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Messages - tigerup07

Sorry I missed out on the movie discussion... my vote is Major League.... GO CLEVELAND!!!

Anybody know of any broadcasting jobs at any NCAC schools or anything in Sports Information Departments or anything of the sort? It's job search time!
Anybody catch the slam at me? I read that and cringed... but at least I made the Springfield Newspaper during my time at Witt...
If you don't know, the line about the Pep Band is basically about me, since this year I'm a senior and I let go of the reins, trying to encourage the next set of youngin's to take over, and it never happened.

Witt vs OWU -
Tonight I saw something I hadn't seen from Witt in a while. A little bit of everything
Some outside shooting
Some midrange shooting
Some post play
Some good ball movement
Some good perimeter defense
Some good post defense
Some turnovers
Some blocks and steals

Not a whole lot of anything but some of everything
Nice to see a balanced team (if not completely well balanced) take the floor
OWU impressed me with a stiff defense, good ball movement and especially the play of Jesse Jean and a solid outing from Rudegair. It was a stiff game, a lot closer than the final score shows. I'm surprised at OWU's record but I think it's just that they match up so well against Witt that they've given us a hard time each meeting (especially the first one).
I expect Witt and OWU will be meeting again. Just a hunch I have before the regular season wraps up. But, I also have a feeling that Wooster and Witt will see each other again at Timken. Should be an excellent and exciting NCAC tourney.
Quote from: David Collinge on February 06, 2007, 11:37:05 PM
I pity the broadcasters who have to work way up and back there. 
As a broadcaster who's worked from up there, it's actually not too bad. Sure, being courtside at places like Wooster can be cool, but it actually does limit the ability to comment on ball movement. Sitting up in the HPER press box gives a very good bird's eye view, but is still close enough to see numbers and track ball handling, even to notice a carry or a travel most of the time. Maybe that's just a homefield thing for me, though. In terms of nicest press boxes, they are all pretty much the same from what I've seen. And I believe now that I've seen almost all the press boxes. The only things making one press box better than another are location, carpeting, the table we work at, and access to phone and electric outlets. I can't name the nicest one (although I'm leaning towards Kenyon) but I know I can name the worst: Hiram. We had people climbing through our box the whole game, and the chairs were uncomfortable, and it was in the high corner of the gym... a better option would honestly be courtside. Not to say anything about Hiram, but the press box is lacking. But maybe I'm biased with this one as well since this is where Scott Leo and I experienced a 2 hour power outage (although our power still worked) that we sat the entire way through, only for them to call the game 5 minutes before power was restored.
Quote from: pennstghs on February 04, 2007, 10:36:03 PM
First, congrats to earlhamalum for the colts win in the super bowl-can't think of a team that is more deserving.

Ok time for me to be a bitter Cleveland fan but I think I can think of a team that is at least as deserving as the Colts... the Browns. Or at least the Brown's fans. Last NFL Championship: 1964 (before it was even called the Super Bowl). In an ironic twist of fate, the last time the Colts won a Super Bowl before today, they were in Baltimore, which is where Art Modell took all the Cleveland players (I still hold that he did not take the team, just the players, staff and management) and then won a Super Bowl. Maybe that's a sign that it's getting closer? Hopefully.

But about the upcoming Witt-OWU game, I think it will be a different situation now with Chojnacki out. Number one, I think the Tigers have learned team play since the first meeting (judging at least by the Wooster game this weekend) and how to close a game.

For any of you interested in hearing the game, Rob Lehner, the usual color man will be replaced by yours truly. I'm making the leap from women's to men's color commentary. Hopefully the good things I've been hearing about the Witt broadcasts will continue to be heard!
Wow, I'm really disappointed in Witt's student body right now, and even more so the administration and athletic department. There was almost no publicity for this game. The only thing was an e-mail advertising a "fan bus" to Wooster... only problem is it was gonna cost every one who wanted to ride a total of $26 for the ticket and the ride. I heard from an inside source today that NO STUDENTS signed up. I'm heading up myself with a fraternity brother meeting my mom and dad, both Witt alumni, and I know that there is always a large group of Witt students that goes up themselves to "tailgate" or whatever, who don't want to ride the bus, but still no students? But I know why it happened. $26 is a lot to charge a college kid who's having trouble finding enough money to buy pizza on Saturday nights, let alone enough quarters to do laundry.

I'm disappointed that Witt didn't do more to involve the student body with this, and that they didn't at least TRY to lower the cost for the bus by paying off more of it themselves. They brought it on themselves this time. Despite all this, I still expect to see all the faithful students I've grown accustomed to seeing at home games.

Although the Witt athletic department did start a "Code Red" theme with selected home games, but it really hasn't caught on. There's just so much apathy among the students.

