No hard feelings Narch. I had a feeling from the beginning of this "interim" process that it would be a long shot for coach Stu to get much of an opportunity past this season. Looking back at my original post, I should have said "I" instead of "EMU backers". Appologies.
The USASC does appear to be a much deeper baseball conf with the new additions. Each recent addition having some success in regards to their baseball program over the years, especially recently. With CNU and SU leaving I will probably not keep up with the conf as closely as I have in recent years, but I will always pull for any team associated with the USASC come postseason play (as long as they're not playing SU or EMU, if EMU ever gets there).

Good Luck to all, almost time to gear up for some football!!
The USASC does appear to be a much deeper baseball conf with the new additions. Each recent addition having some success in regards to their baseball program over the years, especially recently. With CNU and SU leaving I will probably not keep up with the conf as closely as I have in recent years, but I will always pull for any team associated with the USASC come postseason play (as long as they're not playing SU or EMU, if EMU ever gets there).

Good Luck to all, almost time to gear up for some football!!