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Messages - DGPHawkGov

the big '50'.... wow...i am a bunch closer to the big '60' than the big '50'.... wesleydad is still a young man  :D

yall have a Merry Christmas, happy New Year, be safe,
and keep the faith
(Hawk'em and War Eagle)
yall r all my heros, thanks for the fun-fellowship and awesome food ;D
the boy and i got back to sweet home safe

had a blast and Lord willing will see yall again next year
keep the faith
congratulation to Wesley on an awesome season. I watched yall up close in Montgomery. Yall are a great team
keep the faith
HSC Tiger74 - Sir, always good to read yalls post, we did not play yall this year (so we were 6-4 and not 5-5)
good to hear from you,
i still read this forum daily and keep up with u, Ralph turner (hero) and others
thanks and keep the faith
ODAC BBQ guru's
the boy (son) and i missed last year, but plan on seeing yall all again. we will be going on out annual winter camp trip and hope to get through salem for the game.
i read this web site dailey, but this is first time i have posted in over a year (new computer, new job/business)

this was his senior year at Huntingdon, unfortunatly the went 6-4

we hope to see all yall and eat
keep the faith
DG Pugh