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Messages - ja_rowski

Women's soccer / Re: Hopkins and Messiah
September 06, 2012, 09:49:57 AM
If Hopkins and Messiah would have both played like they did in the first half, it would have been a closer game; but:
- although JHU played with energy in the first half; they were walking in much of the second half;
- Messiah played sloppy and uneasy in the first half; but as Messiah is arguably the fittest team in the country with somewhat of a deep bench, they ran over a JHU team that died in the second.
I am surprised not by the score, but by the way JHU seemingly just gave up at the end of the game.  Messiah was dominant at times, but needs to set their back 4 and develop a goal scorer.  On the plus side, their freshman goalie looked confident and saved them in the first half multiple times.
Women's soccer / Re: Hopkins and Messiah
August 03, 2012, 04:15:47 PM
get ready...9/5/2012 at Homewood - one of the best games of the season in D3
Women's soccer / Re: JOHNS HOPKINS 2012-2013 Schedule
August 03, 2012, 04:10:27 PM
Hopkins always has a solid team.  Looking forward to seeing the game when Messiah comes to Baltimore on 9/5.  And btw, in the first 8 days of Sept, Messiah plays Emory, then Hopkins, followed by William Smith on 9/8/2012.
Women's soccer / Re: The Messiah Method
October 24, 2011, 11:40:04 PM
i know your daughter ;)  she's a great player. 
agreed.  preparation is everything.  it comes down to priorities and in my opinion, i think mental toughness, something that is not common in D3 soccer. the great thing about Messiah's program is that because of the team chemistry, the hard work is contagious.  because i work hard, now my teammates work hard and as a result, we make each other better...
i also think our program is where it is because of Scott Frey.  he's a genius :)
Women's soccer / Re: The Messiah Method
October 22, 2011, 05:59:21 PM
purplehat - i bet i know your daughter if she is from the frey era.  i am part of the c/o 2004.
jellybelly - I cannot describe it in words.  It was absolutely an incredible experience.  Other teams may have great players, but when the individual players on the team are not merely individuals but sisters in Christ, we have a bond that cannot be broken.  It was such a great thing to have friends that not only had a passion for soccer but one for God as well.  It's not about playing for yourself (what's best for me), but for the good of the team..."one in heart and mind."  Acts 4:32, all for the audience of One.
Women's soccer / Re: The Messiah Method
October 14, 2011, 10:57:12 PM
yeah  ;)
Women's soccer / Re: Hopkins and Messiah
October 13, 2011, 12:26:50 PM
agreed. yes, one would/should play cautious against a powerhouse team, but the players, the team, they do not learn anything that will help their own game.  i think for the coach, it comes down to respecting the game.  soccer is not a game of kickball.  You lose the system play and the team work related to the system play.  The game should be played within the spirit of the game.  On the other hand Messiah now has to fire shots from beyond the 18 or a cross/finish type strategy, neither of which is ideal, nor the Messiah style.  That's why, to a certain extent, it has worked for teams such as Widener. (not fun to watch either).  This of course does not apply to a team who legitimately scores first and then is cautious to advance outside of their defensive end.  I would no doubt be playing for the win in that circumstance.

Btw - well done, Hopkins 1-0 over TCNJ.  well done.  you have proven top 5 status, but i don't see them moving up over 1-4...Messiah, William Smith, Trinity, Wheaton, IL.  All 4 are solid teams and programs and the rest of their schedules should be handled with ease.
Women's soccer / Re: The Messiah Method
October 13, 2011, 11:39:31 AM
i've been a part of many...the attraction is that it is more than just a soccer game, although the quality of soccer is outstanding.  the individuals that make up such programs are quality men and women that respect the game, their opponents, and most importantly God.  Spectators who go know that they will see quality, in the game and the experience.  In addition, those (and their families) who have had the privelage of being part of such a special program, remain connected and feel like they are still part of the Messiah soccer family and continually go back and support.  But then again, it's part of the college experience.  Like football is to some schools, it's the main attraction for the student body.  it's part of the culture there.
Women's soccer / The Messiah Method
October 12, 2011, 05:28:43 PM
Who's getting a copy?!  what what.
"From 2000 to 2010, the Messiah College soccer program—the men's team and women's team combined—posted the best record in NCAA soccer: 472 wins, 31 losses, and 20 disciplines that propelled these teams from decent to dynasty."
What a special program!  Mine's on the way!
Women's soccer / Re: Hopkins and Messiah
October 12, 2011, 05:26:24 PM
actually, Hopkins only won 2-0 against Arcadia, but they played away.  Messiah won at home.  it's always difficult to compare teams on paper; however, although i am biased in my judgment, i would def give the edge to messiah.  of course, that would have been nice if the game could have been played between these 2 great teams.  If it was played at Messiah (beautiful grass field), there's no doubt in my mind that the Falcons would have won.  Honestly, Hopkins has not played anyone worth talking about.  We shall see how they play against TCNJ tonight.  That will be a great matchup.  a great rivalry, #5 and #11.