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Messages - GO LC

Quote from: Bubs1856 on November 13, 2011, 06:56:40 PM
Go LC...if you would have heard #7 running his mouth and posturing last year on Palentine Hill you might understand a little better. And come on, calling a player by name and number disrespectful?  Wow pretty sensitive. You don't think the cats get that everywhere they go.  Comes with the territory of being a target.  After this year, don't expect anyone to feel sorry for
LC any longer.  Time to buckle up the chin strap.

That's a kid most likely in support of his team.  I'm sure he was wishing he could have been on the field.  How do you think he felt seeing what was happening.  The bottom line is...Linfield has been winning for years.  There is no question about that and it's agreed that the better team won.  Sensitive no..  Welch's dad is a guy that has been a coach for a lot of years but he's a dad first and isn't the type of guy to stand around and have grown adults hollering out his kid's name or any other kid's name and number to get him and calling him a skinny something or other.  That's a personal attack and that's something he's not gonna sit there and listen to and not say anything.  Was anyone asking for sympathy??  I don't think so.  All of the Pio supporters are happy with their season and hope to keep getting better.  The best team won and wish the Cat's success in the playoffs. 
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on November 13, 2011, 11:58:23 AM
  Early second half there is this Lewinsky and Clark player Daddy railing on the officials from the sideline.  Security guy comes over and says Sir if you want to yell at the refs you will have to do it from the stands.  Response  nothing.  Security-- Sir do you understand me ?  LC daddy says come here I have something to say.  Security guy listens to lc daddy complain that the mean Linfield fans are yelling at his son and referring to him by his name and number, and he wants it stopped.  Security assures him that he will address his concerns.   (  Yes Tux this is the same daddy of #7)

   ARE YOU FRICKIN KIDDING ME !!  As a veteren dad of a former Wildcat player I assure you that If I had ever done anything like this my son would have kicked my A$$,  then and probably once a month just for drill !!
    Lewinsky and Clark has a long way to go as a program, and so do the fans !!

I need a beer !!

I happen to know #7's dad personally.  He is not a poster on these boards but I read your post to him today.  His reply was that he finds it disrespectful to call out his son's name and number as the guy to get. That L&C lost to a better team granted..but..  He did say that if you were close enough to hear the conversation with the ref..which he knows you were because he knows who you are...why didn't you just man up and say something to his face instead of posting on the computer?  Must be because your son can kick your A$$.  As far as the fans are concerned..haven't you been talkin a whole lot of s..t every day about #7 ??  What does that say about you as a fan..?? Have you seen anything posted about any single player on Linfield?  In my opinion you are an egotist that thinks it's your right to disrespect people and they should take it and keep their mouths shut.   It doesn't go down like that anymore at Lewinsky & Clark trust me.  As far as the conversation in the bathroom...wasn't #7's dad..must have been one of his uncles.
Quote from: cludad on October 26, 2011, 01:05:26 AM
LC dont take these comments so hard.these cat fans are a very fair bunch who are very proud of their team. they love to dish it but are also able to take it.I believe their respect however is earned and just not given.Clu was on the end of some of this early on but now i feel there is a mutual respect from both sides. i for one look forward to this smack (it keeps things lively).enjoy the board ,it really is a fun place and all in good humor.
I agree with you to a point..Most of you seem to be pretty cool people and just talkin a little trash.  I don't take it personally.  We want to win too.  I just feel some take it just a little to far.  I for one respect the Cats and hope all the teams have a great injury free season.  The Pios have already had a few injuries this year.  Thanks for the support and good luck until that Sat. anyway lol.
Quote from: criswyly on October 25, 2011, 08:07:13 PM
There are many different personalities here on the board...from the cool guys like WC11, Coca, TopCat, Bluenote, LND, River, BearCat Press, AB:) and many those with multiple personality disorders:):) That's a joke guys.

Bottom line is that we are all glad that there is a L&C representative here on the board.  Don't take anything personal.  Everybody is welcome to the Cats tailgate parties...including the Lutes who we all know on this board and get a fair hearing.

I am sure there are some who will ding me....but so shall it be.
I'm sure there are some Cat supporters who respect the Pios and their coaches..  It's just my opinion that a couple of Cat supporters, probably former players or parents of players on the team, really think it's okay to single out one player and disrespect him for no other reason than he is a damn good player.  He can't win games all by himself, nor can he lose them by himself.  He is part of a team, but to hear some of the remarks of the Cat supporters you would think he was the only player on the team and that he deserves to be disrespected because of his play or his injury last year.  I haven't heard any remarks from him or his supporters about the Cats except that they hope they give the Cats a good game, unlike last year.  The Cats are expected to win..they always do.  I'm sure the Pios will be playing to win.  If they don't win so be it.  But if they do...I'm sure one Cat supporter would have to eat a lot of his words.  Maybe he should suit up because this game seems so important to him and to make sure the QB is taken apart.  Nice...I'm sure some of the Pio supporters aren't very happy about that.  These guys are young men playing football while getting an education..  Is this what you want to teach your kids?  To be disrespectful as adults?  To wish harm or injury to another player?  Haven't any of you gone through having a son or daughter injured on the field.  To even give the impression you would hope that would happen is disgusting.
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 25, 2011, 09:34:04 AM
I got nothin else for ya LC,  see you and your sorry team in 3 weeks at the Catdome.

