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Messages - ballgame

  Serious withdrawals here.  Great game Friday night.  Capts played great basketball for 36 minutes.  Hats off to the Lincoln coach for changing to the match up zone--otherwise we're probably making plans for the sweet 16 this weekend....anyway water over the dam now. 

Enjoyed reading your post....especially goose, cnu85, captj and narch....they sort of held it together for us this year. 

I am looking forward to next year.  Capts should be OK.....all the best to Adam and Jeremy.  Great year and great careers....all the best to you both in your future endeavors.
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 26, 2006, 08:26:09 AM
How many times can one experience "the thrill of victory" and "agony of defeat" in one game?  That was amazing and anyone who was there should consider himself or herself fortunate to have witnessed it! A game like that is rare and frankly my heart cannot take too many more of those.     

Averett -- well, WELL coached and they were "on fire" at the start of the second half.  You sit wondering will this "three point a-thon" ever stop—not sure how many they made in a row to start the second half, but wow, what a run by AU.  It's tough losing any championship game....but that was a "heart ripper outer."  There were many Averett fans in our area....we had some fun "harassing" the refs, but from my perspective they were class fans....though many sat in stun silenced for a few minutes after the game -- can't say I would not have been the same way -- probably would have had to carry me out on a stretcher. 

Goose, did note Maceado and Adair were at Friday's game and an assistant was at Saturday's game -- hmmm? 

Congrats to the Captains....they have shown a LOT of heart all year and just NEVER quit.  It seems expectations were down a little for the program and a few folks were signing the "death warrant".....personally I think the best is yet to come.  This team has some good, tough young men who have "no" quit in'em.   Certainly though to send out Jeremy and Adam with a ring is special....congrats guys....congrats to the coaches (bless Coaches Woollum, Waters, and Ross—they probably aged a little to yesterday) and team – well done!

Good luck in the've made believers out of all of us Capt fans. 
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 25, 2006, 10:16:20 AM
Narch, Methodist is a class program.....Coach Mc your AD would not have it any other way.   Your guys will be back--everyone cannot be winners on the court--but looks like the Monarchs have some real winners off the court.  Look forward to your post next year.    Was sincerely disappointed in some of the things NCW did before and during the game.....the first half was about as good as it gets--quality basketball.  But some of the antics they did on the court really took away from the quality of a otherwise exciting contest -- was totally uncalled for. 

Anyway, good luck Caps.....bring it home.   
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 07, 2006, 08:21:50 AM
Agree with Goose and Captj....Romeo has been playing "fantastic!"  He is in the upper echelon of the conference shooting stats....most notable -- 3 point FG %....he is 2nd at 42.5%.  The SU game was an anomaly....foul happens and Jeremy is very aggressive on the defensive end.    Plus it's hard to weigh the impact of his positive attitude on the court and sidelines--from what I've noted it is substantial. 
Gents, I am going to use one of my "authorized" (at least I think it is) chits to comment on Narch's PVR stats.  Note Narch did say, "this IS NOT necessarily my 1st, 2nd, and 3rd team."   Though PVR is interesting it's too bad you cannot include heart, toughness, follower, leader, and attitude (which really is the sum of the aforementioned).  Certainly, from what I've observed (fortunate to have seen all the games thus far) a few of the Captains would REALLY incur some bonus points. 

Captj already mentioned Donta.....ditto on that one...6 points or 30 points, he is enthusiastic and always plays hard....his leadership has been special.  Athletically I've always thought the Captains had "potential."   But suspected there success would depend on how they grew as a team.  A couple of defining moments....and these young men REALLY won my admiration....not so much as it applies to basketball, but life in general (I know, a little to deep).  At Ferrum -- was not Davon's day and he sat for a good portion of the second half.  But the kid didn't pout...exactly the opposite...he was cheering on his teammates and still had that big broad smile of his after the game.  He knew he would live to fight another day and that day came pretty quick.   At Averett – it was not Jeremy or Korey's day, they sat a good portion of the second half....did they pout?....nope, they were cheering their teammates have to respect and cheer for young men who display such outstanding attitudes and impeccable will serve them well in life after basketball.  Davon at Averett, well 19 points on his 19th birthday....he shot lights out and made some HUGE baskets!    Jeremy and Korey...they really put it together on the court this weekend.  Couldn't have been happier for our senior sharp shooter! 

Methodist – talented.  They scare me.  I could be wrong....but could sense they were having some chemistry problems.      Real surprised to see Dragon sit the entire second half....Narch the team has potential, but the clock is REALLY ticking. 

Also, thought Greensboro was talented—we really pinned their ears back the first half, but they played well the second half and never quit....both Methodist and Greensboro will be tough on the road.  Thanks for the dime gents....hope to see you Captains fans around the neighborhood. 

Narch, I do like your numbers though....thanks for the work. 
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 29, 2005, 02:15:03 PM your attitude ' starts practice today.   Sort of looking forward to hearing what's new and what's the status of Matt Coleman. 
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 29, 2005, 11:40:51 AM
Goose, what a great way to start the Spring semester.....15 Jan....CMU vs CNU....look forward to it and see you there!
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 22, 2005, 03:45:11 PM
Monarch...good points...however I beg to differ on a few counts.  If you over play the passing lanes and you're aggressive shouldn't steals be a result....and isn't the result of a steal usually an easy basket?  I agree going for steals CAN get you in trouble if not part of your defensive scheme...but going for steals ARE in a lot of teams defensive schemes.  

