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Messages - Stop_Its_Hammer_Time

Not surprised at all that OxyBob did not have something to say towards the topic of conversation; just some smart aleck comment ATTEMPTING to belittle someone. "A "smart alec" or "smart aleck" is a person regarded as obnoxiously self-assertive and an impudent person."

-- WOW, someone else can copy and paste quotes from different websites, GENIUS!

Nihon Tiger -- That is disappointing to hear that those three memories stick out more than anything. That is one of the reasons why I am voicing my opinion and saying we need "change". And I am hopeful for getting supporters to say "YES WE CAN!"    That is for all you Oxy people   ;D

Good luck to all this weekend!
OxyBob, go back to posting quotes (that someone else wrote, NOT YOU) from newspapers and doing nothing but sitting and researching these articles that not very many people care about. Maybe there is so much "chatter" about Whittier Football because they do have a fan base and Alumni that actually care a lot about what is going on and maybe want some changes made. We care about Whittier as a whole. We have tons of pride for Whittier, and we want nothing but the best for Whittier and its players. JUST LIKE EVERYONE ELSE ON THIS BOARD OXYBOB! That is why we are voiceing our opinion.

Kingsmen4-- There are a lot of things I agree with you on, and that is why we (as parents and fans) are speaking up to show that we do not agree with the way Whittier football carries themselves. Like I said earlier, this results in recruting quality STUDENT athletes(and no firstdown, this is NOT a racist statement as you accuse others of earlier), the lack of respect that the players do NOT have for their coaches, and overall self discipline. The game should be played with class, desire and respect. I am not sure if this stems from the coaches not demanding this, or the recruiting (which also stems from the coaches). But overall, what I am saying is that there is NO reason why Whittier football should be in the shape it is in. Whittier has an outstanding campus, faculty, academic standing, facilities, and support staff to do the right things... We are upset because Whittier should be at least putting up a fight til the fourth quarter ends with class, pride, and desire to win the game (rather than having the second and third string CLU team come in in the late 3rd quarter)... And maybe even giving some of the SCIAC teams a battle for a win here and there.

I think it was Charlie Weis that said -- I would rather lose with the players that do the right things, rather than win with the players that do the wrong things... Not his EXACT words (because we know OxyBob will try to belittle someone for posting something that might have a few incorrect words) but it was somewhere along those lines. It would be wrong to sit back and not say anything about our current situation. Good luck to all on Saturday, it will be my first trip to Chapman, and I hope it ends in a good fashion.  ;D
Quote from: firstdown on October 05, 2009, 10:35:44 AM
Dead Poet - clearly you have an axe to grind with the coaches, the players and the team.   You ought to be ashamed of yourself for the racist comments that were clearly aimed at the black players on the team.  The Poets are a broad mix of Hispanics, Anglos, Blacks, Asians, and Pacific Islanders.  Diversity is good for the team, and the team  gains strength from all its members.

I will address my first problem and that is "firstdown" putting words into others mouths. DPS did not attack anyone racially, not even to the littlest degree. He did in fact attack the character of some of the players that play for the Mighty Poets. Playing for the institute you attend is more than going on the field and playing the game, it is representing your institute on and off the field with the highest class. But if you have seen #1 play, he is a selfish player who is decent but is very undisciplined and in my opinion plays the game how it shouldn't be played. Remember my first year was last year, and I saw #1 receive TWO personal fouls against CMS. These personal fouls were not for anything besides talking back to the referees and being disrespectful. I am almost positive (and don't quote me), he received a personal foul 6 out of the 9 games we attended. Well, I see a major problem with this. I have more concern with the lack of discipline and outright respect for the coaches and players, as well as the lack of character Whittier wants representing the institute. Recruiting goes above and beyond trying to bring in "players", academics as well as character. I understand that as a coach your job is to win, outright just win. But there is more to it than that (read up on Binghamton Men's Basketball). So "firstdown", take a step back and look at the big picture...

I am still a HUGE supporter of the Poets, and I want nothing but the best for my son and the players that step out on that field with him. As a normal bystander, I do see things to criticize... And BTW Kingsmen4, low blow, especially after I gave Cal Lu credit for playing with class.... I take that back!
Well I have to say a pretty disappointing trip out to Thousand Oaks. :-\ As this being my second year watching the Mighty Poets in action; the first was not very impressive at all, I had high hopes. So high hopes for the season, as every team should have (for the most part), especially with some new changes. Start the spring with a new Offensive Coordinator, Defensive Coordinator, having the head coach being in charge of over seeing it all as he pleases, and best of all... NEW OFFENSE   ;D !!!! As a bystander for the past year and a half of "change", nothing but high hopes and expectations. But those were quickly diminished after the performance that Whittier put on out at Cal Lutheran. Glimpses of last year of personal fouls (by #1), offensive line mishaps, and worst of all... Just outright getting our butt kicked. I will not be the one to critique as I am in the stands and not a football "guru" as these coaches claim themselves to be, but it was a poor and pathetic showing. Congrats to Cal Lutheran, well coached, hungry for victory as well as playing the game with class and pride. Makes me wish I was sitting on the other side of the stands sometimes.