Can't wait to see the game tomorrow. This'll probably be my last post unless I sneak one in tomorrow before I leave. Good luck to both sides, and if you see a college student with a red wittenberg hoodie, cleveland indians hat, and beard, that's me, say hi!
Quote from: scotty on February 02, 2007, 06:46:44 PM
in regards to pep bands, Michigan Tech in the UP has by far the best i have ever seen at their hockey games...100 plus and well coached/rehearsed...i highly recommend the drive as the local airport only has 6 flights a day  ;)

I know one of the guys who used to play in the MT Pep Band... don't know why anyone would want to be a yuper though, lol. I have heard some recordings and seen the crazy striped coveralls and everything. Seems fun... lots more fun than Witt's anyway.
Quote from: TigerFan_1973 on February 02, 2007, 02:35:32 PM

To my knowledge, Witt never has had a marching band.  Can you get enough detail from the band pictures you have seen to see if it was one of the high school bands?[/qoute]

Yeah, it's definitely a Witt marching band, W's and everything.

So, do they still ring the bell after a score in the football game?
Yes, yes they do. And the cheerleaders do pushups.

I would think that people would come and play in a pep band because they enjoyed playing whether they liked basketball or not.  I guess not, huh?  Have you thought about asking members of the local community to participate?  You might have a bit more luck with people just looking for an opportunity to play.
The students get bored if they're not into the game. Just a fact of life, I guess. College rules are stricter than high school rules regarding when the band can play and whatnot. So we play less than some people expect. With respect to community players, that's the reason it folded in 2001. The local high school director that was in charge of it tended to favor his students when assigning parts and chairs, and the Witt students resented that because it was the Wittenberg Pep Band, and the students stopped going and they were in fact the core of the group, so there weren't enough people left over to keep it going.

So many politics even at small schools... who'da thunk?

Witt did not have a pep band as recently as 2003. There was a half-a**ed attempt at a pep band run by a high school director that failed after 2 years. When I arrived on campus in 2003, myself and a student that would end up becoming my fraternity brother, who was a senior that year, started the current incarnation of the pep band. It is really hard to get a lot of people there and despite offering "refreshments" after the game we cannot convince people to come and play. So this year especially, myself a senior and trying to get the younger kids to lead the band, has not been exactly a banner year.

Also, the Music Department won't support us. they don't believe in the "kind of music" we play. It's not classical or romantic, so they don't want it. They vehemently denied that there had ever been a marching band at Witt when in fact I've seen the pictures of the band from the 50's marching on the field. Odd situation which makes it that much harder to get anything done.
Correction: Ryan Maurer is Director of News Services for Witt, not Director of University Communications. Sorry about that. But regardless the fact remains that he has two fulltime jobs and does them both, all while being a husband and father (his kids are amazingly cute if you ever get the chance to meet them, but I'm sure they'll grow up to be stellar athletes and record breakers for Witt)

About the students at Witt, and your comment TigerFan, I know what you mean. For four years straight now, I've been explaining to people that yes, there's a game tonight and you should come, and yes, Witt has a Pep Band, its been around a couple of years now, and yes, we went to the national championship game. It gets aggravating but some students just really don't care. There's a large trichotemy on campus. You get students who are athletes or sports fans, then you have students that are wrapped up in their studies and activities, then you have students who (excuse me for this but its true) are nerds and just play video games and read comics all day.
It's good to have dedicated students but in my mind I just don't know how anyone can be so uninterested even when the team just went to the NCAA finals. Just my opinion though.
QuoteQuote from: David Collinge on Yesterday at 10:34:57 pm
I was told by someone close to the Wooster program that Witt was offered a presale allotment of tickets and declined for logistical reasons.  In the past, Wooster has also declined similar offers from Witt, although obviously not earlier this season.  I don't know what goes into the decision-making process, and I haven't verified this information with anyone from Witt's program, but that's what I was told tonight.

I now have verified this with Wittenberg.  This is a more complicated decision than I think many of us realize, and I hope everyone will agree that their school's generally overworked athletics staff does all that they can do within their logistical bounds, and they deserve our praise and thanks.  Just my opinion, of course.

Thanks for updating us. I know I had no idea that it was more complicated than just saying "here are some tickets". And yes, the Witt Athletic Staff is way overworked. For how much money they sink into sports every year and how much the administration is concerned about it, the students don't get as into it as I think they should, and the staff does way more work than their positions call for. Ryan Maurer is the SID at Witt and he is also the Director of News Services and Sports Information. Normally those are two full time jobs in their own right and he's doing both. Albeit he does a fantastic job but still.
Hey everyone, haven't posted in a while. kinda took a break for what are probably obvious reasons. I see someone from Witt has stolen my nick and removed the number. Well, sorry guys but I guess you'll be confused for a bit.

Good to see DC at the Witt/Kenyon women's game at Kenyon on Tuesday. Hope you enjoyed yourself, at least for the first half when it was actually good basketball. The second half was a train wreck for everyone.

