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Messages - OhIowa

Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
November 05, 2014, 12:22:57 PM
My math may be off, but if it comes down to quarters led in division games only, this is what I have if it ends up in a 3-way tie between Cornell, Monmouth and I.C.

vs I.C-0
vs Cornell-4
vs Grinnell-4
vs L.F-4
vs Knox-?
Illinois College
vs Monmouth-4
vs Grinnell-3
vs L.F-4
vs Knox-3
vs Cornell-?
vs Monmouth-0
vs Grinnell-4
vs L.F-4
vs Knox-2
vs I.C-?
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
September 30, 2013, 10:31:56 AM
Quote from: CaliRamRL6 on September 30, 2013, 10:18:26 AM
Did anyone make it to the Monmouth-Cornell game that could comment on what happened?

Cali, I believe AshPark made it over.  I got a few snipits from him, but haven't heard all the details.  Sounds like there was possibly a fight or a little scurmish at the end.  Not sure what happened. 
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
February 11, 2013, 11:08:17 AM
Here's a little offseason update from Cornell.  They have been trying recently to get the funding wrapped up for this project, so it's exciting to see they are beginning on phase 1 of the upgrades. 
This will definitely be a plus for the baseball field, as the outfield has served as the football practice field since as long as I can remember.

The second link is the link to the plans they put together a couple years ago.  No mention if this is the same design they are going with or are coming up with something new.
Quote from: fulbakdad on October 23, 2012, 11:25:56 AM
Ash,  I agree.  it was a good game. 

There were two plays that the refs called or didn't call that stick in my mind.  There was one where a player was injured so it went by without much excitement.  But one of your players was in contact with the LFC reciever and the ball hit him in the back of the head, obvious pass interferance not called.  He didn't look back at the ball and the ball even hit him on the back of the helmet.

The second was after the flury of flags had been thrown.  Your team threw a pass to a reciever who caught it around the 4 yard line.  It was a good thow, good catch, and the LFC defender hit him.  It was a hard hit, but I didn't see anything wrong with it.  The ref then throws a flag, they have a conference, than announce "unsportsmanlike conduce, High hit".  I went searching for that one.  Never seen it before, nor could I find it.
Best of luck to you guys for the remainder too.   There's still a lot of football left!

I didn't get a chance to watch the game, and not trying to take a side, just throwing my 2 cents in.  I may be wrong, but wasn't a "high hit" part of the rule changes that took place when they put an emphasis on leading with the helmet, spearing, etc?  It may just be in the NFL, but isn't making contact above the shoulder a penalty now?  Again, I havent' seen the play and don't know if that fits here.  Feel free to correct me.
Quote from: fulbakdad on October 17, 2012, 05:35:21 PM
So I can see the Cornell QB has put up some nice numbers.  And they seem to have trouble with the run.  What are the other strengths/weaknesses do they have?  Anyone been to thier games?

I haven't actually been to any Cornell games, but have watched most of them online (Kind of hard to travel from Ohio on the weekends).  I would agree with everyone's evaluation of Cornell this year.  A weakness that I will point out is theor kicking game, specifically, kick-offs.  Now I am not involved in their special team game plans, but I have seen what seems to be a lot of kick offs go out of bounds.  That puts a lot of pressure on your defense with that kind of field position.

From my perspective, if you don't have a kicker that can put it down inside the 5 yard line, your next best option is to try and get the ball rolling on the ground, or pin the return team to a sideline.  Again, I don't know what their game plans are, but I would assume Cornell's coaches would like to see this corrected.

