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Messages - Will2Win

No hard feelings Narch. I had a feeling from the beginning of this "interim" process that it would be a long shot for coach Stu to get much of an opportunity past this season. Looking back at my original post, I should have said "I" instead of "EMU backers". Appologies.

The USASC does appear to be a much deeper baseball conf with the new additions. Each recent addition having some success in regards to their baseball program over the years, especially recently. With CNU and SU leaving I will probably not keep up with the conf as closely as I have in recent years, but I will always pull for any team associated with the USASC come postseason play (as long as they're not playing SU or EMU, if EMU ever gets there).  8-) :P

Good Luck to all, almost time to gear up for some football!!  ;D
Quote from: narch on July 04, 2012, 12:51:33 PM
Quote from: D-BAT on June 16, 2012, 08:44:53 AM
EMU is a sleeping giant waiting for someone to awaken such animal!
the slumber that giant has been in makes rip van winkle's look like a catnap :)

44 year winning percentage: .393
last winning season: 2002
total winning season's: 14
only 3 year winning streak: 1983 - 1985 (36-28 over that span)
winning % over the last decade: .317
winning % over the last 2 decades (the period of van winkle's slumber): .387

these are hardly gigantic numbers

while i wish coach spotts the best of luck - he may indeed be the one to bring life to emu baseball - it might be a bit hyperbolic to call the emu program a sleeping giant

let us not forget that the interim coach was supposed to be making a tremendous turnaround after a few weeks of the season (.289 winning %)

"Let us not forget"...the EMU backers that made such a comment also stated, "IF" the interim coach was given time to bring in his own players and implement his system, then he could have success...wasn't the case. Funny how some ppl forget the minor details from some posts on here. I'm happy with the hire of Spotts, ready to see what he can do as the head man. On a side note, you happy SU and CNU are now gone from the USASC? Could bring back the days of post-season play for ya.  8-)
Quote from: Will2Win on June 15, 2012, 02:42:47 PM
It's funny you bring this topic up today...Just received word from several very reliable sources, EMU will name Bridgewater College longtime asst coach Ben Spotts the next head man to lead the Royals. If this is true, it's a solid hire.

Just released....Via

It's funny you bring this topic up today...Just received word from several very reliable sources, EMU will name Bridgewater College longtime asst coach Ben Spotts the next head man to lead the Royals. If this is true, it's a solid hire.
South Region / Re: All-Americans
May 24, 2012, 08:56:40 AM
Quote from: Ralph Turner on May 23, 2012, 05:27:45 PM
Quote from: Will2Win on May 23, 2012, 04:06:47 PM
I think there are numerous OF that Pendergraft could replace if the criteria is based on statistical analysis...won't name any specifics out of respect, just my honest opinion.

With that being said, I'm sure there are a handful of other players you could make the same argument for. Not an easy task picking the AA teams. All told, these guys had fantastic years, regardless of the post season accolades they did or did not recieve.
The one thing that does on their all-American teams (in all sports) is to fill the normal complement of players on a team.

There are usually 3 starters and 1 reliever. A DH is selected, and a UTL player is selected because there are so many times in a game when a strategic substitution is an integral part of the game.  There are the correct number of position players (not 5 OF's and 2 1B's.) Rarely there is a tie in the balloting in which you really cannot distinguish the better player.

Got ya, I have followed for a couple years now. I appreciate the hard work you guys do to cover D3 athletics as well as you do. Was not trying to knock the site...just answering BigPoppa's question. Again, thanks for the D3 coverage.
South Region / Re: All-Americans
May 23, 2012, 04:06:47 PM
I think there are numerous OF that Pendergraft could replace if the criteria is based on statistical analysis...won't name any specifics out of respect, just my honest opinion.

