that we dont have a quarterback?!  I just feel like that is a pitfall that is easy to fall into when you are more loyal to a player and not the team as a whole.  I just wonder what your opinion would be of this team should Blackport be the quarterback with equal results.

The Trine offensive production has come at a lack of consistent production from the run game, lack of protection from the offensive line, and also a lot of injuries to offensive specialty players, and yes but not least the lack of production of the quarterback.  A lot of it is fixable though but until they find some discipline on the o-line and a leader on that offense that looks at his teammates and says "I will get us this first down, I will make this play, I will get us to the next level" then I think they will continue to struggle!  (I know I used the word "I" a lot in that example of a leader, but this is a team used to having an Eric Watt type player whos talent could hide a lot of mistakes and flaws.  This team needs someone to step up and say that they can be the guy that the team looks to!)
Do most of the other MIAA schools have a broadcast for their games?!

I usually dont listen because I can go to most of the games but listening today made me really appreciate Aaron Coyal and the job that he does for Trine University athletics!  He does a great job with the broadcast
agreed!  sounds like Biller might hvae been having concussion like symptoms after a hard hit and Inge come up BIG in overtime!!!

Props to the coaches for knowing the personality of their team and holding back at the end of regulation to play for overtime