Both losses hurt WC, especially the loss to Kalamazoo (they might have finshed above .500). However, both were early season losses that in an ideal world would have been igonored by the selection committee (especially since Franklin is usually a contender and is probably glad to have WC out of their conference so they can start winning it again). Anyway, we're beating a dead horse here, best to just congratulate the team on a great season and look forward to next season.
Both losses hurt WC, especially the loss to Kalamazoo (they might have finshed above .500). However, both were early season losses that in an ideal world would have been igonored by the selection committee (especially since Franklin is usually a contender and is probably glad to have WC out of their conference so they can start winning it again). Anyway, we're beating a dead horse here, best to just congratulate the team on a great season and look forward to next season.