A strength that I have seen from Cornell comes again from special teams.  They have been very effective coming after punts and getting blocks.  I believe they have 2 blocked punts for touchdowns this year.  They obviously take a lot of pride in that phase of the game and have guys that are committed to those positions. 
Region 5 football (Central-ish) / Re: Midwest Conference
September 13, 2012, 08:17:17 AM
As I am trying to familiarize myself with the MWC, what can you tell me about Grinnell?  I know they typically are small in terms of roster size, but I believe I counted 45 this year.  How typical is this for Grinnell?  In my days at Cornell, roster size was always an issue.  Grinnell seems to always squeak out a 4-6/5-5 season, with an occassional run at 6-4.  I know they are a top tier academic school with a hefty price tag to go with it, but is that the main reason they strugle with numbers?  They have great facilities, and in my opinion, on of the best natural surfaces around.  Just curious on everyone's thoughts. 
I may have missed this discussion, but I didn't realize that St. Norbert was playing John Carroll in Ireland.  Seems like that would be hectic with the travel and getting back for classes/practices/etc and recovering from any jet lag.

Excited to finally watch some football and see what the MWC has to offer.  Good luck to everyone this weekend.

Quote from: fulbakdad on August 02, 2012, 06:39:34 PM
Anyone else have any preseason info?

Lake Forest Coach Cat sent out that this year they have the largest recruiting class ever.  This is leading to the largest roster ever.  He sent out a list of the new guys and it looks like some studs on it.

Speaking unofficially for Cornell, I believe that have posted a recruiting class of 37, give or take 1.  This is the largest class they have had in years, I believe since my freshman year in 2003, maybe even longer.  It sounds like they are excited about a large number of quality skill players that will compete right away.  Cornell has struggled to land your 6'6 280lb kids over the years to build a solid front line on both sides of the ball.  I know they are excited about a few of their big guys coming in, but I don't think they will make up a majority of their recruiting class. 

I've never really followed the MWC over the years, so I'm excited to be able to follow some new teams.
Quote from: CaliRamRL6 on July 25, 2012, 03:39:57 PM
I might have to find a Cornell shirt for you.

If you have your "Halloween Costume" shirt from the 10th ave days, you might be able to put a ram logo on that.  Could be a big hit around those parts.  Maybe leave the toilet paper off of it though.
Quote from: wartknight on July 26, 2012, 04:58:23 PM
I remember generic beer.  It was a long time ago but all I remember was the white can with "BEER" in black letters.  Even back in that day I thought alcoholic beverages required more labeling than that.  For awhile the cheapest stuff around Chicago was Red White and Blue.  I could only buy it in bottles by the case and I had to pay a deposit on the bottles except that I was always returning a case so it worked out.  The worst beers I ever drank came in novelty cans, and I expect was really old or had gotten really hot somewhere or had otherwise been somehow mis-handled.  There was Three Stooges Beer, and some sort of Harley Davidson Commemorative beer.  And no one who ever drank it will forget Billy Beer.  Man I'm getting thirsty.
I remember the RW&B beer(had to drink a couple quick to get use to the taste)! Speaking of beer & Chicago. Had a couple of end of summer road trips to the windy city while in college (Cubbies/Rush St, etc). Being broke college students, throughout the summer we were able to buy Old Style pretty cheap & it wasn't bad (our "working" friends would give us crap for drinking it). So we get to the Cubs game & one of the first things we hear is "Hey Old Style - Old Style Here". My buddies & I being big Cubbie fans became Old Style drinkers for awhile after that. When we got home from the road trip, we had to advise our "working" friends that if Old Style is served @ Wrigley, you know it must be good beer!!...I think I will have to copy DD today. Just got a call from a buddy, he said it is almost beerthirty!

Pigskin right around the corner - GO KNIGHTS!!

I was wondering when or if Old Style was going to get brought into this topic.  I grew up drinking OS as that is all my dad had in the fridge.  In college, I learned real quick that Old Style was a hidden gem.  At parties, if the fridge or coolers were stocked, anybody grabbed what they could.  Unless it was Old Style.  Nobody would touch it.  So I rarely had to worry about my beer getting drank.  The only down fall to Old Style is that I can't get it out here in Southeast Ohio.  I did find it in Pittsburgh, but my family always stocks me up when they come and visit.  And yes, Old Style is actually pretty good. 
Quote from: Mr. Ypsi on June 11, 2012, 02:36:33 PM
Quote from: 02 Warhawk on June 11, 2012, 01:38:34 PM
Quote from: Raider 68 on June 10, 2012, 12:48:43 PM
Here is a question:

Which OAC will have the best recruiting class for 2012? :)

umm.....when was the last time this answer wasn't Mount Union?

