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Messages - WITball

So because dempsey didnt gett POY this year we are already making predictions he will get it next year??? comes the excuses from the gordon fans. Blaming the refs, ill agree that ive never been a fan of refs but i have never blamed a loss on them regardless of how bad they have been in the ccc.
Also 26-20 at half for WIT vs. Gordon, looks like dempsey is the only one playing for gordon. WIT is spreading it around pretty well!
kudos to birrell, any one know last time someone got POY and DPOY?
Look at the box score, dempsey had 10pts 2rebs...wit definatley does not have a POY contender.
10pts 2rebs isnt much for a POY contender? Wit has confused me this year....they have one player averaging more than 10 ppg (Corey T.) and he is also tied as the leading rebounder at 5.4 with Derek Mayo...There is no clear standout player but they seem to get it done as a team, when it matters. In conference play the games have been decided on average by 6.75pts...and if you take out their 21 point win over WNEC your looking at a 4.7pts. I hope they can start putting teams away like they did WNEC.
Oh im sorry i forgot we were talking about Whitinsville high school and not gordon, your right on that point. and im not saying that WIT players are "hard" by any means, Harder than Gordons yes (does this mean they have had better basketball players? Not always but sometimes)...are wits players this year harder? im not sure and most likely we will find out when they match up. I think that both teams have great pasts and its the TCCC best rivalries.

Your mocking Wits tendencys of being socially superior? As a basketball player should you not feel superior to your opponent? Should you not feel like you are better than them? because if you dont then I would say you are soft. In a rivalry should you not take pride in your rivals shortcomings? And be upset when they do well because it wasnt you?

I was livid two years ago when gordon made it to the NCAA's. should I have been happy for them because they are in the same conference as WIT? Thats like saying the red sox are happy when the Yanks make it to the world series instead of them....Its like your talking about grade school where every team should be nice to each other or like in recent days where HS teams get in trouble for running up the score...that is soft. This is college ball, you play to win simple, you dont try to make the other teams feel good about themselves...that would be...well...soft
Shaking my head at high flyers comments...not even sure how to respond...i remember watching herr trying to to dunk on WITs unathletic weonard bynes and bynes sending it to the bleachers...hes (Herr) the most athletic guy ive seen for gordon in watching them in the past 7 years...they have been a methodical/hardworking/smart basketball team....but never far as gordon being better institutionally than WIT thats kind of a brash statement as are aware that WIT is an engineering school right? The only majors close to something as confusing/difficult as some of the engineering majors WIT offers is maybe gordon's physics and chemistry majors....which engineering students at WIT have to take anyway.  I get it, we are all loyal to our schools to the bone but it would be like me saying Wentworth has much a higher/stonger christian commitments than Gordon does....
Didnt this whole "Dempsey for POY" come about last year too? honestly hes a solid player but hes not great.  im not trying to knock the kid because he is the best player gordon has but there is no way he will be POY...maybe....MAYBE first team, my bet is second team.

Also saying top three in the league!? I think we all know how quickly things can change when league play comes about, every team from UNE-Salve could be in the top three...lofty predictions from you gordonhoops
Oh gordon....WIT looks good, spreading it out well. Should be another interesting season for TCCC
ok, well they are still bad...however it is inconsistent both ways so theres really not much to complain just gets ugly sometimes...not as bad as that St. Johns and Rutgers finish though!
What TCCC needs is some new Refs...i had better in High School
Congrats to the underdog...kinda sour right now...good thing they will represent the CCC well in the tourney...
Magic shoes hoops....magic shoes Looks like WIT will host the CHIP as SRU pulls out the win 89-80 at AMC
And also got beat by NEC at home...and got killed by WIT 64-46
It really shouldnt matter, they had a loss at home to NEC and finished 3rd in TCCC play, there were other teams more deserving of that ranking in TCCC this year...let alone New England.  It just baffles me I guess, not sure whos doing the voting for that poll but it seems kind of shady to me