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Messages - Chris Webb

Hope all of you Scots fans enjoy this latest piece...

Was able to catch up with Justin McDowell and Matt Groezinger in a "Turning Town" feature
We had a contributing writer in Ben Bradley who covers Wittenberg help out in doing the NCAC previews. So I can't fully explain his reasoning, just offer opinions on that.

Perhaps the "back and forth" of will he play or won't he, played a role. Now for us to be credible it is something we need to look much in-depth into and I apologize for that.

It could have also been an honest oversight as Barnes would not have pilled up any stats last season, and an out of sight out of mind situation occured.

I do apologize for the oversight and obviously Barnes is with the Scots and will play a big role.
Here is a link to our NCAC preview coverage
Mideast Region / Re: BB: OAC: Ohio Athletic Conference
January 27, 2010, 11:45:43 AM
The OAC actually does not do a pre-season coaches poll. We inquired about that and the commish said they do not, but couldn't give a reason why they don't and would look in to it.

So maybe the pressure will produce one this year?!

Anyhow you shouldn't see many surprises, the bottom appears to be making strides but the talent gap 1-3 is still a bit ahead of 4-7 and 8-10.
Buckeye State Baseball will be on hand for at least the final two days of the Mideast Regional in hoping to bring the best coverage ever of the unfolding events.

Until then, we're trying to catch up with both Marietta and NCAA officials to discuss the ins and outs of selecting a host institute for a Regional. We're just happy to not have to drive to Terre Haute or anything.
Mideast Region / Re: BB: OAC: Ohio Athletic Conference
January 03, 2010, 03:01:07 PM
Thanks for providing a link to the site Gramps, always good to see people enjoying the site.

Starting tomorrow I'll coincide the last 8 30 position players with the 10 pitchers to watch this season.

Also I have a few program spotlights to introduce the various programs on the DIII/NAIA level to the site for some of the DI fans or other smaller programs to become more familiar with. The spotlights will have a few questions answered by the coach about their program.

The first should come out towards the end of next week with the spotlight on Baldwin Wallace.

Once February comes around previewing the individual conferences and teams will be rolled out.

I was very class with a lot of friends from the 2008 Otterbein class and my interest in DIII ball has picked up with the friendships.