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Messages - hoopsfan1111


I would think that a person of strong personal character who shows mutual respect for others would not stoop to the level of getting on an internet website and accusing "many of the Wooster men athletes" of not having strong personal character and not showing respect based on the comments of one person.  I don't doubt that your cousin knows the players, and is involved in the culture of athletics at Wooster, but I think the comments she made might have gotten a little blown out of poportion went from 'not rooting' for Wittenberg to not having good character in your last post?  That is a pretty big jump to make in my opinion...I too know a few Woo athletes, basketball players specifically, and they might not have been 'rah rah goooooo WITT!!' during their tourney run, but I don't think they would begrudge Witt if they had won it all, in fact, I believe the opposite.  I think they would have done/felt just as Mr. Ypsi described earlier.  I don't think for one second that just because Woo athletes didn't WANT/HOPE for a Witt championship that they don't have respect for the program that Witt has, in fact I think they would have given their congrats and moved on, using it as motivation to work harder and win themselves a championship of there own...hopefully, they will get it this up coming season! 

I think BW3 (North end of town) is just fine (and I don't think I am white trash  ;)) is more of a 'bar' atmosphere than Applebee's and Jake's which are more of a restaurant (also on North end of town).  BW3 is often really smoky, just a warning.  The Olde Jaol Tavern (Downtown) is a great spot, earlier in the day though it is more of a restaurant style and later in the evening turns into more of a bar of my favorite places to go.  They have great LIT's too!

There is also "Decades" formerly called Diggers.  This is another bar, but not one I would recommend unless you want to get in a fight with a local :D Just kidding, it can be fun, they have pool there as well.  

I guess it just depends what type of place you are looking for...

Hopefully that helps...:)
Quote from: Hoops MacPherson on February 19, 2006, 09:24:58 PM

Now you know how the bottom eight of the league feels most every time they play witt or woo; coach moore comes out of the coaching box to protest a call at the end of the earlham game (he was down past center court), doesn't get a technical, and they win; he carps at refs, even when he's up 30.

these things happen on the road. get over it.

I have to say you are off base about Coach Moore here.  He does no more talking to the officials than any other coach in the NCAC, and I have seen every single coach this season.  As for "he carps at refs" when up 30...why should a team not get calls they deserve just because they are up by 30 points.  I don't recall ever seeing a rule that says that if you are winning by a certain amount that officials should stop calling the game fairly and correctly according to the rule book.  Just something to think about...

Also, I think the amount of complaining about the officials at OWU was within reason, no over the top comments like those that can occur at times.  In my opinion, the Wooster fans did a nice job of giving an accurate description of the game and also gave a fair amount of congratulations to OWU for the win. 
Quote from: sac on February 09, 2006, 04:20:00 PM
Does anyone really believe Wooster made or had to make a statement against a team that just lost to Oberlin?

I don't believe Wooster was concerned with making a 'statement'.  Maybe we can put this 'statement' discussion to rest...Wooster is better than Hiram, Wooster played hard, played focused, and played well last night...they were doing what they are supposed to do as a basketball team, regardless of the opponent.  I don't think they were trying to make an example of Hiram, if they had wanted to make an example, the starters would have been left in and the margin of victory would have been even greater than 64...the only statement made was probably one that has been in the making the entire year, Wooster is an outstanding basketball team. 
I am going to hold off on all that admiration for Coach Brown just yet...he didn't say the rumor was false (as it obviously was based on Cooper's statement)...all Bill did was say it shouldn't have been printed.  I would have more respect if he had stated the rumor was false AND shouldn't have been printed.  The way it stands he makes it seem like he still believes it is the truth...and it was poor taste to print it...

Not that it matters now...

We will let the playing speak for itself!  GO SCOTS!!! :)
While I don't in any way think WooBoo should have reacted the way he did (it was WAY out of line), I can understand why he was upset.  Someone made a good point when they said that many people come to this board and post about games that they have attended without people questioning what happened at the game and the analysis. 

It was his opinion about the foul (along with many others who said they saw the same thing)--maybe eventually it was a little over the top in description, but that doesn't mean it was wrong...lately it seems that anytime a Wooster poster has any kind of complaint or says one wrong word everyone else is jumping down their throats...lets just take it easy and all relax a bit (this includes some Wooster fans too!!!).  This board is supposed to be a fun place to talk about our favorite teams!

Also, maybe what some people are calling hypersensitive is really just having an intense passion and support and team-spirit...instead of calling people hypersensitive why not take a second and reflect on how you would feel if there had been a bunch of intentional fouls against your OWN favorite team and a star player had been hurt recently, you might react and be is easy to see how that could happen.

To whoever asked if Wooster fans would call for one our own to be ejected from the game for committing a foul like those in question (sorry I can't remember who posted it, maybe jscwittfan??) I would have to say, that we probably wouldn't have to worry about that, because I doubt Coach Moore would stand for that type of play from his team.  As a Wooster fan who as seen at least 17 years of Woo vs. Witt games and Woo vs. Whoever else games... Woo (and I would include Witt, and many other teams in the NCAC) just wouldn't commit absolutely blantant fouls like that (has it happened once or twice in the past years, oh possibly, but never one to stand out in my mind)...some programs/kids just don't do that kind of thing. (In saying that I am not pointing any fingers and accusing any one program of committing intentional fouls on purpose all the time, I am just saying some teams do it, some teams don't)

And finally, Sac, there wasn't a need to make a comment like that about the game from last year...putting a wink behind it doesn't make it funny, it was a painful and controversial loss...I doubt you would be joking about it now if it had been your team who had been on the losing end of that game, a game which I don't need to remind you could have EASILY gone the other way. 

