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Messages - mrswylie

NW - If a certain school's fans get too unbearable, just start a rumor that Caleb Velthouse has been having coffee with an unnamed someone who's initials are - Bryan Foltice.   ;)

That's good for about 20 points of blood pressure and probably explains some of the righteous protests about Hope's transfer players.
Beyond the current players, you have to wonder what this does to Hope's ability to recruit the next generation.  Rather than always looking over your shoulder for a D1 transfer, might you decide to try another school?
A bit like a cocky 8th grader talking trash to Mike Tyson.
You might want to be a bit more specific in asking Kazoo to "shock the world."  Another 100-35 would probably do that.
Oldschool -

I thought Lakeland played good defense most of the night.  They seemed to make it very hard to get the ball into the post and collapsed hard when we did.  They did a good job attacking Hope's defensive rebounder, which limited our chances to push the ball. With that said, you just had to see Phillips, VanderHeide and Voison miss layups and putbacks to know it was both good defense and bad shooting.

Something changed in the last five minutes of the game - both the crowd and Hope seemed to wake up.  They were able to get the ball into Voison and he actually looked like a 5.

With 1:30 to go, Hope is up 9 (I think) and Glen empties the bench.  Two quick baskets by Lakeland and a couple of Hope turnovers and Hope is up 5 with a minute to go.  Then the coaching staff had an ephiphany - you can put starters back into the game!  With most of the starting lineup back in, minus Cramer, they managed to hold on and win by 7.

By the way, my guess is that Cramer is still not 100%.  He was subbed out frequently.  Maybe more telling - he had a clear breakaway and choose layup over dunk.

On the post game radio show, Coach Davelaar admitted that the game was ugly and if he was in the crowd he would have left at halftime to go watch the Alamo Bowl.
So why start measuring in 2000?  Is this like the mutual fund ads that can just pick the right periods to show good performance?

In that theme, KVS is 0-12 in games where Calvin scored fewer points than Hope.
I'm probably a bit closer to where sac is at.  Aquinas went for a mismatch and Hope had two problems.  Our 5 couldn't handle the quickness of AQ's 3 guard set.  On offence, we couldn't seem to exploit our size advantage.  AQ collapsed on Voisin and he couldn't seem to move the ball quickly enough to take advantage.

Maybe it's just a matter of making an adjustment, but we struggled most of the second half.
Hope seemed to struggle to defend the three guard set Aquinas ran in the second half.  FDF, it looks like you had the watch on Friday.  You mentioned the quickness of Madonna as a problem.  Have the scouts found a pattern?
I don't want to restart the "is there a good loss" debate, but the Kzoo fans have got to be feeling pretty good about last night's performance.  It looks like they have the talent to compete.  The next step will be proving they have the mindset to win.  I can remember too many occasions where the Hornets snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.

With both Calvin and Kalamazoo showing much better than expected play, it's going to be an interesting league schedule
That might help put some things in perspective.  At DeVos there were a couple of moments where Martin was at least "on a mission" and could easily have been considered a cheap shot artist.  Without any other personal exposure to his game, I'll put it in the passionate/frustrated category.
Hopefan - congrats!  I just can't imagine Grampa S, but time marches on.  If you head up for a game, be sure and let me know.  I might even have a spare seat.

Quote from: ziggy on December 01, 2005, 11:08:16 AM
What is the ticket situation for the MIAA/CCIW challenge?  Will tickets be available for anyone not already in Holland?  If so, how?

Ziggy - listening to the Hope sports report this morning, Tom Renner said that tickets should be available at the door for this weekend's games.  I guess "should" might leave the question open, but it sounded like he was concerned after the opening night sellout that people would assume a sellout.
After 15 losses in a row to a "brainfart" team, I guess I'd be a bit on edge as well.
I doubt Hope will be looking past Aquinas on Friday.  Much like Kazoo, Aquinas always get up to play Hope.  Unlike Kazoo, Aquinas brings talent.
devossed -

I don't know if you caught the post game show on WHTC, but Coach Davelaar commented that "Tom" was actually a misprint given to the media by Hope.