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Messages - allamericanredhead

Quote from: WUPHF on October 04, 2019, 02:09:08 PM
Quote from: GU1999 on October 04, 2019, 01:04:10 PM
This may be an all time karma point post. 

I'll be honest, I was the one giving her the positive karma.

I had a few private message conversations with her and her knowledge of St. Louis area small college basketball was incredible.

Hey Boys, this old gal is still out here. I check in every once in a while. This old girl is getting kind of old for those cold winter nights. Any room in the trailer park down there in Florida, Hope? I do miss Denny, RIP, the absolute biggest homer in the history of homers, but you had to like his passion for anything Lee McKinney. Drove him nuts he couldn't figure out who I am, and none of his guesses was ever even close LOL. And I miss Lee, although I HATED watching his teams play. Nobody on any team of Lee's ever wore themselves out playing defense, for sure. But FC has done nothing but below average since he left. So what does this old girl know?
Hope fan I AM BACK  just for now. I love how you keep this board up to date. I would give anything to hear from Denny once more, especially after the Greenville game. Lee's teams were never known for defense but even I can't imagine giving up 200 points !!!. All those times Denny  would public swear of the board and then come back under a new name :D :D  Biggest homer who ever graced this board, GOD bless him.
it was so much fun to have him on this board. We had Hope's objectivity to Dennis' blatant homerism. That is what makes sports so great. Dennis, please come home.
Hope says: "my stance has always been that a kid with playing time at a BIG high school, though not necessarily a big scorer, may very well have a better shot at SLIAC success than a kid from a 1A/2A rural school with bigger numbers... the day to day competition he has seen has likely been that much better"  Boy Hope, if that don't flush Dennis out, then he really has fallen off the face of the earth. Did Dennis ever tell you about the time FC won three tournaments in a row with a bunch of farm boys? FREE DENNIS!
Wasn't it the Kingston Trio; Where Have all the Flowers Gone? How about Where have all the posters gone, gone grave yards everyone. Hope, who you like in the Women's Trn and can the men finally get a TRn win?
Quote from: hopefan on February 21, 2016, 01:02:42 PM
Where have all the posters gone?

Yjack... Lengthy vacation to the ODAC room

WUH...  up the creek without a paddle in the UAA room

Bunchtime.... Grumbling at home over the Gorlocks performance while performing babysitting duty

Denny.... Down highway 44 watching HS basketball

AllAmerican Red....  wandering the Fontbonne campus endlessly searching for Denny

ECRed..... Waiting for next year, thinking oh so close

haterithehouse... in hiding with Blackburn's resurgence to contention, with nothing to complain about

The CCIW guys... they have their own fun in the CCIW room

the 500 views per day this room gets shows there is interest...why we don't get new posters, I'll never know...the stuff I put out should be discussion worthy... I give up...
OH OH Hope, you do a great job. You should be commish or at least get some kind of award named after Lee McKinney. There are enough of them around the FC campus, but please BRING BACK DENNIS. This board is just not the same without him. Kind of like that squeaky screen door (back in the pre-AC days) that you get use to until somebody oils it and then you miss it's annoying regularity? Same with Dennis.
Just read the "news" article/editorial by the young man at Webster. WOW. A couple more questionable claims:

"One of the greatest all-around athletes in the history of sports played DIII sports–Jim Thorpe." Division III was around in 1912?

"Future Hall of Famer London Fletcher played football at John Carroll University. Ever heard of it? Neither have I." Buddy, there are a whole lot of things you have not heard of. Fletcher was the point guard on the JC basketball team after transferring from DI St. Francis of PA. He did play for John Carrol's football team. John Carrol, by the way is where Don Shula played his college football.

I never could figure out why he is ripping on the coaches. What coaches? What sports? Specific objections or deficiencies? He gives no clarity, just throws a few random rants and digs at "coaches."

The guy could be a "fact checker" for FOX News. Incredible poor research, no foundation to claimed deficiencies, scatter gun accusations, total untruths to back a pre-conceived conclusion, totally vague, biased and pointless wild claims to try and prove an even vaguer topic.

