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Messages - LOGGER4LIFE

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
January 15, 2010, 04:30:16 PM
Quote from: Tglassman55 on January 15, 2010, 02:06:44 PM
prediction -

The Loggers will lose 2 in a blood bath this weekend securing the future of this season. 

is it even worth going to watch either of these games?

If you're going to be that type of fan who is going to throw these Loggers under the bus because of the early season struggles, you shouldn't bother going to either of these games at all.

In fact, just stay out of the Fieldhouse all together. Forever. Let the fans who go and cheer their a** off for these kids fill the stands. And stop pretending you have some kind of inside hookup for information.

That being said, I hope with all my heart that the Loggers pull off these two vics--I'll be keeping my eyes posted to the live stats tonight and tomorrow.

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
September 25, 2009, 03:25:43 PM
Thanks for the welcome Zeddy. I hate for my first real post to carry on this negatively charged convo, but I got to say a few things that came to mind reading the last few pages of this blog. Even an outsider can see that logshock101/3peatchamp10 is taking the comments made by UPSZeddy so personally, one can't help but conclude that logschock/3peatchamp is actually Jeff Walker. My man, you can't give yourself away so easily!!!

More importantly, I have to come to Zeddy's back here. I don't mean to pile on, but I completely agree with Zeddy's comments. I have been a fan of the UPS program for quite a long time--even before Bridgeland was there, so I know a lot about Logger basketball. And from that knowledge, I can honestly say that Logshock's posts have been rediculous and bordering on complete insanity. With all the success that the Logger program has had over the past decade, there has only been really one question that I ever had about strategy and rotation--and that was this whole Jeff Walker situation.

There is absolutely no way ANYONE can convince me (or anyone on this board) that Walker deserved to play over Krauel, Brown, or even a young Koach. There skill sets trump Walkers eleven times out of ten, to say the least. It confused me--and even offended me--that the Loggers would put games on the line or risk poor/slow starts by starting Walker. I won't go any further with this part of my comments--Zeddy's earlier posts provide the statistical evidence.

But I think what bothers me the most about Logshock/3peatchamp's comments are his posts about leadership and his concept of team. As I have said before, I have been around the UPS team for a while and I have always thought that one of their best strengths was their sense of team and togetherness. Jeff claimed to be a leader on the teams he was on, but his comments on leadership do not merit this role. Everyone on the team has a role in how successful a team proves to be--I would think that someone who had a limited (and at the same time, bloated) playing role throughout his five years would understand that. I think Zeddy's post, again, said it best. I was surprised at how much Walker/Logshock/3peatchamp seemed to take for granted the privelage playing college basketball is--especially playing for such a great team and program. Walker--playing for UPS isn't something that's given to you. And even when it was, you didn't deserve it or act humble enough to prevent the firestorm that you are experiencing now. When it comes down to it, and especially after reading your comments on this board, I would take Polis or Douglas or anyone who may not have played as much, over you simply BASED ON YOUR ATTITUDE. Unbelievable. Take responsibility!

Now, like I said before, I hate that my first post on here is negatively charged. But I was influenced to comment, and even join this board, but these last few pages of posts. I'm not trying to take anything away from your career. Any athlete that made it through four/five years of athletics, as well as graduating from a prestigious university like Puget Sound has something to be very proud of. But, like I said, take responsbility, think about your comments, and, as you put it, sack up.

That being said, I think that there's a real bright season ahead for the Logs. I look forward to posting in the future about my thoughts and predictions.

Here's a taste  ;): Edric Egberuare will be an all conference player this season after playing very limited minutes in '08-'09. Looking for the young guys to step up!!!!

Over and out. Peace.

Region 10 men's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
September 24, 2009, 06:37:39 PM
Long time reader, first time poster. Obviously a Logger fan!!!! Looking forward to the season for sure. Certainly more balance across the conference than previous years, but I still look for my Loggers to come out on top!!!!