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Messages - retired52

herb, carl, rest of the scac guys.....

well, my wife and I are FINALLY back to normal after the hurricane gave us the justice!!!  new roof, new stuff, so thats good i guess. 

Looks like the season is going to be an exciting one....  It reminds me of 96-97 and 97-98 when every game was a nail biter for almost all the teams.....

i look foward to some trash talk with any southwestern fans....!!!  (my little sister got brainwashed and is attending school there...)

Well, you farts are starting to make me feel old....  I am having a little girl in January, aqnd found a grey hair in my head this morning....

Whats the scoop?

Congrats to Chris hill... Trinity University's new Assistant Coach.  Hill played at Trinity when I was there a few years back and brings passion and energy and will be a good compliment to Coach Cunningham.... dont know if mason and drew are still going to be there.....

Anyhow, lets start talking smack.....  Who is gonna get second place this year behind Trinity???