Such a biased and pointless tirade puts the memory cells into thought process and reminds me why we need Dennis back. FREE DENNIS

Hope you are the best. This board would die without you and with my old bones, it gets harder and harder to get out and see a game. Your love for D3 basketball shows in all you write. I almost feel like I am at the games. FREE DENNIS

Region 8 men's basketball / Walter Schoenke
January 14, 2016, 01:57:57 AM
We have lost a great man with the passing of the SLIAC's first commish, Walter Schoenke. A true gentleman. A trained scientist he was also a very wise businessman who loved sports. He was a good friend for many a year and a lot of what the SLIAC is today is to his credit for building a solid base. A private joke: who has the beaver tale? Now, even though he has dropped his account (again) I know Dennis is out their creeping still trying to figure out who I am. Big hint here Dennis, and I mean BIG hint.  ;)
Quote from: hopefan on December 24, 2015, 06:08:13 PM
To Yjack, WUH, Denny (if you're still reading), All American Red, and the 200 to 300 of you who seem to visit us every day but never comment...


               hopefan... ;) ;)
Same to you Hopefan. What could Dennis possible be mad about this time? It is the annual "you won't have Denny to kick around anymore cause I am never posting on this board again." And yes, you know he is still reading and yes he will start posting again.
I know that Dennis is going to say this is irrelevant, but does any oldtimers from the Lou remember Stanley Woods? Played at Gateway Tech in the mid 60's. He is still a street legend in the inner city basketball circles. Is said to have graduated at mid semester, which was pretty common in the PHL in those days. Players would play until late January and then graduate and not finish the basketball season. Jo Jo White did it at McKinley. Woods Supposedly was to have gone on to play at the University of Kansas. I can find nothing on him, either locally or any KU reference. He would today be in his late 60's, if alive. Go down to the inner city gym as Matthew's Dickey or Herbert Hoover and everyone knows he is a legend and was a little off kilter, always warmed up for the game without shoes is one story I have herd,  but little about him after he left the Lou. I was around in those days but did not really follow hoops until the late 60's. I have posted on several other area high school boards (I use a different name so this will drive Dennis crazy trying to find me on other boards) but have found nothing.
it would be interesting to know if they would list the nominations?
Quote from: hopefan on December 21, 2015, 11:00:12 PM
Hunter Ward tears it up in Florida (against WHOM?) to gain SLIAC PLAYER of the WEEK Honors.... Ettingers unbelievable game against Wash U doesn't gain mention... Ward's in is deserved, lack of mention of Ettinger is just dumb... losing confidence in whatever process generates this weekly story.... :( :(
I agree with you Hope. My guess would be the FC athletic office felt it was too much work to nominate him. Don't know that for sure, but things have slipped over on Wydown and this would fit right in with recent past performances out of the AD Office. If they did nominate Ettinger, then the staff at the SLIAC Office need to pull their head out.
Dennis there was not game with Chamanade. If you back and read on this board you give a long explanation of how it was all Chamande's fault

I am not dancing on anyone's grave. You take offense with anyone who does not fall into lockstep with your view. You puffed up this week when someone before me mentioned a Christmas trip. So I threw you the bait an as always you swallowed hook line and sinker.

I am done with this and am going to in the future read the good insights that are on here, maybe post every once in a while  and do what everyone else in the St. Louis basketball circle's do, ignore you.
Maybe 02-03? It was the year after King graduated. It was the Roberts kid's JR year, I believe. Denny just quit with all the defensiveness. I quit posting on here for a long time because no one can say anything even close to a difference of opinion of yours that you don't fly off the handle and swear you are never posting on here again. Then in a few months you are back. A lot of people didn't agree with a lot of things that went on at FC. The mid term transfers happened year after year. The Christmas trips that you swore never cost the kids a dime is a complete lie. The last one was to Hawaii and I know it costs the kids $2200 each and that last year three starters didn't even go. Then when they got over there they didn't even have a game, scrimmaged a Marine intermural team. That was the end of the trips. Maybe the trips were a good deal, but to say "no kid ever paid a dime" like you have is a complete lie. Maybe you never paid a dime. Just tell the truth but really at this point does it really matter?