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Messages - ForeverFootball

Quote from: ThunderHead on October 27, 2011, 10:14:45 PM
Congrats to Adrian for coming in at #25 on the first ATN Top 50. (listed after the regional rankings)

Dang it all....when can I give Karma to TH ?!?!?!?!   ::)
For any of you MSU fans...if you were at gameday, find yourself
Uncle Rico, I really have my feelings hurt.  You didn't invite me for a hotdog when we were there with Adrian.   ;) :o ??? :'( :-* 
Not hard to google this part

"But they should just know our defense is coming. And just like any other team, if they're throwing the ball up, our DBs are going to go get it, our linebackers are going to go get it and our lineman are getting after the quarterback. And they're going to hurt him."

And there is your answer.
Quote from: Uncle Rico on October 16, 2011, 03:54:35 PM
I am done with the Michigan / msu topic (finally!   :) ) so you can get the last word in, ThunderHead.   ;)

Getting back to the MIAA...Nice to see Olivet get a win, surprised by K-Zoo's showing.  Low scoring game at Hope.  Nice win for Trine too.  Adrian remains unbeaten.  Fun stuff in the MIAA.

Wishing that I would give Dear Uncle Rico "Karma" for typing that ADRIAN REMAINS UNBEATEN.   And hoping that Adrian stays focused, one week at a time.  Kzoo next.
Quote from: ThunderHead on October 16, 2011, 11:19:34 AM
Yeah, I'm good with agreeing to disagree.

October 20, 2012 will be win number 5 for Michigan State. It's not arrogance, it's simply my evaluation of the programs at this point. MSU is a better program, with better athletes and better coaching. But, everyone has a right to an opinion, and I certainly respect Mr. Ypsi enough to appreciate his view, even if I think he's wrong.

I think Wisconsin is probably the best team the in the Big Ten, however I think MSU is in the top half of that group.

As for Michigan State not being that good, well they have the number one overall defense in the nation, and to me, that's pretty impressive. You can only play your schedule, and to this point, I think they're playing it well from a defensive standpoint. They're far from average.

As for the arrogance argument, I think if you had read the front half of the statement I was applying it to "the Perles statement from Mr. Ypsi" I was merely backing up what George Perles said and agree with him. I don't really have a problem with arrogance from coaches at the D1 level, I've worked with enough of them and have probably been thought of that way by other myself  ;)   

As for the officiating in the MIAA, yeah - I hear it's suspect across the board. Not sure what, if anything will be done. I don't know how the MIAA works, I'm sure the guys in stripes take it seriously, though I'm not sure they have the resources or pay scale to attract or develop elite crews. Then again, even at the D1 level, there are plenty of guys who get it wrong, but rarely intentionally.
Yes, for now, MSU is the better team, but Michigan will be back and in regards to the "better program".  Overall record is 67-30-5 in favor of U of M.  MSU has some catching up to do.  :)~
Whew, I was worried but after today, Adrian remains undefeated !   ;D
Quote from: formerd3db on October 14, 2011, 09:50:32 PM
I guess I'm in that "minority" of Michigan fans you mention. ;D  I have known quite a few Michigan State fans of the "majority" you are talking about over the years. ::) ;)

Indeed, I saw that announcement earlier today as well and viewed the brochures online about it. No doubt those brochures will be available on campus at the various events and the game as well.  While those aspects and buildings are very well needed, like you, I am still kind of shocked (and disappointed) that they have not designated and/or offered to the City any of that $ to go to "fix the stadium" and put the turf in there as well as the practice fields.  Yet, again, perhaps that is just why i.e. because of the City's involvement in owning the stadium.  IMO, Hope has simply got to do this sometime soon as, unfortunately, it can't be denied that we will now be at the bottom of the MIAA as far as football facilities are concerned (although please do not think that I am not appreciative of the stadium that we have because we all know there are some schools that would "give almost anything" to have what we have). However, as we've all discussed in the past here, there are high schools that have better football stadiums that we do and...moreover, it comes down to the safety issues with regards to the turf when it gets in bad shape by mid-season and beyond (we have been lucky so far this year, however, if it rains tomorrow, "look out!" as that may be another story.  Also, perhaps it will take an independent group to propose a fund raising campaign for that, although not sure which other alumni will be able to do that.  It must be nice to have alumni couples (on the Board of Trustees) who have an extra $10 million laying around to donate, as was mentioned, unfortunately, I'm not one of them nor ever will be. :'( ;D  Moreover, I thought that the recent fundraising campaign which led to the buidling of DeVos, the new Science Center, the new Martha Communincations Center as well as the renovation of all the dormatories (such as Kollen, Durfee, Phelps, Gilmore/Dykstra, etc.) with new windows, doors, security, etc., was the largest ever campaign even more than this one.  I would have to go back and look at that literature, however, I thought it was in the 225+million range, although I could be wrong. 

Anyway, it also is without question that it is a great and well deserved tribute to President (Coach) Bultman and his wife Martie that the new student center be named in their honor - their love, commitment and service to the College from their own student days, faculty days and to the present is nicely summarized in the new brochure for this campaign.  Like recently retired Coach Ray Smith and his wife Sue, Coach Bultman and his wife Martie will always have a special place in my heart because they, too, were so wonderful in many ways including faith and teaching life's lessions to not only me, but our daughters as well when they attended Hope (just like they are to all the students) as well as that Coach Bultman was my defensive back coach for four years.  They will be missed after this year, however, it will be a well deserved change for them to enjoy the next chapter in their life for themselves.   
I have to agree with you here.  The one game that we played at Hope, it had rained all week and the high school team had played there and it was dangerous and I would think an embarrassment to the school.  The only other what that was as bad was Kzoo, and they are changing that.  But then, I am spoiled with the turf and chairback seating with drink holders, but before that, Adrian played at the high school.  Not sure how they got recruits then but I do know the stadium and work out facilities were a big draw for my son.
Quote from: D306 on October 14, 2011, 10:50:52 AM

If you are at the MSU V UofM game, enjoy yourself though not too much as I will be there pulling for the Wolverine's

Funny how I find it hard to get back to MI for certain events but I have not missed a UofM game since I moved. Some of my friends and relatives are starting to think I do not like them  ;)
Go BLUE!  Where are you coming from for the game? And what a great week for my son to have an off week and we can enjoy the UM/MSU game.  Except he informs me that he might be going to law school at MSU.  This could be a problem :)
Or maybe the bet better be, that Adrian will NOT lose this weekend.  :)   Bet your karma on that buddy.
Would I be considered NOT wishy washy if I said that I predict that Adrian will WIN this weekend.  And I will bet Karma on it.  :)
Ok, so I have typed and deleted a few comments.  I am trying to behave.  I just wish I could do that "karma" thingy just for Thunderhead.  :)  He needs at least one....geeesshhh.

Overall Massey has Adrian at better than 70% running the table, the real battle is for 2nd between Albion, Hope, Trine.  In the head-to-heads between these three massey currently has the scores

Albion 23 Hope 21
Trine 23 Hope 21
Albion 27 Trine 24

Massey also has Olivet at better than 80% to finish winless.
I have no idea who this Massey is.....but I like him and his opinion.  :)
My an Adrian parent. We are taking this one week at a time. And not looking past this Saturday.
This is very excited.  Adrian moved into this top 25 poll!