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Messages - cocoh2oDad

Sorry welldusted, I will end my "conversation" on this forum defending my son. I've stated enough on here to make my points. As I also stated to Charles, if you have ever been a father, hearing the personal dissection of your son or daughter on a forum that requires no responsibility for your "opinions" such as this commentator has continued to spew and hide behind, it's not possible to stay silent. If that has bored anyone, sorry. You and anyone else would concur if in my shoes. As Charles suggested from here on out I will ignore the minutia and enjoy the rest of the season. May the rest of you do the same. Go Bears!   
Thanks Charles, I truly appreciate that advice. Its hard at times to ignore certain things on here and elsewhere in the press at times . It's not like these young men are getting paid to do this, they simply love the game. It's ironic you give me this advice,my son himself and others close to us have told me to not read this stuff that it only will tick me off. Easier said then done I guess. Thanks again, enjoy Tuesday!
For CF, .No denegration taking place here, as you talk about the "beauty" of these boards, my words are indeed simply my opinion. If you take my passion for ball and sports in general and my opinions as personal attacks on you, so be it, thats your opinion also. Anyone may go back, as I've stated before, and read my posts including those regarding you and your previous "opinions". I find it very humorous for one such as you,(who has "challenged" me like a 13 year old junior high school student more than once to satisfy some sort of inferiority complex you seem to have regarding your own playing career), to characterize me with all these wonderful adjectives. My opinions and comments stand from previous posts. Regarding seeing my sons game objectively,please, you don't know me from Adam. I have played sports my entire life and anyone that does know me understands I don't blow smoke up anyone's ass to keep anyone happy, especially my son.

My opinions on my sons game are more than two sided as my son can testify. Are there other players who work as hard, are defended as hard, who study as hard, I'm sure there are. I've never said otherwise. You comment on him, his game, and his ability, personally, as if you have been in the stands, seen every play, and every shot, of every game. You also comment on his ability to play on other levels as if you are capable of determining that for any D1 program. What is the purpose of these

statements to make here and to point this out as personally as you do with him when you do that with no other player in the conference. What do you think any parent is going to do. Sit back while some commentator on a basketball forum hides behind a keyboard spewing his " "unbiased opinions". Bulls__ t!! You want to continue opening your pie hole deal with the responses.

OTS, agree, that possibly seems to be a part of the problem also.
Seems that some "commentators" on here understand and grasp the game and others just seem to have personal agendas towards specific young men and don't get it, or even seem to have a clue at times. I don't at all understand the dissection and negative focus on individual players when there are approx 150 players in this conference. Comments about Ward from Ursinus from one such person on here, such as, "there was some D1 talk which I did'nt quite understand", and "his shooting percentage is high but that is because he does not take alot of difficult, contested shots" clearly shows  his curious, personal biased and lack of understanding about this game and the Ursinus situation in general. Don't know the agenda he carries but understand this. Options to play on other , higher levels MUST have been understood by some on those levels because he had choices there. What it came down to was academics and playing time which with most intelligent, well rounded student players at this level is a common dilemma and choice based on what you are looking to get out of a college education. As far as the second comment he spewed that I quoted, why then was it that up until this season Ward was near the top if not leading in fouls commited against, foul shots attempted and made all three years, (stated on here before by me). Don't seem to know how you get fouled without being contested? So please when that gem of a response forms in your gray matter then travels to your lips I await with anticipation and wonderment. As for those that seem to understand what goes on behind the scenes despite the obvious stats everyone focuses on, its good to hear from those that see and understand it. Gabriel and Hoop Guru specifically. His early seasons with Ursinus, especially freshman and sophmore year with Cousart and Hilton, they were more capable and understanding of getting him his looks and shots when there and also on the break, which no big or even guard ran or runs the floor better when given the opportunity, then or now. His dunks on the break the first two years showed that. On the point of some of the comments on him lacking as a physical player, no question he has been more