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Messages - flippy

Quote from: WFU34 on October 14, 2009, 08:49:47 AM
Read various comments on the AU - CNU.  The biggest challenge AU has is linemen.  They've got skill people (many from Florida that have talent but lack size) - but size was a problem against CNU.  AU was giving away probably an average of 30 lbs a man on either line and was evident by the fact that often the surge was so great that Ogun was often beyond the line of scrimmage before he was even touched. 

If D-II was big in VA, most of their linemen would be probably playing at that level (as a rule of thumb D-I O linemen today are 6'4" plus (so they have the frame to be 300lbs+), D-II linemen, in the 6'2 - 6'4" in the 260 - 280 range (CNU's lnemen) & D-III linemen are typically the kids that are shorter in the 250 range.  Being a state school in the talent rich tidewater area is another significant advantage they have over the rest of the conference.

That being said - AU should be competitive with the rest of the conference this year.  They'll have to play hard each game to win but it's unlikely that they'll experience another physical pounding as they did last Saturday.  Maryville should be a competitive game.

Pretty accurate assesment. In talking with my nephew it does seem that they may have the future working of a solid offensive line though. They have freshman that are 6-3-300, 6-2-290 and a beast at 6-7-320. Given time to develope and learn thats the pretty good beginings to what could be a dominant offensive line. Not sure about the defensive side. It will be interesting to see how things progress for AU.

Thanks to everyones response to my question. Learned a lot about D3 in the past few days. Best of luck to all.
Thanks for your response Allen. I take it this has been tossed around a time or two so will apologize in advance if I happen to ask questions that have already been answered somewere down the line. Has there ever been any discussion concerning scholorships for D3 athletes? D2 I believe allows 25 per team, might be wrong there but even 10 or 15 per team at D3 seems like it could really help the smaller schools. Granted just because they have them doesnt mean they could afford to give them out but 2 or 3 even might make a difference.

Does anyone know if CNU has ever considered making the jump to D2?  Seems like it would be the next step for them to continue building thier program.

Thanks again and if anyone can shed light on D3 requirements I would love to hear it.

Thanks again...
Good Morning. I was hoping that some of you might be able to answer a question for me. I have a nephew that plays at Averret and watched the game this weekend with CNU. CNU is a dominating team, as someone said they gutted the Cougars and there really isnt another way to decribe it. I have quizzed my brother in law on this and he is new to D3 so really couldnt answer, suggested I try some of you.

To pre qualify myself I know nothing about D3 football but do follow the WVIAC at home but that is a D2 conference. I was under the impresson that D3 was made up primarily of small, private schools and players that would have been considered good to very good in high. CNU pretty much blew that theory out the window. I have done a little research and they are not the only state school playing D3 but anyway, here is the question(s).

1. What exactly constitutes a D3 school? Guess what I mean is can any school apply for D3 status regardless of size, public, private etc.
2. How do schools like Averret compete with schools like CNU?  1/2 the cost of tuition and 5 times the size, seems like a monumental task at best.
3. Are there any D2 schools or conferences in VA.? I could not find any, dont know of any but not sure.

CNU is an excellent football team, from what I saw and having watched the WVIAC for many years they could easily compete in that conference. Size, speed, skill wise are very much on the same level. I believe they might even be larger as far as student body than any WVIAC school, exception being possibly Shepherd.

I know it may sound like I am taking a swipe at CNU and thats not the case but I am really having a hard time wrapping my head around the differences between two schools that compete in the same conference. Thanks for any help you can offer.