All that being said, hopefully we can all move on...lets talk about this will Woo do against EC without Port?  Any other thoughts on this weekends games?  :)

I agree with you that Wooster will take a huge hit without Port, I never said I disagreed with that.  I don't think I ever disagreed with the fact that you can't replace him. I disagree with the fact that you think the Scots' season is practically over if he can't play...

Each and every year Wooster losses a player to graduation who was the MVP of the team...Trimmer, Cline, Paris, Fernandez, Gorman, Ellenwood, Nelson, the list goes on and on...all I was stating earlier was that the Scots are good because they are able to adapt to these losses and come back just as strong as ever.  I think with the talent Wooster has they are capable of doing just the same mid season.  I stand by my statement that Wooster would be able to hold their own without Tom.

Listen, we are supporters of the same team, and I am sure we are both quite anxious to see how the team will do without him.  Let's just have some faith and wait and see how the team pulls together before we say that they have no chance of going anywhere without him.  

Hopefully, Tom's fracture is small, won't take long to heal and he will be back before we know it.  I like to be optimistic...and...

Believe me, I DO read the stats,

But lets not count our Fighting Scots out just yet...

Well, maybe the quote wasn't posted in whole...but my feeling is that the kid's statement was pretty contradictory...

You know you are late, but you hit him anyway...sounds intentional.  I won't let anyone dunk in my house...sounds intentional. 

I am with Vanilla24COW...hopefully this kid will learn his lesson and realize that he should have let the dunk go, realize he got burned, and realize that instead of worrying about someone dunking in "his house" maybe he should worry about the 20 point deficit that he and his team are facing...

Anyway, lets all hope Port gets well soon...because no matter what team you are a fan of, he is fun to watch...
Smeds, I agree with you...

Just some food for thought-

EA, as a former player you know for sure that, yes there are hard fouls quite often during fast breaks...however this play seems to be a little different.

The player knew he was "too late" by his own admission.   The fact of the matter is that it shouldn't have been a case of "I was trying to stop him because no one  dunks in our house" it was a case of, "I have already been dunked on"  Port's dunk was down and through the hoop before the foul was committed and his legs were taken out from under him.  Maybe it was a split second decision or an agressive mistake, but as a college athlete you should know better.

If Port truly is out for some time, that is what makes it sad; because like others said it was preventable.  Okay, so maybe he didn't "WANT" to hurt Port, but he sure wasn't trying very hard not to.
WooBoo, Scotsfan, (and others),
I wholeheartedly agree that the foul was dirty, it is unfortunate that the player who committed the foul will probably never get what he deserves for being so vengeful and purposefully hurting another person. (I say this based on the quote from the player himself, he admitted it, which is outrageous!)  I am one to try to be optimistic though and hopefully it won't result in Port being out for very long...he is a pretty tough guy and if there is any chance he can play (injured or not) I am sure he will be out on the court.

Also, lets not jump the gun here, no one has even reported that Port's wrist is in fact broken and if he will miss any games or how many he will miss.  Also, I would tend to give the rest of the Wooster Scots a little more credit.  Is Port a huge factor for the Fighting Scots? Yes, no one would argue that...but I have a feeling that Wooster would be able to hold their own without him.  You don't get to be as good as Wooster is without being able to adapt and without more than one 'star player'.
Hey a check on who coached that Muhlenberg team...I think you will be surprised to find who the coach was  ;D :) ;D
Quote from: blindwatchmaker on December 12, 2005, 11:56:11 AM

WOOSTER — Two years ago, South High School graduate James Cooper literally pleaded with Wittenberg officials to let him attend the university and play basketball for the Tigers, but was ultimately denied because, according to administrators, he failed to meet admission standards.

"Literally pleaded with"...according to who??? Bill Brown?? It sure does look better for Coach Brown if he lost such a great person and basketball player like Coop to Wooster because of "academics/admissions" rather than any fault on his part.  Maybe Cooper did actually WANT to attend Wooster. I am not really sure what this has to do with this Wooster/Witt game anyway, and in my personal opinion it was in poor taste for the paper to print it.  The issue is that Witt didn't get Cooper, too bad for them ;) Lucky for Woo  ;D  The reasons why are not important, especially when it might come down to something personal like grades, etc.

However, Steve Moore spends a good deal of time around the edge of the court jawing at the refs.


I have seen enough Witt/Wooster games in the past, to be able to say Coach Brown spends his fair share of time at the edge of and/or on the court "jawing" at the refs...

Quote from: David Collinge on December 06, 2005, 11:37:32 PM
This Wittenberg team is looking pretty special.

Let's not forget our Wooster Scots have the potential to have a pretty special season as well... :)

Here's to looking forward to two good victories for Woo this week (Oberlin and Witt!)