of a finesse athletic type player during his career, his basketball body type has helped force that. The issue, this year especially as you stated HG is not getting the looks inside at the right time when you bust your ass,(or "carve out your space"), as a Big to seal or position yourself. Gabriel despite your opinion on the forwards that "don't seem to do these things well or at all" I loudly beg to differ. Ward indeed does these things every night, his banged up body tells him that post game. If you played as a big you have to know, if you wait that split second to make that entry down low, turnovers or no looks rule and that's been the case most nights for sure with the Bears this year. I said it before here, how can you have the shooting percentage leader for 4 years, IN THE CONFERENCE, be 4th on the current team in average shots taken per game. You will not and can not win with that floor formula. Gabriel touched on a point also regarding teams packing the defense down low forcing the Bears to beat you from outside. No one has been or is defended HARDER in the paint then Ward in the conference. He is doubled down on, at minimum, every game, especially the last two years. The opposing Bigs, which most teams have 2 to 3 to rotate in and out have 15 fouls to give and they use them, watch the games. Then also as stated earlier, the fouls committed against, foul shots taken and made support and back that up. The team has dissapointed this year no question, answers why differ but one for sure that is evident is the inconsistency, energy, heart from night to night and even half to half. The Saturday game in Gettysburg a perfect example. The first half it was a 2 point game and they played with all the emotions mentioned, the second half they came out lacking them all. The coaches, players and supporters are beyond frustrated and disappointed in this year. A floor/locker room leader or two would definitely be a partial solution and is needed on this team but as a player if you are'nt comfortable, settled and understanding of your role as a player on a team its tough to wear that leadership jersey. Last and most important here HG you also touched on Ward's focus, which is and always has been academics. No one is a more dedicated, harder working student athlete in the conference. His academic record and recognitions have spoken for themselves and continue to do so. Yes, he did spend the summer in Paris, working, studying and researching all involving his major. He had no time to work on his game during the summer so yes that had to hurt him for this year. But understanding what you want out of a college education and need to focus on to best set up your future seems to be a bigger and more intelligent priority when forced to make a choice, which some are in the CC. The choice to attend and study at Ursinus and play in "your" Centennial Conference, (as you put it CF), when presented with his Division I, II and III options came down to academics first and foremost then ball. He could'nt be happier with his choice and the future he is setting up for himself. So, I know, are his very proud parents.             
Gabriel and Hoop Guru, coming down and throwing up 26 three point attempts, many without even a single pass offensively first will not produce a win against any team in this conference. Ward had only 7 shots again. Not because he was limited to it either. Foul trouble in the first half again, 3rd foul called in that half with 8 or 9 minutes left was a phantom call by the ref, Ward 3 feet away from play and was actually on Adams. If they are to make a push for the playoffs they need to play the inside out game with Janowski and Ward.
If they continue to not get the bigs touches they will continue to flounder. 
On the mark with your thoughts on the team, defense is very spotty and that is killing them in all these close losses, obvious with the Sat. win 95 to 90, (a defensive struggle).... And as far as Ward imposing his will, in order to do that he needs touches. Up until this year he has led not only the team but the entire conference each of his 3 previous years in shooting %, fouls committed against him and obviously foul shots attempted.. this year he has bounced back and forth between 3rd and 4th in ave. shots taken for the team. How can you have a player leading the conference in shooting % not getting touches, looks and shots.Comments have been made during multiple games by different commentators doing a Ursinus broadcast, asking out loud why aren't they getting him the ball inside. Also, he has been in foul trouble of late and thats a whole other issue to understand only if you have seen each of the Bears games personally this and the previous couple of years so I won't get into at this time... You are correct in accessing Draper, a very nice, talented young man, as the offensive leader right now, who indeed has been given the freedom to shoot at will. But, as an underclassman, you need to at times realize there are other guys on the floor with you that have a bit more college experience, that are indeed there to help this team win also. Should,as always, be a great home stretch to the playoffs. Go Bears!!
