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Messages - DPU16Dad

I just joined the board so forgive my first post about what is now old news.

I was in Greencastle for the Monon Bell game and I just wanted to congratulate Wabash on a well-deserved victory.

I've never seen a game turn so completely on one play as this game.  For the first 28 minutes, DPU seemed to be in control, and I thought was destined to take a comfortable 14-0 lead into intermission.  But that bad shotgun snap killed their best drive of the day, Wabash's last minute drive to score before the half totally shifted the momentum, and the guys in red just obviously wanted it more in the second half.

I think the two teams were basically pretty evenly matched, but when one team is playing with a sense of desperation (win or the season is over) and the other one isn't, the psychological edge can be huge as we saw on Saturday.  When you play with urgency, you overcome adversity.  DPU didn't have the urgency, and so when the game shifted against them they basically had nowhere to dig down to overcome it.  Similar story to last year, when the incentives were on the other side.

Wabash has plenty of talented kids and I was impressed with the intensity of this great rivalry game.  I thought there was good sportsmanship shown by both teams --- as usual the hate is more in the stands and the kids on the field have plenty of mutual respect.

Good luck Wabash as you take on Illinois Wesleyan.