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Messages - swbaseball3

Congrats to the All-American selections.  Can you imagine how difficult it is to select these players with all the great performances throughout the year?  One shocker is an old player of mine, Alex Eliopoulos.  He went 10-0 for Johns Hopkins, 2.17 ERA, was the Region MVP, and didn't even get a sniff.  Bummer for him but there were some crazy good performances this year.

Watch Shenandoah this year.  One thru six, they absolutely kill the baseball.  Brashears and Van Sickler are the bash brothers.  They might just out hit everyone and win it on offense.
Great write-up!  Nice to get that comparison.  It certainly confirms what everyone on this board says every week.  Have a great summer.
What a great tourney for MC!  Coming out of the losers bracket is tough in in Little League.  To do it in the regions is impressive.  The ability for the pitching staff to trudge through to the finals, well, pretty awesome.

BTW,was I the only guy who noticed 44 flippin degrees at gametime for UTT?  Also, I am really disappointed for the kids out there with respect to the attandance...100 people!!  I think everyone in the ASC would believe a crowd of 300-400 is expected with this level of play.

Let's hope the ASC can fight their way back into the finals and make a good showing.

Per an earlier post, agreed on no team from the ASC winning the Regions but there have been a number of teams make the finals only to fall to Chapman.
#5's the West...writing up.  I am perplexed as to why the ASC has gone bust the past few years in Regionals.  Appears that UTT just failed to show up.  Now, I am very familiar with Pomona as one of my former players is there, Nick Frederick.  Appears that he was a tough out going 3-for-4.

MC didn't fair much better but as mentioned in an earlier post, this is the "death regional."  Linfield 6-1 over MC.

Klemesh seemed to be OK for Trinity yesterday but walks killed him.  8 walks is a very bad sign.  2 scored on a double in the 4th that may have been the dagger.

I would say that the odds on ANY ASC/Texas team making it out of Region is close to zero at this point.  Ugh.
Quote from: dp643 on May 12, 2010, 06:22:32 PM
Theres no point in arguing with you over this. I argue facts that dont change....what actually happened. Your talking points are all what if's.

Heres another thing to ponder Swbaseball, and Mr. Femath...

Andrew Femath               .390 average, 25 runs scored, 2 homers, 11 RBI

Kyle Lloyd (HPU)              .409 average, 21 runs scored, 3 homers, 15 RBI

Conference stats only listed above. Why arent we crying for Kyle Lloyd to be first team all conference?

I guess Kyle Lloyd's accomplishments should have an asterisk next to it because he had 10 hits on the road in Alpine.

He got HOW MANY HITS IN ALPINE?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?  3.3 hits per game?  Send him to the HOF now.

None the less, discussion done but you NEVER responded to my Helton/Mays question.  Why?  Becasue altitude is a HUGE advantage.  Period.
TLU would be in big trouble if the baseball God's called their number.  Everyone split and kids are all home.  My call....not a chance they get it anyway.  Good year but needed to win one/two of those Trinity/MC games.  The real bummer on the Trinity games is they were mid-week and TLU pitched mid-week guys.  Both times, Trinity threw weekend starters.  Oh, well.
Enough debate.  Smith is very good.  Stats are very good.

I will not change on this fact.  No pitcher wants to pitch on Colorado and all hitters want to be there.  If you don't think for one minute that a player in Alpine gets 7, yup, seven hits in Alipne because of the ball carry...well, then you've never played baseball at altitude.  BTW, 7 hits at 150 AB's is about 50 points.

There were a bunch of great players this year and yes, someone has to lose out.  Bummer it was TLU guys.  I am sure they won't get a better job or a first day raise when the resume says 1st Team or 2nd Team!!

One last comment and then I will shut up.  To dp643....Do you really, I mean really think that Todd Helton is a better hitter than Willie Mays or Rod Carew or George Brett?  Or would you say that he is a great hitter that hits in Colorado.  BTW, Helton .327 and Willie...305.  No response necessary.
Not being an East guy, I would ask one quick question.  Didn't UTT get 2 or 3 of LeTourneau's best players to transfer?  If I'm not mistaken, coaches and SID's vote for this stuff and they vote without being on a call or in a meeting.  One has to wonder if there is a little bit of a bias with respect to UTT if indeed rival coaches think UTT is getting their players in a less than conventional way.   How was that for politically correct?

Just curious.  I cast no stones in a glass house
Quote from: hsusid on May 11, 2010, 10:51:19 PM
One thing I would like to point out on this board that is totally unrelated to this discussion is the career of Regan Dixon. He became the first player in ASC history to have a better than .400 average for his career. He hit .403 in his four years breaking the old mark of Brett Rosen of UTD. Most people don't think of Regan as an average guy but his final career numbers are all HSU records.

