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Messages - Gerrs

Women's soccer / Re: NESCAC 2012
November 10, 2012, 10:45:03 AM
 ???One of this year's NECAC all-conference decisions seems particularly puzzling. Trinity's well-deserved rookie of the year was not also a choice for the first or second teams. For at least the past three years, ROYs have also been placed on t first or second teams, and this year's ROY seems as deserving as the past three given that she tied for first in goals and fifth in points while playing fewer games than the other leaders for a ninth-place team. (I think it's generally more difficult to score goals and acquire assists while playing for a weaker team.)

BTW. I do not know the ROY and am not a Trinity supporter.
Women's soccer / Re: NESCAC 2010
November 15, 2010, 02:08:15 PM
Becks -  I seem to recall one of your earlier posts that noted this was your last season as moderator of this chat board. If that is the case, I would like to compliment you on the magnificent job you have done over the past few years. Your posts are always thorough, thoughtful and thought-provoking. I am doubtful that anyone can fill your shoes, and this board will be much poorer for your loss. Well done!   :)
Women's soccer / Re: NESCAC 2010
October 22, 2010, 10:39:03 PM
Quote from: pcc on October 22, 2010, 08:30:23 PM
Gerrs I read your rebuke of my earlier post. :o

"Impressive total" was sarcasm. ::)

I am not a Conn Coll fan nor do I have/had any connection to that team. My kid expressed interest a while back in the program,and soon moved on.

Conn Coll's approach this year to the game is pretty cynical. >:(

I live minutes from Wesleyan and have attended many games there over the last 20 years, so I guess I'm a Cardinal fan. :)

pcc -Yes, I did mistake you for a parent of a CC player but decided in any case to delete my post after only a couple minutes. I guess I was mislead by your earlier posts that went into some detail about this year's Conn College roster but did not mention any other team's roster. I also must have a bad ear for sarcasm. My bad. :-\

Women's soccer / Re: NESCAC 2010
October 22, 2010, 06:12:22 PM
2xfaux - You raise an interesting question as to whether a player or a team that has a couple yellows draws more scrutiny from refs. I have always thought that refs did not much attention to the teams' stats, but perhaps that's not the case. It would be good if a couple of refs could weigh in on this point.
Women's soccer / Re: NESCAC 2010
October 22, 2010, 09:33:21 AM
freekick - Thanks for the good information. It seems to me that referees of women's soccer games have always been a bit reluctant to hand out yellow/red cards, and this sometimes leads to further dangerous play.

However, you may have somewhat misinterpreted two points in the preceding discussion thread. First, the refs of games played by NESCAC teams do not seem to have become more liberal in the handing out of cards in 2010. 8 of the 10 teams have 2 or fewer yellow cards, and 3 have none. Conn College has 10. (No team has a red card.)

Second, a 5-card accumulation rule for the suspension of an individual player is too high when the regular schedule is only 14 games.
Women's soccer / Re: NESCAC 2010
October 20, 2010, 09:54:02 PM
A scary stat this year is the number of yellow cards garnered by Conn College. With today's yellow versus Tufts, their total stands at 10 after 11 games. For some perspective, last year NESCAC teams played a total of 161 games and incurred 15 yellow cards. In 2008 there were just 10 yellows in 158 games.

I wonder if NESCAC officials keep an eye on this stat. Perhaps it would be a good idea to have a discussion with Conn's coach. There seems to be something wrong there.
Women's soccer / Re: NESCAC 2010
September 27, 2010, 09:36:29 AM
Becks - One edit to your stats on Tufts-Wesleyan game: shots on goal favored Wes, not Tufts, by 7 to 5.