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Messages - jkelly24

hey NLNG!!!!!  ;D

great win for plymouth...had to work...sorry i missed the great game.

looks like footballfan75 was 0 for 2.
here on out every game for plymouth is vital. looks like every game is a playoff.
as we all know it is one play at a time.

see you on saturday you harry monster, look for the guy with the football mask!!!!!!!!! 8-)
Quote from: Groseph G. Groberson III on November 09, 2009, 10:07:16 PM
Will the The Curry Colonels aka Dem Spicy Boyz aka The Purveyors of the Purple Drank be back in the dance this year? You will always have Mr. Groberson's support.




plymouth is ecac bound?
Quote from: Boxer7806 on November 07, 2009, 07:39:29 PM
Quote from: jkelly24 on November 06, 2009, 05:13:01 PM
hey nlng!!
looks like boxer 7806 and footballfan 81 were playing with there laptops under the sheets when sending those posts :-*

get real  :P


Considering all your posts say "hey nlng" to start, I think you should get your head out from under NLNG sheets. Get real buddy.
hey boxer7806!!
should have check last 3 pages before making another one of your comments with foot in mouth  :o

great job by wnec this year 5-2 in the boyd division!!

hey nlng!!
looks like boxer 7806 and footballfan 81 were playing with there laptops under the sheets when sending those posts :-*

get real  :P

from what I am reading, curry took a chance last year by opting out of the bowl game, hoping for the at-large bid. would this be correct?

from past posting info, i thought the loser of the nefc championship game was a given for the ecac bowl game.
who are the front runners for the at-large bid for the ncaa playoffs??


hey hailmary15,
with what plymouth has gone through this year with injuries(5 starters, 2 in the backfield) i feel your pain.
but, both teams are doing well this year.
good luck

hey frankie rossi,
what is up with curry????
do not see curry appling for the ecac. are they to confident or to proud to lower themselves to see themselves in the ecac championship bowl game.

hey D3playsforpassion,
it took plymouth 2 maine offensive series to figure out the maine game plan. 35-16 at half  ::) does that seem to be "quite a while"               hey yoshi senior are you catching this?????
obviously, i am avid plymouth fan. but, i am also a boyd division fan. it sickens me to see, year after year, 2 great teams (plymouth and curry) opportunity to make the ncaa's is based on head to head games. after lew poodle enlightened me on the at-large bid formula (through daddy pat coleman), curry did qualify for that last year and proved it.
anyway, i am pulling for curry. it is obvious that the boyd division is superior.

hey nlng!!
wow!!!!! ;D ;D     we really got things exciting... even a rise out of the banananananans   :-X

to veda sultenfuss      lew poodle  or what ever,
you consider yourself an all- american?  you disrepect this board by making a joke towards my question, asking if someone could explain what is an at- large bid?  your answer was disrespectful and shows you have no class.     :-*

hey nlng!!
amazing... the sharks circling under the water, just waiting to rip plymouth apart, finally got the chance with their loss to curry.  ::)      never a positive comment before the past weekend.  >:(

anyway, i am not familiar with the "at large vote" process. How does this work?

hey nlng!!
your reply has no reply on your last post ;D
are you nervous about the plymouth/curry game this week?  ::)
plymouth needs to step up on the special teams against curry,
but don't even think about field goals  :-\

hey nlng!!
Do you think we'll see soup back ???
What happened to the place kicker last week. Forgot his name.But, he could really boot it. Thought he might take over the field goal kicking. Mulcahy is okay a field goal but not place kicking. endicott had great field position.  The kicking game is going to be vital coming down the stretch.

Hey nlng!!
although plymouth won............very stressful   :P 
looks like the defense needs to go back to basics on tackling   >:(
Looks like nichols may not be the push over like people are saying

hey nlng!!
how about EVERETT HIGH?!?!?!