Highest batting avg.: (.403)
Highest slugging pct.: (.748)
Highest on base pct.: (.484)
Most home runs: (34)

He was an All-American last year and will probably be again this year.

Stud player.  Agreed.
Gentlemen/Ladies --

Stats can be VERY deceiving.  Me, I am a BIG Brennyn Smith fan.  Love him.  That said, SR plays in Denver, Colorado.  Smith wouldn't have hit 5 HR's in Seguin or Tyler or anywhere other than Alpine.  Good hitter, yes.  The next coming of, um um, TODD HELTON, no?

I watched the SR/TLU series.  Smith went something like 1 for 13.  Better pitching and not playing at 5,000 feet certainly was the difference.

So, three cheers for Smith and he is good.  He's a .375 hitter or less elsewhere.  Still deserved of kudos and awards but come on.  BTW, Arrietta, he hit 2 balls in Seguin that were 900 feet out at SR.  Result at Katt-Isbel?  Outs at the warning track.

In conclusion, how inthe world do you keep Nockleby, the All-time hits leader, 3-time ASC West Champion, .414 hitter, clutch player to the max off the team?  No one can tell me he didn't deserve it.  Femath, well, a HUGE catalyst on the West Championship team and scored a billion runs.  Oh, I didn't believe Andre Dawson should have won have won MVP for the last place Cubs either.
So, how in the world does TLU get ZERO position players on the 1st Team West All Conference?  BTW, I am not a big believer in sharing the wealth and making sure that every team is represented.  How do you win 15 games in the west, win by 2 games and believe that the players had not much to do with that?  Token 2nd team jesture...

The fact that Nockelby and Femath are sitting on second team, a joke.  This year, not a single team wanted Femath at the plate when he needed to get on.  As for Nockelby, he got as many clutch hits as any player in the conference.  Splain me that?!?  Oh, Femath hit .394/59 runs/21-22 SB's/1.000+ OPS.  Nockelby .414/72 hits/50 Runs/42 RBI's/1.100 OPS
Well, it's pretty simple.  Top of 8 in game one, TLU was up 5-4 with two outs and two on.  Orosey on the mound and he HITS two batters.  A 1st Team All-American and he hits two batters?!?

The second example is in the second game, it's 8 to 8 in the bottom of the 9th with a runner on first and 3rd and Childress at the plate.  He's probably the hottest hitter for TLU and he K's.  So, TLU was 90 feet minus the lead at third away from the win.

Now, one could argue that they didn't have it won but I would.  Also, I did say that MC figured out a way to win and good for them. I would stand by that comment based on that line score.

Finally, I am an ASC homer.  Go MC and UTT!  I hope they meet in the finals and it goes extras.  Just please knock off Chapman.
The ASC Tournament was just a ton of fun.  Every game, save UTT/MC first go round, was a thriller.  Hats off to HSU for battling UTT to 5-4.  Everyone knows I'm a TLU guy so know that I am very proud of the boys for two extra inning affairs with MC.  Think about it, TLU had both of those games won and MC figured out how to stave off the wolves.

My thoughts as the regions begin:

- UTT really poured it on after their early season slump. (Predicted, BTW, in a post about 45 days ago)
- How about UTT with a lame-duck coach?  They could have cratered.
- Bell is a special kind of kid.  Clutch.  Classy.
- Walker pitched to his potential and that was fun to watch
- Orosey looked to get tired late season
- Congrats to Nockleby for the All-time hits crown
- TLU never gives up and that's not common in most teams
- Bennett has big ones.  How clutch was he?
- Seaman has a big arm/heart.  To pitch like that on Sunday.  Wow!
Congrats to MC but give it to TLU for battling into extras twice only to come up short.  I thought it was very appropriate that the game came down to Bell and how he doubled in the clutch.  That was the game.  The best MC player really stepped up.

As a sidenote, Nockelby ends up the All-Time hits leader for the ASC this past weekend and that really puts a stamp on his ability to hit.  A four-year starter and one of the few at TLU ever.

In the end, though, I believe we would all agree that the best two teams, right now, are in the finals for the crown.  MC played great early in the season, lost a little momentum in the UTT series only to rebound at the time they needed it.  As for UTT, well, they have really poured it on after the mid-season mark.  Assuming both will advance to the Regions, the ASC should be well represented.  Now we all become MC and UTT fans.