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Messages - bb king

To answer your question only one coach was kept. He is a millsaps grad. From info I have they will all be paid through end of month.
wasn't meant to throw sid under bus. He did a great job and he will be sorely missed at Millsaps. They should have done all the could to keep him. He is a great one and will have a great career.

Good Luck with baseball. Hope you have a great season.
My intent and goal was never to throw anyone under the bus. It was only to bring light to some of the problems that are going on and how better to help this fine instiution. The statement  on reduction was only to say that it shouldn't be based on who can pay a full amount to the school but for those who chose to be educated by some of the finest instructors in the business. I believe that if you have the desire to attended it shouldn't be based on economic reasons.

As for the ad I along with several people believe that it is time to hire a full time ad. It is difficult to ask anyone to do two jobs and be good at both.

As for the two coaches mentioned both maybe great candidates and I'm sure they would do a great job. The reason their name came up was because of post put on here. I have no problem with them being interviewed and I do think they have the right to have a chance to be the next hc. Just like I have the right to state my opinion that there are others who have been over looked.

I realize that I look like I am being against all that is good in Millsaps this is strictly not true. But I see this is not a place to discuss a variety of topics and and occasionally stir a little conversation. There seems to be a people who do not have thick skin. As one poster stated we should be able to discuss things. My one intent was to get people to ask questions and try to have a positive dialouge.

As for recruiting there was no shady recruiting at Millsaps or anywhere else in this league. These kids are bright and have a great future ahead of them.

as INS stated I would get slammed on here and I am a big boy and can take it. I probably stated to much, I just want to see this program continue to grow and move in a positive direction. My opinion on the coaching search is mine there are no darts being tossed at anyone. I truly hope that Millsaps makes a great hire. I reacted to the comments and should have been like 90% of people who read this board and kept my mouth shut instead of joining in.

If I offended anyone I do apologize.
By the way I am not a bitter person. I just want them to finally make some good decisions on the direction of the school.
This is addressed to each individual responder to my post.

To be honest with you I couldn't care less about my writing skills. Obviously you didn't read the first of my post.

Ins major I want to thank you for your welcome to the board is a great to share with you and others about Millsaps and this league. I don't know why you would be shocked to hear the truth come out about Twhat is going on at Millsaps, it was just a matter of time before people started to talk about some of the issuses going on.

TU 268 Just for your information I have no dog in this fight. But if you are asking me if the over looked candidates were african american then yes you maybe right. That is not the only reason, these guys are good coaches and great recruiters and also put there heart and soul into building this program. I believe that if Pelch and Caffey are to be interviewed then so should this others.

I hate to tell you this but my credibility is second to none and is very high. And my statement on the reduction of minority students is fact not fantasy. I am closer to the situation than you will ever know. The reason I want this information out is because I think that a reduction will hurt or potential athletic pool.

Also for the guy who ask why they would reduce the team number, you obviously didn't read either they don't have the money in the budget to cover the over amount of kids. Do I agree with you that this doesn't make sense I do. They should be trying to get more kids.