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Messages - northernstar

Region 9 women's basketball / Re: WIAC
June 01, 2010, 03:14:42 PM
UW - River Falls!
Region 9 women's basketball / Re: WIAC
June 01, 2010, 01:47:02 PM
Thanks to all fans of WIAC Womens Basketball for thier input and guidance.  My daughter visited a number of WIAC schools this past week.  Made her decision over the weekend, and was accepted this morning to her choice.

This looks like a great place to be, based on the info/help that was offered. :D

Region 9 women's basketball / Re: WIAC
May 05, 2010, 12:54:01 PM
Thanks for all the input.  She has picked several schools and has contacted coaches to visit.  You all have been a wealth of information that will help her make a decision.
Region 9 women's basketball / Re: WIAC
May 04, 2010, 09:25:57 AM
Again, I am very grateful for all of the input.  She comes home from the Pacific Northwest on the 14th of the month, and is planning to try and visit some of the schools in the WIAC the following week. 

She is an Education Major, and that is definitely a strong consideration for school, as that will be her career for life after college is over.

The input has been very helpful!
Region 9 women's basketball / Re: WIAC
May 03, 2010, 02:05:32 PM
I appreciate all the input.  My daughter is looking to transfer to a school in this area, which is closer to home, after playing her freshman year in the Pacific Northwest in the Northwest Conference!  She made the decision less than a week ago not to return to her previous college.  We simply don't know a lot about the programs in the WIAC!
Region 9 women's basketball / Re: WIAC
May 03, 2010, 11:40:22 AM
Thanks Badgerwarhawk, for the input!
Region 9 women's basketball / Re: WIAC
May 02, 2010, 12:47:00 PM
I have two questions that I would like to open up to the general populatioin on this board that strongly follows the teams in the WIAC!

1) Which coach would you consider that is a strong advocate of a strong defensive style of game?

2) Which coach would you consider that plays the most disciplined/structured style of game?

I appreciate any feedback, as I am not familiar with the WIAC!

Now that the season is done for all, just a quick recap of what is coming back next year in the Northwest Conference.  Obviously, this doesn't include any potential impact Freshman and/or Transfers. 

PACIFIC LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY (Two (2) Returning Starters)    
Top Five Returners – 48.80 Points/Game

LEWIS & CLARK UNIVERSITY (Four (4) Returning Starters)    
Top Five Returners – 48.60 Points/Game

WHITMAN COLLEGE (Three (3) Returning Starters)       
Top Five Returners – 43.40 Points/Game

WILAMETTE UNIVERSITY (Five (5) Returning Starters)       
Top Five Returners – 42.40 Points/Game

GEORGE FOX UNIVERSITY (Two (2) Returning Starters)       
Top Five Returners – 40.60 Points/Game

LINFIELD UNIVERSITY (Two (2) Returning Starters)       
Top Five Returners – 39.10 Points/Game

PACIFIC UNIVERSITY (Three (3) Returning Starters)       
Top Five Returners – 37.80 Points/Game

UNIVERSITY OF PUGET SOUND (Three (3) Returning Starters)    
Top Five Returners – 34.90 Points/Game

WHITWORTH UNIVERSITY (Zero (0) Returning Starters)       
Top Five Returners – 16.20 Points/Game
Congratulations to George Fox on a very fine season.  Repeating is always tough, because you are the team with the bullseye on your back.  In spite of losing two key players, George Fox reorganized and came up strong again this year.  In spite of losing three starters this year, my guess is that George Fox will again be the team to beat next year too.

All teams, have a great off-season.  Already looking forward to the start of next season. 
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 22, 2010, 05:34:52 PM
I would think that George Fox might get two first teamers, so I might flip-flop Jocelyn Riorden and Hannah Munger!  I also would take Natasha Ludwig over Elise Kuenzi  However, I think that the best player from Lewis & Clark is Megan Spence.  She appears to have better overall production than Williams.

1st Team:
Keisha Gordon:  George Fox
Jocelyn Riorden: Puget Sound
Cassie Pilkinton: Whitworth
Kristina Williams: Lewis & Clark
Hillary White:      Whitman

POY:  Claire Ely:  Puget Sound

2nd Team:
Hannah Munger:  George Fox
Gretchen Owens: Linfield
Melissa Pixler:      PLU
Alex Zennan:       Willamette
Elise Kuenzi:   George Fox/ Natasha Ludwig:    Puget Sound  I can't decide with these two players.  They both do
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 21, 2010, 03:08:43 AM
While anything is possible, I don't believe we will have anything other than a George Fox/Puget Sound Final.

The way George Fox has been playing of late, I don't see anyone from this conference posing much of a challenge for them.  While not quite as strong as last year, they are playing some good basketball right now.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 20, 2010, 07:29:09 PM

Thanks for the clarification.  I read what you linked to, and you are correct about it being a team rebound.  But it does still appear to have been erroneously awarded to an individual player.  And I will point out, it was the same player in all three instances that I noticed.  That in itself made it look very odd.

I apologize, as I didn't intend for this thing to get into that serious of a discussion.

As you said, on to more fun topics!
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 20, 2010, 01:52:08 PM
No, in the examples I gave you from the first posting, no player possessed the ball before it was pushed out of bounds.  There cannot be a team rebound in that scenario, unless one team or the other actually gets the ball before going out of bounds.  In this scenario, there should not even be a team rebound awarded, let alone a specific player being awarded a rebound.  A rebound signals player/team control.  You can get a rebound and have it knocked out of your posession by a defender out of bounds, but that wasn't the case from last night.  It went out of bounds with neither side gaining posession, and a specific player was awarded a rebound.   On several occasions as a matter of fact.
Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 20, 2010, 01:16:37 PM
I also would like to congratulate George Fox on outright winning the conference.  It is a tribute to a very strong ballclub.

In reference to your point that a rebound has to be attributed to every attempted shot, I am not sure I am in agreement with that.  If no player posesses the ball after an attempt, I am not sure how, and to who you would award a rebound.  I looked on the play-by-play of the game this morning, and everything that I thought was incorrectly assigned last night is identical.  I understand that these are volunteers, and it is very easy to sit back and be critical of mistakes.  My intentions were simply to understand how the official stats are processed.  My only thought that if not as reasonably accurate as possible, that this is not fair to the kids that they make mistakes on. If a basket is awarded to the wrong player, or a missed field goal is awarded to the wrong player, a lot of coaches rely on stats to tell them the picture.

If I were a coach, I would want to be looking at something as accurate as possible!

Region 10 women's basketball / Re: Northwest Conference
February 20, 2010, 10:01:50 AM
I happened to have set up on my computer both the Live Stats and Video from the George Fox/Lewis & Clark Game last night.  What I saw greatly bewildered me.  Who keeps the Live Stats, which ultimately become the official game stats.  Is it an official from the home gymnasium, or a league official?  The number of errors were unbelievable.  As one example, on at least three different occasions, I saw a potential rebound get knocked out of bounds without any possession, and a rebound was awarded.  In these situations, not a single pair of hands ever grasped the ball, it was simply knocked off of attempting hands out of bounds, and no foul was called.  Wrong players were credited with events that didn't match the video.  Can anyone tell me who handles, and how live stats are tracked?