Pump fakes are an effective weapon....but shouldn't the shot blocker be just as disciplined NOT to go for a fake.   I know they teach you not to leave your feet down in the good old Tar Heel state!  Plus the shot block is also an effective tool for the "mental" aspect of the game.  If a guy blocks a couple of shots, don't you think the other team is aware of where this "shot blocker" is when they go to the hole and it might occasionally cause an offensive player to alter a shot.  I don't know to many folks who like to have "Nike" tattooed on their forehead!  And someone who goes for a pump fake every time is not a "shot blocker" by my definition.  
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 22, 2005, 10:32:05 AM
Gents, I was one of about ten folks at the definitely enjoyed it!   Myrtle Beach is even busy in December!   Excuse my musings, as I am still a little tired from the drive.

First, hats off to Lincoln....those dudes can score some points in a hurry.  The scary part was Myrick had only four at the half....he definitely caught up for lost time in a hurry.   He is a strong player and very good with the short jumper in the paint. 

CNU vs Keystone.....we should have won that one.   If Jeremy could have had a half decent shooting day we would have won....I felt for him both games—definitely did not see that coming....could never get a rhythm going.  Good azimuth...always seemed to be a little long.   And to many turnovers against what I thought was a "fair" press.   Korey Lewis is playing VERY well on the offensive end.  Fouls—urgh—he has to stop bringing his arms below his waist when guys are penetrating the lane...he reaches way, way too much.   Like I said, we should have won this one!

CNU vs Lincoln...first!   Fifty-seven points!  Donta....automatic...was just fun to watch.  However, you knew Lincoln was coming....   Korey again....offensively he was great....defensively.....fouls...he had one foul at half a span of about 1:30 seconds in the second half he had four.     Got his 5th on a reach.  Had one thunderous dunk over a Lincoln player....was sweet.    Davon played a great game also against some very aggressive pressure.   Refs were definitely letting them play physical on the ball.  Ed Riley had a very good game off the bench.   Blasingame was not as effective offensively as he was the previous game and looked a little tired, but still had 13 rebounds.  Let's hope Matt gets back soon, he and Ed have a good chemistry going.  Jeremy—tough afternoon—again just could not get in a rhythm.   

CNU has a lot of potential.  But, it's just that potential.  Let's hope Romeo can shoot his way out of it (I believe we go as far as our senior takes us) and we can cut down on TOs.   We'll be fine.   
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 13, 2005, 03:04:20 PM
Well gents it WAS MdB, but again the team did have a pretty long layoff.   I definitely agree with Js assessment of Romeo's defense....dare I say the word "physical" here...again.   Jeremy and Adam both bellied up and got into Curry's wheel house!  He really lost his cool.  It will be an interesting couple of month's....there is, in my assessment, a lot of potential.  And I do have it on good account the players get along very well—and I believe the chemistry on the court will continue to improve.  It'll be interesting to see how the team reacts when the screws get put to them—that's coming pretty soon
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 13, 2005, 12:18:28 PM
Hmmmmm....well, then....ball game last night; Capts had some pretty substantial rust showing in the first half from the exam layoff....10 turnovers.  They picked it up in the second half, only six TOs.   You could hear Coach Woolum urging folks to run their sets in the first, not so much in the second half.  Also spacing was much, much better in the second half.   Romeo had a couple of nice pull up jumpers....was good to see him score off of dribble penetration..... 
Looking at the next three games.  If the Caps go 3-1 that would, I think, be a HUGE success!

I'm really not ballgame or am I? 
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 08, 2005, 12:23:49 PM
But, to say physical basketball is not successful at any level is just plain wrong.

Don't recall anyone here saying physical play was not any level.  I even admitted that my choice of "word" was wrong....I was complaining about some of the "rough" play, inconsistencies in officiating and the refs failure to control the game in a couple of USA South games I had observed.  

To me basketball is one of the most physical sports running....even more so today because the athletes are bigger, stronger and faster.....on a court that is still 94 X 50.  

CNU runs a version (I think) of the flex offense....series of picks and it's going to be physical...also, they run what appears to be the "shell" defense.....same thing....gets a little crowded in the post and is tough to penetrate.  

I think that is what Bo does at WI...a lot of picks.....and some doggone good belly up defense.

Now how in the world did you "Badgers" get over here ;D!  No wonder it's so cold in VA!  Maybe I should start talking about Florida!


Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 08, 2005, 09:30:42 AM
If I slighted the great state of Wisconsin in anyway I apologize!   After all, WI provided my sister with a great spouse!  And to boot, he was a UW grad.  But I think Isoar was referring to Bo Ryan....the head coach at D1 Wisconsin.   

And I do have to agree with are argueing about the same thing.  I found it interesting that a good friend of mine dropped me an email after attending the Duke – Penn game last night.  It was a Xmas present from his wife's employer.  He said it had been years since he had attended a college game and the thing that surprised him the most was how big the athletes were and how physical the game was.  We were laughing, because back in the day weight lifting for basketball players was taboo!  Man, has that ever changed....
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 07, 2005, 09:11:03 PM
How many national championships has Wisconsin won?  And who was the last big ten champ to win a NC?  Thanks, but I'll take UNC and Duke where they play D with there feet and all out that's physical basketball  :D

Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
December 07, 2005, 06:31:55 PM
Thanks hoops....though I don't recall saying that basketball "is not" a physical game....anyone that's ever played knows it's a physical game......'nough said  :D