GHC out
Yes, you will see us.  Will you be talkin like this then?  Win or lose we'd like to meet you...The home cookin will probably be out in force that day.  One of their sorry players is QB of the week.  Damn they must not have gotten your message. 
Quote from: GO LC on October 25, 2011, 09:19:44 AM
Quote from: GO LC on October 25, 2011, 09:18:09 AM
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 25, 2011, 08:56:31 AM
Lets see now.
1- L & C QB chips in with punklike remarks during halftime break
2- middle backer goes bat$hit at Cat fans in the south endzone after blown coverage by your safety
2- middle backer's daddy comes out of the stands and confronts Cat fans about his son  (  oh and by the way no one in the group said anything to his son, just made general comments about the blown coverage)
3-photo lady gets up close and personal with Cat fans in the north endzone then calls security and all of the Cat fans in the area had the pleasure of a rent a cop escort to their cars and told to leave the stadium
4- announcer says that fans were not allowed along the barrier in your south endzone
5- except L & C fans who were allowed to be there after the Cat fans were escorted
I'm sure all of this was unprovoked by any of the Cat supporters right?  Hard to believe that just reading these boards.  I wonder what it will be like at Lindfield..  If it's anyting like it was at the Wilamette game when the players stood on the bench ..faced the Pio fans and taunted them I wouldn't be surprised at all.  Oh..and talk about home cookin...their coach Sparky or whatever his name is was allowed to be on the field more than a lot of his players.  The Pios are expecting much of the same at Linfield.

An experience to remember--  Priceless

Welcome to the Catdome baby
No excuses this year-- lets just get it on


GHC are you living through the team or what???
As far as all the derogatory remarks about the QB...Pee Boy, Skirt wearing etc. Have you ever seen any remarks like that about any of the Cats??? What is your problem??? Do you have a personal issue with this guy or what?? 
Quote from: GO LC on October 25, 2011, 09:18:09 AM
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 25, 2011, 08:56:31 AM
Lets see now.
1- L & C QB chips in with punklike remarks during halftime break
2- middle backer goes bat$hit at Cat fans in the south endzone after blown coverage by your safety
2- middle backer's daddy comes out of the stands and confronts Cat fans about his son  (  oh and by the way no one in the group said anything to his son, just made general comments about the blown coverage)
3-photo lady gets up close and personal with Cat fans in the north endzone then calls security and all of the Cat fans in the area had the pleasure of a rent a cop escort to their cars and told to leave the stadium
4- announcer says that fans were not allowed along the barrier in your south endzone
5- except L & C fans who were allowed to be there after the Cat fans were escorted
I'm sure all of this was unprovoked by any of the Cat supporters right?  Hard to believe that just reading these boards.  I wonder what it will be like at Lindfield..  If it's anyting like it was at the Wilamette game when the players stood on the bench ..faced the Pio fans and taunted them I wouldn't be surprised at all.  Oh..and talk about home cookin...their coach Sparky or whatever his name is was allowed to be on the field more than a lot of his players.  The Pios are expecting much of the same at Linfield.

An experience to remember--  Priceless

Welcome to the Catdome baby
No excuses this year-- lets just get it on


GHC are you living through the team or what???
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 25, 2011, 08:56:31 AM
Lets see now.
1- L & C QB chips in with punklike remarks during halftime break
2- middle backer goes bat$hit at Cat fans in the south endzone after blown coverage by your safety
2- middle backer's daddy comes out of the stands and confronts Cat fans about his son  (  oh and by the way no one in the group said anything to his son, just made general comments about the blown coverage)
3-photo lady gets up close and personal with Cat fans in the north endzone then calls security and all of the Cat fans in the area had the pleasure of a rent a cop escort to their cars and told to leave the stadium
4- announcer says that fans were not allowed along the barrier in your south endzone
5- except L & C fans who were allowed to be there after the Cat fans were escorted
I'm sure all of this was unprovoked by any of the Cat supporters right?  Hard to believe that just reading these boards.  I wonder what it will be like at Lindfield..  If it's anyting like it was at the Wilamette game when the players stood on the bench ..faced the Pio fans and taunted them I wouldn't be surprised at all.  Oh..and talk about home cookin...their coach Sparky or whatever his name is was allowed to be on the field more than a lot of his players.  The Pios are expecting much of the same at Linfield.