While it seems like the answer would be about 1850 :P, with the great teams Capital suddenly had in the mid 2000's (but not before or since), I'm thinkin' the answer might be about 2002 or 2003.

That is a very difficult question to answer at this level.  Without rankings of each indiviudual, it is hard to put a numerical value on a class.  For some schools, a class of 75-85 might be a Grand Slam just based on numbers.  That same number of kids at a school such as Mount, UWW, etc, may never be known to us until their junior or senior years.  There is such depth across the board that as a freshman or sophomore, we as spectators can't say how good in incoming class is.  At a school where a big recruiting class comes in and makes up a good chunk of the depth chart as freshmen, that recruiting class may appear to be better than a school where kids have higher rope to climb to see the field. 

At the D-3 level, it is probably a good indicator to look at the retention of a recruiting class from year-to-year coupled with wins and losses.

Quote from: Kira & Jaxon's Dad on June 07, 2012, 06:10:39 PM
Quote from: OhIowa on June 07, 2012, 07:24:06 AM
Word out of Marietta is that they are expecting around 86 incoming freshman this season.  That would put them around 140-150 when they break camp.  This would be quite a jump over their recruiting numbers from years prior.  With a large incoming class and new Defensive Coord. Randy Awery, could we see Marietta start to be more consistent and competitive?  I know a large recruiting class doesn't mean squat until you see how many of those kids actually stick it out for 4 years, but definitely a positive sign for the Pioneers.

Coach Eichhorn, are you sending any good players to the hometown college?

Unfortunately, this year I did not.  Myself and another of my coaches worked with a few guys to open their eyes to D-3.  We plugged for Marietta as well as some other schools.  I would have liked to seen them stay local, but they all chose to head out of state.  Obviously with my ties to Marietta College I pushed for them to go there, and we gave them some other opportunities to look at. Realistically, they are at places that they can 1. Fit the system better, and 2. Can compete for playing time a little earlier. 

And it apparently didn't take long for you to do a little detective work and blow my cover  8-)

I just thought I would share some info I've heard down South here and maybe spark some new conversations.
Word out of Marietta is that they are expecting around 86 incoming freshman this season.  That would put them around 140-150 when they break camp.  This would be quite a jump over their recruiting numbers from years prior.  With a large incoming class and new Defensive Coord. Randy Awery, could we see Marietta start to be more consistent and competitive?  I know a large recruiting class doesn't mean squat until you see how many of those kids actually stick it out for 4 years, but definitely a positive sign for the Pioneers.
Not sure if many of you have heard, but Barron Bremner, former Coe and Cornell wrestling coach and AD has passed away.  I never had the chance to meet Barron, but have heard numerous stories about his time spent at both Coe and Cornell.  It's too bad that he won't have the chance to see the inaugural presentation of the Bremner Cup to the all-sports winner between Coe and Cornell.

Thoughts and prayers to his family.
Not to keep beating up on the subject, but the whole idea that a team is "too good for a division" is hogwash.  What do you do about teams that are already at the highest level possible, ie: Iowa Wrestling or Penn State Volleyball (although their streak was snapped this year).  At some point,  the scale will balance out.  UConn Women's basketball was thought to be unbeatable for 80 or 90 some straight games and look what happened.  We live in a society where people expect things to be given to them or things just happen to them.  They hold out their "clean hands" that haven't touched the dirt of hard work and expect to reap the benefits. 

I completely agree with everyone else that says "We need to get better."  That's what playing and coaching sports is all about.  That's the competitive nature of sports, to get better and beat the best.  I've coached in the OAC and it's hard not to look at Mount Union and ask, what are they doing that we aren't?  When you try and do that, you are setting yourself up for failure.  How many people would dare to install St. John's questionable "Winning with No" mentality.  Whether they truly operate on that system or not is one thing, but you can't change who you are and how you operate based on someone else's success.  Bottom line, find what works for you and don't worry about what other teams are or aren't doing.