Most CC teams, and for that matter, most ball teams in general, have a player that is the "focal point" offensively. But more so than the guards, the Bigs are even more "abused" physically, by far, because they are doubled and tripled on a regular, game by game basis even though they don't come close to the touches and shots taken that most backcourt "focal points" get and take. Every trip down court, every one, this is a reality and Bigs in general do not get the credit for having to absorb that physicality night in night out especially when it comes down to the powers that be that focus on "stats" as the be all end all of a basketball game performance. Are there exceptions, certainly, Mr. Iverson being one. A bias view for sure by me, a long retired big, but the absolute truth!
Thanks OTS, I have that tendency when its something I'm pretty passionate about.
Ahem, you're entitled to your opinion. Sorry, I stand by mine.
 Centfan, who is it that you seemed to have become enamoured with and focused on with your eloquent request to start this season off? I've not seen or read anything close to what your pontificating on about with your post. Since someone seems to have assigned you to be the Centennial post police on this site, (or maybe that was self appointed), let me throw you my two cents. I think you'd be better off asking those that post on this site to refrain from personal attacks and rude, crass comments about the young men that play in this conference. I have no idea if you have ever had a son play at this level but to make a blanket statement as you did is void of sense or logic! When people post on any site and can hide behind a keyboard while spouting and spewing garbage, especially about athletes who aren't getting paid but are playing for the love of the game at any college level, comments and opinions should be thrown back their way and the sons or daughters should be defended and "souped up" as you, the posting cop, labeled it! To be playing at this level, be it I, II, or III, is an accomplishment each athlete and their parents should be damn proud of. They are by far in the minority of all non professional young athletes who start out in middle school with dreams of playing their favorite sport in college, and they work their ass off, scholastically and athletically, to accomplish that and get there. They deserve the support they get and the comments generated, especially by their parents and family. In closing, I know of no one that gives a flyin crap if you, Centfan, label and think supporting your son or daughter is "distasteful", what is "distasteful" and an "embarrassment" is that you actually think a parent would give a damn if you thought their son or daughter would be "worthy" of your or anyone elses praise on this site! Worthy praise has, does, and will continue to come to those that deserve it from those sources that are truly important and meaningful in the lives of these young men. So yes centfan, please take your own advice and let's act with a bit more class and refrain from such unappealing comments or you just might have to arrest yourself!       
I agree Gabriel, the students of this generation have opportunities we boomers rarely had. Play ball in Italy one summer and Vegas over holiday break and intern in Paris for another summer. Man I was tickled just to go to the jersey shore for a weekend in the summer with my buddies and maybe grab a few pick up games in Sea Isle. Thanks for the link.
Just an FYI if you haven't seen or heard about this. As is with most college sports talk blogs and sites the individual emphasis is usually on stats, points scored, rebounds and assists accumulated and not much more. It's truly refreshing when an athlete receives accolades for managing his or her sport AND academics with great success at a very good academic school. Such was the case last week with Jon Ward from Ursinus. On May 1st The Philadelphia Inquirer named Ward The Philly-SIDA Academic All Area Men's Player of the Year for the  Metropolitian Philadelphia area. It's voted on by all 28 college SID's in the metro Philly area which includes all the DI,II, AND III schools. The Ursinus site released a article on the announcement and just this weekend KYW News 1060 AM ran a story on their radio station about it and its sister station, 94 WIP Sports radio website, has the entire radio interview to listen to along with a printed article about his pending internship this summer in Paris, France. When you listen to the entire radio interview you really get a feel for what kind of head Jon has on his shoulders and the type of kid he truly is. These are the types of accomplishments and situations college sports talking heads should be focusing on. The young men and woman who are dedicated to their academics and to contributing to help to make this world a better place to live. These are the true scholar athletes. Athletes Ursinus College and the Centennial Conference can truly be proud of helping to develop . Congrats to Jon, Kevin and his staff, and to Ursinus College. Go Bears!!!   
 My Dear Centfan, As I've said, my previous posts are there to read and decipher for all, including you, again, since you can't seem to comprehend my opinion of you. I believe that they fully answer and respond quite well to all of your juvenile post and comments.
Well said Gabriel, short and sweet, but still tells the tale of what Ward went through every time he stepped on the floor. Congrats to all the guys for their all conference honors.