An experience to remember--  Priceless

Welcome to the Catdome baby
No excuses this year-- lets just get it on


Quote from: D O.C. on October 25, 2011, 03:35:49 AM
Fair enough Pioneer people.
It's just that he has not faced a formidable defense that he, and his team, have had to face that knows if they hassle him personally, you got nothing.
And then is your defense for 4 quarters.
Glad to see you've run up a good record? No. You are another worthy opponent to take apart.
If you keep it close, can you do it in the 4th? No, we say.
Who are you trying to convince that the Cats are a very good team?? Everyone knows that...Just seems that some of the supporters really like to down the Pios and their QB..Why is that?  Are you really that shallow that you think only the Cats should win games or have decent players?? To talk the way Gig did about the QB and the team is childish to say the least.  I really doubt the QB made that statement to any of the Cats..but in reality it probably would have been at least a better game if he was able to play.  To go as far as to say the Pios would have won...probably not ..but at least a better game.  Even if he wore a skirt..a better game.  Grow up people.
Quote from: GO LC on October 25, 2011, 12:52:54 AM
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 24, 2011, 08:52:33 PM
To all of my Willamette and PLU poster buddies  8-) 

  I know that both PLU and Willamette will kick the crap out of Lewis and Clark but I have a favor to ask.  Please take it easy on their QB Welch.  We don't want any fricking excuses this year like last that his skirt blew up in his face and he twisted an ankle or sumpthin !!  We want him at his 100% so we can take him and his buddies apart piece by piece in the Catdome.  Last year he commented to the Cats that we were lucky that he wasn't in there as we rolled them.  This year no excuses--  Phone it in--  We are ALL waiting for you and your Jr High teammates.

Peace out, GHC
Wow, you really have it bad for the QB huh?  Why would you keep talkin about L&C?  Should L&C be in any of your thoughts ?  One game at a time.  I'm sure they are happy with their accomplishments so far.  They have worked hard and will continue to do so.  Without the arrogance of the Cat supporters.
Some think the QB is quite good...and I assure you he doesn't wear skirts.
Quote from: Gig Harbor Cat on October 24, 2011, 08:52:33 PM
To all of my Willamette and PLU poster buddies  8-) 

  I know that both PLU and Willamette will kick the crap out of Lewis and Clark but I have a favor to ask.  Please take it easy on their QB Welch.  We don't want any fricking excuses this year like last that his skirt blew up in his face and he twisted an ankle or sumpthin !!  We want him at his 100% so we can take him and his buddies apart piece by piece in the Catdome.  Last year he commented to the Cats that we were lucky that he wasn't in there as we rolled them.  This year no excuses--  Phone it in--  We are ALL waiting for you and your Jr High teammates.

Peace out, GHC
Wow, you really have it bad for the QB huh?  Why would you keep talkin about L&C?  Should L&C be in any of your thoughts ?  One game at a time.  I'm sure they are happy with their accomplishments so far.  They have worked hard and will continue to do so.  Without the arrogance of the Cat supporters.
Quote from: GO LC on October 19, 2011, 10:24:12 PM
Quote from: GO LC on October 19, 2011, 10:18:41 PM
Quote from: MonroviaCat on October 19, 2011, 09:54:51 AM
Quote from: desertcat1 on October 19, 2011, 09:21:54 AM

I can tell you that this cat is NOT thinking about the  p boys   :o

IT's LUTE's  week LC,   Your turn will come to see the raft of the Cats Big D  all in do time..  :-*

Go Cats

Come to think of it I think it's spelled wrath...yeah that's it wrath.  Raft rath wrath whatever.  ONE GAME AT A TIME...  Good luck this weekend.  But to hear you tell it you never need any luck.. Your guys always win..the Pios are experiencing it for the first time and it feels pretty good to them I think. 
Go Big D 
Like I said one game at a time.  I think the word is rath though.  You have pee spelled correctly though.

Oh...................................right...................the pee incident.....................totally forgot about that.
Quote from: GO LC on October 19, 2011, 10:18:41 PM
Quote from: MonroviaCat on October 19, 2011, 09:54:51 AM
Quote from: desertcat1 on October 19, 2011, 09:21:54 AM

I can tell you that this cat is NOT thinking about the  p boys   :o

IT's LUTE's  week LC,   Your turn will come to see the raft of the Cats Big D  all in do time..  :-*

Go Cats
Go Big D 
Like I said one game at a time.  I think the word is rath though.  You have pee spelled correctly though.

Oh...................................right...................the pee incident.....................totally forgot about that.
Quote from: MonroviaCat on October 19, 2011, 09:54:51 AM
Quote from: desertcat1 on October 19, 2011, 09:21:54 AM

I can tell you that this cat is NOT thinking about the  p boys   :o

IT's LUTE's  week LC,   Your turn will come to see the raft of the Cats Big D  all in do time..  :-*

Go Cats
Go Big D

Oh...................................right...................the pee incident.....................totally forgot about that.
Quote from: D O.C. on October 18, 2011, 04:21:50 PM
Part of my point was that Lewis and Clark did not have a sufficient #2 quarterback for a big boy game - the defense is another matter.
Joe Smith has shown that the 'CATS have depth at quarterback.
[/quote  I agree, the #2 QB didn't have enough experience.  One game at a time.  We are pretty satisfied so far.  No pi$$in on anyone's neck.  It's nice to know you're thinkin about the Pios and not as a  joke anymore.