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Messages - Basketball Jones

A quick update request...if there are any Hope fans staying in the area around Disney who could give two folks a ride to/from Wednesday's game, please contact me. We would be appreciative. Thanks. (Note to knightslappy: checked your car rental link--out of my price range.)
Long-time reader of the board with, not analysis but a question. My wife, daughter, and I will be in the Orlando area (Disney, to be specific) on the days that Hope plays in the RDV Sportsplex D3 Classic, and would especially like to see Hope play on the Wednesday night v. Dominican. Alas, thanks to Disney transportation initiatives, we will have no car. If anybody reading this will be in that area and would be willing to take 2 (perhaps 3) riders to and back from the game (or you know a someone who might be willing), could you let me know? Thank you very much.

Now, back to the more important stuff...