With that being said, I'm sure there are a handful of other players you could make the same argument for. Not an easy task picking the AA teams. All told, these guys had fantastic years, regardless of the post season accolades they did or did not recieve.
Overall, I still think they are better now than they have been the last 3-4 years. The brand of baseball they play now compared to years past is like night and day. They're aggressive on the bases and they can swing it relatively well. A few things I have noticed that hasn't changed are pitching and defense.They could be a lot better defensively, particularly in the infield, if they just moved their feet. Too many times i've seen them caught flat footed or not moving their feet at all. Not getting around the baseball which would allow them to put their bodies in position to make a play after the ball is fielded (that's half the battle)...So I suppose there is still a bit of coaching that could be done, but all in all I think the coaching staff has done well with what they have. Another area of concern is the pitching're not going to beat too many teams with a team e.r.a. floating around 6.00...which is how it's been for the last 4-6 years. Not to take anything away from the kids currently on the roster (as i'm friends with a few of them), but keep in mind Coach Stu is doing this with players he inherited from Mace...I'm anxious to see what kind of ball players he brings in, if he is given the chance. That's when you're really going to be able to gauge how successful he is. They're still 2-3 years away from being able to compete in the ODAC and have a +.500 winning % IMHO.
That would be my best guess....I've been told by some sources that Richter (weekend guy for the last 3 years) is now a week day starter and weekend reliever.
The pitching staff wasn't that bad (other than a few walks and wild pitches here and there). If the D sharpens up and cut down on the Es, they wouldn't have given up half the runs they did. There were numerous times throughout the weekend that the pitchers had to throw anywhere from 10-30 more pitches an inning because his D let him down. If they move their feet a lil more, they'd be a lot better off in the infield. They are better than they have been in years past; still have a decent ways to go though. I was pleased with the overall effort from the guys and game management from Stu. He brings a much more aggressive approach to things offensively. Granted you're going to run into some outs here and there with that style, but I like putting pressure on the opposing team to make plays. More times than not, you're going to force the other team into some miscues, especially at the D3 level. Huge 2 game set this weekend in Ashland. A sweep would be great, split will suffice. Need to get off on the right foot in conference play for once.
Region 6 men's basketball / Re: MBB: USA South Conference
February 23, 2012, 11:14:10 AM
Quote from: Seatfiller on February 22, 2012, 08:30:02 PM
Quote from: D-BAT on February 21, 2012, 09:19:40 PM
SU wins!!!!
72-68 over NCW

Good win for SU I've seen some of their games and they are a team that plays hard so I'm not suprised, if they get some bigs next year they could do some damage in the ODAC

Lol, Not soo fast...ODAC bball is head and shoulders above USAS will take them a few years to really be competitive. Once Pryor sees what they need to succeed there, he'll get the players to SU that fit his system...that's when they'll be year=a bit premature.
On another note...i'm surprised no one has noted how dominant BC's pitching staff has been. 0.64 ERA and only given up 4 *earned runs in 6 games...Pretty impressive, as much as I hate to admit it. haha...Things should start to heat up starting this weekend; they begin a brutal stretch of 10 games over a week and half time frame, which includes their spring break trip down to FL and and a date with #21 Shenandoah this coming weds. Should be a good measuring stick for how good that staff really is.
Very true LTHS. This weekend is huge, a 3 game set with a team that most likely hasn't even set foot on their field yet up north. The boys need a little confidence boost heading into conference play which starts 9 days from now, taking at least 2 of the 3 would be just what the Dr. ordered. Can't count your chickens early though, they just need to show up and play. I will be in attendance, hope this weather stays around a little longer than the weather man is forecasting it to. haha. Wishful thinking, I know.   8-)

Note: Southern Vt. returns 3 of their top 4 hitters and 5 of 9 starters from last spring along with their ace.
Quote from: Boysofsummer21 on February 22, 2012, 10:26:47 AM
I know a lot of the players and parents from EMU and I will say this; they are buying in and are excited about baseball again and that makes it fun for everyone and that is what baseball is about FUN! now would I say that it is an amazing change and they are all well no it is still a tough road ahead and I will wait till they have a good number of games under their belt to say the coach is great. A good man can change the attitude, a good coach can change the teams approach and execution and a good leader can inspire the team but it takes someone who is all 3 to make a program successful year in and year out.

Exactly the point LTHSdad and I were attempting to make. As you alluded to the kids are already buying in. Changing the culture is the first step to transforming a program. Transforming what has been perceived as a negative program for years, into something productive and valuable will not be an overnight project...gotta have everyone on board or the program's going nowhere. Coach Stu will be fine, if given the opportunity.
I'll give ya the benefit of the doubt Narch...but the kids are buying into Stu's system...more than Mace could say he got his kids to do in the 6 years he was there.

That is true to some degree, they are definitely better now compared to year's past. The ole ball coach has a lot to do with how successful a team will be. Past teams were more talented than their overall record reflected at the end of the season...It's hard to be successful when the coach doesn't have a plan or system to sell to his student athletes or prospective student athletes. As a coach you can't just expect the kids dust off the ball gloves and take a few pregame hacks or take 2-3 rounds of soft-toss as their daily hitting regimen and expect to win ball games. I experienced college baseball both at the not so successful EMU, and before at a school that was and still is highly successful. **If I knew then what I know now...."* isn't that the way us washed up has-beens look at things? haha.
EMU will be fine, give it time.