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Messages - cludad

looks like the boys in orange ca.,might give the sciac a new face in the playoffs :'(
Glad to see Livingston get the start,i would  liked to have seen him win the starting job and start building toward the future.
I totally agree with u there jack,Clu brought in a lot of good freshmen 5 years ago and the core played together for those 4 years.They had a mix of young players learning in game situations.Clu always had fast defenses,but after the 1st playoff loss to linfield the size situation really showed.I think coach Mac tried to get big in a hurry by bringing in jc guys.I think this is starting to show in that a lot of guys don't finish the 4 yrs.I hope Clu goes back to  building from within,we can wait a couple of years for results.  .. while losing to linfield was not fun it made Clu better,they always played them tuff and the games were good.
I was at that clu game last sat. and both teams are not very good.As for jack p ,Clu got there. Having linfield and ncc knock them out of the playoffs is nothing to hang their heads about. Who the heck beat you guys over the last 4 years?Have fun kicking Clu now, they will be back,coach Mac is to good of a coach. I do agree that they need to star building with younger players.that is what started the streak,sprinlkle in some transfers(jake L wasn't to bad) if needed.The Kingsmen will rise again(only to get beat by the cats) but heck it could be worse, they could have to live in Redlands.
mc ,you are correct about the points,they had opportunities.
MC , i'll tell you what i saw sat..Linfield played a great 1st half,oshkosh did'nt do much but stuck to a plan and did not panic(ran the ball,and ran the ball again)i was thinking,this is'nt going to work.In the 2nd half i saw the titans break a lot of runs including the wrs,i have never seen linfield miss this many tackles(got drug on a few also).this is why i thought fatigue set in and oshkosh took advantage of it.I probably was thinking more CLU when i mentioned size ,Linfield is close but CLU needs to rethink the smaller ,quicker d-line and maybe add some size.It will help late in the season(everybody could use a couple 300lbs dt ;D)
congrats to the Cats on a good season(you make the west coast proud).An observation on the last few weeks.... the west coast needs to get bigger.oshkosh was a bigger and more physical team today and wore down the CATs. I think the Cats were more talented but the titans stuck to a game plan and it worked.Linfield is the most physical team on the west coast but oshkosh size was a huge factor today.The west coast plays a faster style game with smaller quicker players. To me football is a big mans game and size will win out almost every time.Am I wrong in this observation?
CLU had lots of d problems half way through the year. losing to Ncc for me was expected (cant stop the run wont beat ncc).At least CLU had the chance to be in the postion to play after the regular season was over.5 years and no victory against the kingsmen i guess really makes you bitter.get over it, one day the dawgs will beat CLU again.
ALL CAT FANS.....DEEP BREATH and repeat...the game is in the bag and we win ;D ;D ;D
Crap stains?, the dawgs lucked a victory last year against ncc . play linfield a few times then maybe you can pop off.(Ncc is not Linfield)
did the cameraman up top fall off the roof? why is everything at ground level? CLU defense was a shell of itself from when they played the cats.
looks like the cats will be playing home next week...congrats.
Ncc wil not quit,but with a good lead the running game may be put to rest about half way through the  third .If linfield goes down and scores on the opening drive it may be sooner.(they cant beat the cats as just a passing team)
CATs are doing very well, they are playing like i thougt they would(no big plays and keeping everything in front).keep the pressure on and they will be playing at home next week. ;D
Really rfb, between jake and hurst last year you cannot be serious.To call CLU ( cal lose) what the hell does that make redlands ,5 year losing streak doesnt give you much room to talk. At least CLU made it the last 4 years. Losing to linfield 3 of those years is nothing to hang their heads about.( at least CLU answered the phone)