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Messages - KnightSlayer101

This board has insulted me for the last time.  I am sorry for my God given abilities and that I am proud of what I have done whether it was during my playing days or teaching myself the keyboard so I could play in my church band.  Consider this as me turning the other cheek, as I grab my cane and walk away from my computer I hope you realize what a jealous group of people you are but then again none of you ever stepped on a college gridiron or felt Our Lord blessing them with the ability to be great at football. Warning to anyone who is a newcomer to these boards, these people are anti- handicapped, anti-religion, anti-acheivers.

See you jerks at the Stagg Bowl.
I don't need my cane all the time, in church league softball I can bat and have a designated runner. I also can be pitcher and catcher. I also have played in a church league dart tournament (which I won) and I coach a seven on seven team. So maybe I don't play on the teams, who cares? If my legs were shot playing real football shouldn't that be good enough for you? Can I compliment my players on how good they are, if I coach? Am I not still part of the team? Sorry you find me walking with a cane funny, its called sacrifice for a greater cause, you wouldn't know about that. I love Central, I loved playing for them, I'm proud to walk with a cane in my thirties, if you ever see me walking with it you will know why I was better than you on the field---I GAVE IT MY ALL.
What you don't get is I state facts. I state them when people challenge me and when it is relevant.

(I had hoped that a whole slew of posters 'bragging' about their church league basketball or miniature golf 'exploits' might be enough mockery to get through to you, but apparently nothing gets through your ego.)

With some of these posters I didn't know if they were joking or not, seeing how jealous they are of me in their posts, and how they attack me, I wouldn't be suprised if winning a church league basketball tournament was their biggest accomplishment. I play in church leagues all the time, some of our teams are really talented, but I realize it isn't the IIAC so I don't mention it on these boards. People who go after me and my successes make me realize more and more why God came into my learn to ignore bozos like them.

Nuff said.
No ego, or arrogance if all I am doing is stating facts. Thats what you don't get.
Great footballdaddy1 my wife got me 2 backstage passes to the LifeLight Festival in MO later in the year which cost a pretty penny, you don't hear me bragging to everybody about that. Maybe you should take a big bite of that humble pie you so desperately want to hand out to me and other Central players.
Trust me if I stated my name some of you would remember me, but I never will...then again maybe you would not be talking so much trash about my playing days. Where my screen name comes from?

Wartburg, Central game. Huge win over the Knights, I come into a bar in Pella afterwards, I guess some of my buddies got there before me, got the whole bar to chant knightslayer....knightslayer....knightslayer....maybe some of you were there in that bar that night and remember that moment and that game.

I list my other acheivements on here, because I am just as proud of them, and they happened more recently. But don't down play my abilties on the field, or the man I am today. The posting boards are like the field, I am a different person than when I am just a civilian. Should I apologize for the gifts God has bestowed on me or be proud of them? THINK ABOUT IT! I love Central, I love football, sorry if that rubs some jealous people the wrong way.
Top in Regional sales 4 months straight in Iowa, Nebraska, South Dakota region.

I have been invited by multiple athletic organizations, to motivate and mentor.

Play in my church band, taught myself instrument.

Work hard, play hard.  There, here are some non football accomplishments.
I may be hated on these boards, but I know I'm respected.

Nuff said.

God gave me my abilities, I'm not ashamed.
People CALLED me the BILL ROMANOWSKI OF THE IIAC, I was just quoting Lance Armstrong. He is the most tested man in sports, he passed every single one. This board should change their name to THOSE WHO ARE JEALOUS OF GREAT ACHEIVERS BOARD. Granted winning the IIAC Player of the Week title numerous times, winning TWO IIAC crowns, TWO TIME ALL CONFERENCE is nothing is comparison to what Lance has done on his bike and with the LIVESTRONG bracelet movement.
Maybe you could meet a Central player there FB DADDY, they can show you about what being a champion is all about.


                                             -LANCE ARMSTRONG, 7 TIME TOUR DE FRANCE WINNER
If anyone is interested-Fellowship of Christian Athletes is hosting a weekend retreat:

2011 Collegiate Challenge
February 25-26th, 2011
Hidden Acres Christian Center
Cost: $35

Its a great experience, here is more info if anyone is interested:
Haha you guys are alright
OhIowa-maybe the Rams could play schools like Lisbon, North Cedar, etc.?

Sportsknight-once again a dude from Wartburg who talks a lot, but probably didn't walk the walk. I have a degree from Central, an elite institution when compared to its Waverly counterpart.   :D
BTW, if anyone is interested-Fellowship of Christian Athletes is hosting a weekend retreat:

2011 Collegiate Challenge
February 25-26th, 2011
Hidden Acres Christian Center
Cost: $35

Its a great experience, here is more info if anyone is interested:
LOL, I'll give credit when its due..not bad FD, not bad  :D