Its amazing how opinions are so biased when you have a kid playing for a team. Its one thing to be proud but another thing to totally find a pre-season stat to help your argument. Pre-season polls are opinion yes, and Im sure the people coming up with them dont have daughters playing. D3 hoops is on point with its selections. I mean I watch a lot of basketball and from what I've seen UMW is always over-rated by you big mac. Its time you take a realistic approach to your daughters team. Actually just wait one year and I'm sure your opinion will change. UMW is a solid program yes but they underachieve year after year. The 2 players you mentioned played better as freshman than they do now. They had a supporting cast then, now they have been asked to be the main components and lets be honest they have not flourished in that role. I can say that because one of them is not my daughter. Its really time to leave opinions to to people who dont have kids playing. I mean be proud of her but dont overhype or blame officials for the short comings of YOUR team. Just knowing your daughter plays for UMW really taints your objectivity. Enjoy the season all.
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Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
December 14, 2010, 02:40:21 PM
Well is Marymount and Mary Washington still the premier matchup? Acoording to Big Mac Marymount was down this year. Also according to Big Mac Mary Washington was going to do big things this year. It looks to me like Marymount has sustained a bunch of injuries and Mary Wash is not as good as they have been. I will say this Saturdays game vs these 2 teams was exciting and did not dissapoint. It was a tough game for either side to lose. Both teams played well, not quite as well as in years past but just as intense. It was nice to see the post finney marymount team play well vs their rival. It is just as nice to not hear about officiating being the "reason" mary wahington lost! AKA FINNEY FAVORS. Tough loss for Mary washington but Im sure they will rebound and and go on to play well the rest of the year. Congrats to Marymount on the win.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
November 16, 2010, 11:41:43 AM
Yes its fianlly here. I see some teams played last night. Did anyone see the York game last night. I heard they had some injuries already? Im curious to get to see teams early in their non-conference games to get a feel on which teams look the best. I dont like to go by pre season rankings I like to see the tems play games. Well good luck to your favorite teams.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
May 03, 2010, 11:40:01 PM
Again Big Mac? Good lord it is so obvious you have a grudge against these 2 officials! I mean I tell you they on ESPN and you say they do alot of games? No it does not make you a good official to get a TV game but im thinking you must do a good job! Thats all I said because if half what you said was true these 2 offficials would be at the YMCA! You need to take your opinion elsewhere I think. You say they play little games while on floor officiating? You almost make it seem like you are an observer for the conference. Not sure what your backround is but Im sure you have never officiated at any level. Being you have a daughter on UMW taints your view in my opinoion. You keep saying you talk to their bosses? I guess my question to you would be did you talk to their bosses before your daughter was playing at UMW? Im guessing not! It seems to me from what I've read that you happen to know these 2 guys from years past and now that you see them at the college level officiating your daughters games you have a problem with them because of the past. Im just guessing but you said you've seen them around. Unless you have been following UMW games before your daughter played there. Maybe you have but I doubt it. I have watched more games than you Im sure of that. I would have to assume that officials are graded yearly and get rated. I guess Im sorry you are not a part of the grading. One more thing just because you come to a message board and complain over a grudge does not make you a hero. It almost seems like you get all amped up to complain about games that you daughter plays in. You are looking thru tainted windows. You sound like just another complaing fan. Like I said before you try officiating since you seem to have all the answers on what is right and wrong. If all you say is true you will have no problem officiating because you already know the BOSSES!
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
April 11, 2010, 12:40:54 PM
I know its the off season now but again I feel a need to respond to some harsh ctiticism of officials. First off there was a National Invitational Tournament for high schools held in Baltimore MD. The touney included 8 boys teams and 4 girls teams. I know its high school but these teams there were from all over the USA. Me being a person who likes to watch basketball went to Coppin St. to watch the champuionship games. Not sure if anyone knows about this but it was televised live on ESPN and ESPN2. Now you may wonder why I bring this high school tournament up? Well low and behold who is officiating the Championship game being televised live on ESPN2 but JEFF and his SIDEKICK, I think his name is lynn from reading previous posts. The female with them I think I've seen before as well. My point is this, Big mac is always looking for something to say about these guys being not fair? Even to go as far and say he has talked to their bosses? Well for these 2 to get that game would make me assume that they are doing the right things on and off the floor. This game was on ESPN2 I mean if they were as bad as you say BIG MAC and officiate unfairly then why would they get this game? In case you are wondering Big Mac, the coach from Marymount was not there! In closing I'll say this whatever grudge you have against these 2 officials is not felt by whoever they have as a boss. They seem to get all the premier games whatever the venue is. So it seems like your opinion is only shared by you. Last time I checked opinions were like noses everyone has 1. Anyway have nice off season. My last piece of advice would be try and enjoy the games next season rather than read into something that is not there to the majority!
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
March 06, 2010, 12:56:09 AM
You know i should let this go but I wont. I am just a fan who likes watching good basketball. I must say that the total fascination that mary Wash fans seem to have towards officials is rediculous. I watch a ton of games and must say no other message boards center around the officials. I was at the marymout vs. Mary Wash. game. I will be the first to say that is was a great game. The officials (whoever they were) did an outstanding job in that game. Now that being said I am in no way a person qualified to even judge officials. I'm also pretty certain that whoever you are Big Mac that you are not qualified either. Whoever the officials were in that game you say (Jeff and Lynn) in no way were responsible for the outcome of that game. I think I've seen them before on games of magnitude. It would seem to me that whoever they are they are doing the right things to get in those games. Im just tired of hearing how its the officials fault. I think you seem to forget they are human. Now I could be wrong you might be qualified to speak on their officiating ability, but being you have a daughter on Mary Wash. it seems like you are being very biased. I think sometimes as fans we need to take a step back and look in the mirror, and if you dont like what you see on the floor then look into officiating yourself. There was also another quote that the officials were "whopping" it up? All i can say is I was there watching the celebration and didnt see anything of the sort. Now congrats to Mary Wash and Marymount on their 1st round wins, and I hope they both continue to do well because they are good teams.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
February 20, 2010, 09:59:43 AM
Thanks rorurap. I didnt know that comment was directed at officials. The "Jeff and his sidekick" reference does sound like complete sarcasm. I didnt know people knew the refs names like that. I wonder what the summer job is they have to keep? Anyway these comments just sound like a typical fan complaining. On to the games. the regular season wraps up for Mary Wash tomorrow. That could be interesting game in that if St. Marys needs the game for a home game in playoffs. Im sure Mary Wash is ready for season to be over so they can get to the playoffs. I guess we will know soon enough who gets what seed.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
February 18, 2010, 07:08:22 PM
first it was the refs? Mary wash opened the first game with a 20-0 run. Why would anyone blame refs after that? I mean usually it's losing teams that blame officials, maybe I'm wrong, because I missed the message about the refs. So not sure who or why anyone is talking about the refs.Also I mentioned the coach and meant marymount gets respect because of their coach. I didn't mean over-rated I meant respected. Marymount is clearly the better team.
Region 6 women's basketball / Re: CAC
February 14, 2010, 01:48:40 PM
true about the top 25,but all that matters is game on Feb.17th. I wonder if marymount will show up this time? The last game was a battle this probably gonna be just the same. I think wash has great shot to beat them mm is overrated because of their coach.