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Messages - mike.hawke82

BU Beaver makes some very valid points regarding the Bluffton Athletic program as a whole, which I agree with.
My problem in particular is with the men's basketball program. Having played 4 years and over 100 collegiate games and involved as a HS Coach I think GN's basketball knowledge is at best at a low high school level. His practice organization, drill progression is very elementary (to a fault). His in game adjustments, time-out adjustments, half time adjustments are awful. No feel for the game. His motivation techniques are one dimensional. Motivate by fear, yelling & screaming. (I guess that would be 3 dimensional). His relationship with players is non-existant. From a purely basketball coaching standpoint he is not good in my opinion. Bluffton deserves so much better and could do so much better. Obviously, this is my opinion and maybe other players have different opinions. That what this forum is express our opinions. Hoping for some changes and a brighter future for BU Hoops.
You make some very good points Jackets Backer. You are as good as your recruits. It actually helps when you do recruit, which is not a strong suit of GN. I know for a fact he spends very little time recruiting, that is left to his assistants primarily. At least that's the way it was when I was there. From what I hear it's still that way. When he has had good assistants the talent level has improved and team has faired well. When he has had below par assistants the team has struggled. In GN's defense he has gone thru alot of assistants in his time there. They do not have a full time asst. position. He gets a new asst. every couple of years. That makes it alot tougher to recruit consistently.  But, he doesn't recruit much and it's hard to get the top players if the head coach won't leave the immediate area. But come on, after 20+ years you think he could find a way to win at least 1 title somewhere. The sun shines on every dogs butt sooner or later.

I don't think Hanover or Transy would be happy to be mediocre consistently either. But those schools actually care about winning.
In my opinion, what you have at Bluffton is basically a glorified intramural program. There really isn't that big of an emphasis on athletics. The administration wants to field teams, but to fund them appropriately to make them competative year in & year out is out of the question. The athletic program as a whole is a joke. look at the All-Sports standings in the HCAC for the past decade and look who has finished last. You guessed it, Bluffton. It looked like they were making progress when President Snyder was at the helm, but seem to have taken steps backward with President Harder running the show. I digress...

My specific beef is with the basketball program because I guess that's what I've invested most of my time there as a former player and had to deal with GN on a daily basis. My opinion, not a good coach, not a good person. Is in it for himself and wouldn't want my kid playing for him. I could site several examples but those would be my personal experiences, which no one really cares to hear I'm sure. Wonder what other former players think... Maybe 20+ years of mediocrity is Ok with men's basketball. Seems like it's OK with the entire athletic program. Need new blood to revive the program in my opinion, otherwise were looking at another below average year again!
Congrats to AU & DC on their fine seasons. Good to see HCAC represented nationally. Also congrats to Coach Miller & his Panthers at Hanover. My opinion, best coach in HCAC.
But what I really want to talk about is the debacle in Bluffton and the men's basketball program. In particular the head coach. Being an Alum and having played there 4 years under GN I can say without reservation that it is time for a change. I am not a disgruntled player because I played alot and was an All league player during my time there. But in my opinion, that basketball program needs new life and will not compete for a league title or NCAA birth until GN is gone. He has been there over 20 years with 0 league titles, 0 NCAA tourneys. he is the alltime losingest coach in school history, has the most 20 loss seasons in school history, and tied a school record for losses with a 2-23 record this year. If the administration is serious about winning it's time for some new blood to run that program. If they think building a new field house will help them win they better think again. A new building will not make him a better coach. There has been precedence set at Bluffton with the removal of Greg Brooks as the football coach for not winning enough. Unfortunately the new coach has won less than Brooks, but the intention was correct, probably the wrong hire. Time for the AD & President to take a hard look at the basketball and say 20+ years is enough time to prove yourself. This University deserves better from the basketball program. Maybe at least 1 title now and then instead of being consistently below ave. or terrible as in this past season. The guys that have played for GN know what I'm talking about. Love my school, loved my time there, loved my teammates, but time for some new blood to run the program. I'd be interested to know how many former players feel the same or have different opinion of the past 20 years of mediocrity. Look forward to your replies