Witt/Earlham - ok, I got there late. I showed up at 8:40 PM expecting to see maybe 6 or 7 minutes of the second half. Instead I walk in and there's 1:37 left on the clock. Wow... the refs just let that one go. If the game started at 7:40 like normal, and ended no later than 8:50 (i forgot to check my watch but it was not more than 10 minutes after I got there) that means it was an hour and ten minutes of basketball, including a 20 minute halftime and 40 minutes of gameplay. That leaves an extra ten minutes, including stoppages of the clock for timeouts, inbounding, injuries, foul shots, substitutions or court cleaning.
Talk about expedient!

Witt/woo - can't wait for the game, and like my witt colleagues i was a bit surprised to hear no presale down here. Yes, it's true Witt had no presale for the HPER regular season game last year, but they realized that was not the best policy and changed it this year. So karma's going beyond being a b*tch to down right vindictive this year. Regardless, having to get there early for tickets allows me time to have some dinner with my dad at one of the fine local establishments, usually the Olde Jaol.

It should be interesting with Vandervaart out. I was hoping to see a straight rematch of the December game, kinda disappointed Darth Vaart is out. If Witt wins, everyone is going to hop right on that train of Vandervaart is out, but I have to say I have seen improvement in this team and I think that even with V in the Tigers would still be able to take the Scots this time.

Unfortunately, my brain is not in a place to decipher statistics and figures because I have contracted the form of the flu that is rifling through Witt's campus right now. My house of 12 (it's a fraternity house) has all been taken down with it. It's normally been a 12-20 hour sort of thing so hopefully I'll be fully able to make the trip Saturday.

Good luck to both sides, let's hope for a close game.

P.S. - I've seen Hodgkinson play a couple times now and I can't say that there weren't some instances where I was surprised that the fouls being called against him weren't flagrant, as well as at the Witt/Bash game... I can see how maybe some of it can be construed as victim to circumstance but I saw his elbows go all over the place. Not trying to ruffle any feathers, just reporting what I saw. I've never met him but from the descriptions on here I understand he's a nice guy and isn't mean, but being mean and playing too aggressively for the sake of the game are two different things.
Sorry for getting upset everyone. As I've said before, I have a longstanding family tradition at Wittenberg and I genuinely love the school and I am going to be extremely sad to leave after I graduate in 6 months. I felt directly provoked by a couple comments and when that happens my typically swelled pride kicks into overdrive and I tend to be easily angered. Combine that with losing at home to our biggest rival for the third straight time and that's what you get.

But anyway, on to better and brighter things. Witt has a nice long break, as does Wooster, and I can't wait to see how the rest of conference play goes before our rematch. I will definitely be in Wooster the weekend that Witt visits (and the second weekend that Witt visits for the playoffs). I will be my fraternity's Pledge Educator and I am going to make the trip to Wooster a pledge event! It will be a good game and the Athletic Director at Witt always does a good job to get students excited but he also tries to make sure the students are well behaved (and the Wooster police department gets in on that aspect too, but that's a whole 'nother can of worms).

My trips to Wooster, as much as the rivalry is heated, are always enjoyable and I really look forward to it. Wittenberg and Wooster were the two schools I was down to when college came around. They were both equally prestigious academically and both campuses were beautiful, and when you get right down to it the factors were all equal, and Wittenberg won because of my family history. My friends that went to Wooster seem to be enjoying themselves as much as we Witt students do (as well as agreeing with me that the schools are very comparable, without laughing). Both schools deserve respect, and I love the rivalry. Good luck to both!
As for Wittenberg being garbage... I don't even think I need to make a comment specifically in response to that. We all know that Wooster and Wittenberg are essentially the same school in different locations (but Wittenberg's got the edge on campus aesthetics, I think). Funny story, Wittenberg was started as a small college in the city of Wooster, Ohio, in 1845, but moved to Springfield after only a year. Even in 1845 Wittenberg students, administration, and faculty couldn't stand to be in Wooster.

And as for the fouls to the eye and the dirty play Witt supposedly used, the only times I saw anything that might be considered dirty was in scrambles for loose balls. There's a rule in the books that even the refs I don't think know about... it summarily states that loose balls are fair game for either team, and players have the right to use whatever physical means to obtain the ball, as long as those means are not specifically intended to injure an opposing player. The refs called fouls on Wittenberg during loose ball scrambles that any learned ref would've kept quiet on. Then when Wittenberg had obviously won other scrambles and a Wooster player just decides to lay his hands all over the Witt player who has the ball, they call it a jump ball... mysteriously this only seemed to happen when possession was for Wooster. Overall, the refs just didn't know what they were doing. And it hurt both teams. Once again, the NCAC has proven to have horrible officiating.... we all know it, let's leave it be.

I know I made fun of Wooster earlier in this post, but that's simply tit for tat for the garbage comment. I'd prefer that the university which has been home to 24 of my relatives including my father, mother, aunts, uncles, grandparents, greatgrandparents, and now me for 4 of the best years of my life (brief as it may be so far) be called garbage because you didn't want to pony up $8 for a game which you obviously thought wasn't worth as much as a men's game. I refer you to Title IX...
I looked at the results of most of the top 10 and yeah, witt will probably drop... not a fun thing when you only lose by 3 points to the number one team...