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Messages - WaspsOG57

Quote from: HSC85 on October 05, 2009, 02:24:58 PM
With the game at E&H this week being homecoming, does anyone have any suggestions on when to arrive and possible parking options?

This will be my first homecoming as I have always been a player and not a fan, but from everything I hear, you will need to get there early in order to get a good parking spot. We would show up at around 8AM or so for breakfast when I was playing and there were already people there. Although, I did just check the forecast for Saturday and they are calling for 50% chance of showers so that might affect how many people come (of course that could change). I like to park across the railroad tracks in the grass.
Quote from: musupporter on October 01, 2009, 10:45:14 AM
Wasp0G57 and Waspermike, congrats on the 4-0 start.  One of you summed it up perfectly, Grit.  I can honestly say that #7 is the only player I have seen this year that truly impressed me.  He is a huge reason you guys are 4-0.  Not to take anything away from the rest of the team, but I have watched Stevens almost single handedly beat MU twice.  Last year at EH he ran wild.  This year at MU, he ran wild.  Not because of blown defense, because the kid just doesn't give up on the first contact.  Seriously, if he was 6', he wouldn't be playing D3.  As a defensive back (20 years ago), I would love to see him laying wood from the defensive side.

Anyway, don't pat attention to the haters.  EH is 4-0 for the same reason other teams are.  4 teams couldn't figure out how to beat them.

Thanks for the comments MUsupporter. Not sure who Stevens is, but the #7 you're referring to is Caleb Jennings. I blocked for him last year in my senior season. The kid is a beast and full of heart, even in practice. Being a former O-lineman I have to give credit to the O-Line which has been hit with injuries lately, two starters were missing from the Methodist game and half of the NCWC game and the replacements have played well, but everybody has injuries. You are right though, he has singlehandedly beaten several teams over the past few years, the kid is really just amazing to watch. Knowing you have him back there is a great feeling. The old cliche is true with him, he can literally take it to the house on any given play. You will get to see him again next year if you make the trip to E&H as he is only a junior.
Quote from: ProudFightingScot on September 29, 2009, 10:01:56 PM

Really hate to see Emory & Henry go 4-0 against the USA-South.   E&H won't play Maryville in any sports, men or women.

Sorry you had to see E&H go 4-0 against the USA-South, I sure enjoyed it though. I just wanted to point out that you were incorrect about us playing Maryville, according to your school's website, look at Feb. 26.

I know this is softball and was last year, but just wanted to point out we played Maryville in something. Dont know why we dont play each other in anything else; next year I believe we are dropping Greensboro and adding UVA Wise, as many people in the region wanted to see a matchup between the two schools, although I would rather play another D3 or USA-South opponent like Greensboro or Maryville.

I think the toughest team we have played to this point was Greensboro(Not to take anything away from Ferrum or NCWC as they both took us to the wire and we have lost either game), it seemed as if Greensboro matched up well with us and the Thorpe kid is very good. Our defense made some excellent plays as well with three TDs, so that game was a lot closer than the score.

Anyhow, good luck to all the rest of the season, looks like the USA-South is going to be a dog fight.
Sorry, one correction, we botched the snap when we made the score 28-20, and then we ran it in from there, making the score 28-22.
Wow! Just got back from the EHC - NC Wesleyan game. What a game! The bishops played very well today and congrats to them on a great game. I will try and give you a run down of what happened.

EHC was down 28-7 going to the fourth, we battled back and were going for the extra point when we had a botched snap and then we ran it in for the 2 pt conversion making it 29-28 with about 2 mins left.

The bishops ran a great 2 minute drill and scored with about 30 seconds left making the score 34-29 after they failed on a two point attempt. They squibbed it and we had around 18 seconds left after we returned it to the about the 50. Our QB hit the TE down the seam, something that seemed to be wide open all day, and that got it to the 18 and we used our last TO. On the next play Piscopo hit Sims for the go ahead TD with 1.9 seconds left and then we squibbed and made the tackle.

Playing in the previous three matchups and watching this one, I have to say the bishops are great competitors and it always comes down to the last couple of seconds when we face each other. Congrats to the bishops on a great game again.

The best thing was how most of the fans, EHC and NCW fans together, congratulated each player from both teams on a great game as they walked off the field. Where other than D3 can that happened?
Quote from: HSC85 on September 18, 2009, 08:25:18 AM
HSC is traveling to Tennessee and will probably be playing in the rain.  Are there any weather problems in Ferrum or Emory?

It's been raining off and on down here in Emory and it's supposed to stay like this throughout the weekend.