Quote from: jdubyadubya on February 10, 2011, 09:05:39 AM
Shades of the Michigan Fab 5 team calling a TO when you don't have one! Please, somebody who was there describe the last 7 seconds. The broadcast didn't do it justice. I'd like to hear from someone who was actually in the Batten Center. Thanks.
There were a few confusing points, jww... one - why a timeout was called when they were out was baffling enough. two - there had been an inadvertent whistle blown just a little earlier so that had people on edge. three - the clock was stopped at 1.2 but was reset with little warning to 2.0 after the technical. and four - the point of continuation rule with a coach technical is still a pretty new phenomenon that you just don't see often in basketball. To my knowledge, college is the only scholastic level that does it.