Well guys after 2 years and 20 games (18 as a starter) my "vested interest" has decided to hang up his shoulder pads and leave the grid iron. It was a long struggle for him but in the end he told me that he just lost the "Love for playing football." While I am sad I am also extremely proud of him because he has struggled with this choice and it was all his. I will miss the friendships I have made at Alma and I wish to the best to the best parents group ever. To all the Alma Scots players I wish you a sucessful season and an injury free one. I must give my sincere appreciation to the Oline for all they have done for my son. To Hall, Story, Compo, Scharlow and Walsh play hard and together and conitnue to improve you guys ROCK. Coach Lewis thank you for listening, Coach Wellman Thank You for believing in him and Coach Cole thank you for your dedication to all the young men on your teams over the years. To Coach Leister I appreciate the fact that you were there for my son and what an outstanding mentor you are. I have the utmost respect for you and wish you all the best with Alma Athletics. GO SCOTS!!!
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Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
March 10, 2012, 11:18:12 PM #2
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
February 27, 2012, 12:26:13 AM
Well my "vested interest" is home for Spring Break and day one he was already talking about how jacked up he is for spring practice. That is a very pleasant surprise. He says they have been working hard and that the coaches want to be sucessful immediately. I would not expect anything less and I am glad they are setting the bar and no looking for a free pass. there is alot of talent on Alma's team and I am anxious to see how Coach P's influence translates to the gridiron. GO ALMA!!!
I have it on good authority that Lewis was more than pleased to move back to the offensive side of the ball. Looking forward to some smash mouth football ha ha
I have it on good authority that Lewis was more than pleased to move back to the offensive side of the ball. Looking forward to some smash mouth football ha ha
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 25, 2012, 10:50:40 PM
Man I hope your wrong about the record. I know they lost a lot on the defensive side but they have some good recievers still and Tyler Watters caught everything thrown at him...I look for him to be the go to guy as well as "whoever" plays TE. I think if they go more balanced on offense it will definitlely help the defense, but like Alma27, I have a vested interest and I will admit I am very biased. Go Scots!!!
Man I hope your wrong about the record. I know they lost a lot on the defensive side but they have some good recievers still and Tyler Watters caught everything thrown at him...I look for him to be the go to guy as well as "whoever" plays TE. I think if they go more balanced on offense it will definitlely help the defense, but like Alma27, I have a vested interest and I will admit I am very biased. Go Scots!!!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 24, 2012, 05:09:14 PM
Nothing official yet but i believe that everyone listed as assistants on the Alma Football page is coming back in some form or other...What I was told is he is going to hire the best Coordinator out there and go from there. I guess we will have to wait and see but I loved his passion and desire to win.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 23, 2012, 12:55:31 AM
I had the pleasure of meeting Coach Psconda this past weekend, what a great conversation. I think we are going to see good things at Alma with him at the helm. He definitely has a plan and I for one can not wait to see how it pans out. (staying positive). He is very knowledgeable and I have it on good authority by a former player of his, who I coach with, that he is a hardnosed coach who will get the most out of his players. Good Luck Coach and let the fun begin.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 18, 2012, 12:45:35 AM
I talked with my "vested interest" at Alma College and he told me that he liked the new coach and that Coach told him he was going to find the best available OC. He told him he is looking to be a multiple formation attacking offense. With the returning lineman I think they have a legitimate chance to have a formidable running attack, Mason, Hahn, to go with Leisters arm. They have a wideout, Watters, who caught everything thrown at him last year. Plus Lenneman is back at WR. It's January and I am already getting excited for Fall
. Go Scotts

Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 12, 2012, 11:46:42 PM
That's what I hear as well and since 3 of the 5 starting lineman are coming back, plus the two primary back ups who got alot of time on the field, we will see if they can get it done. They showed last year that when prompted they could run block. i.e: single game rushing record for Ed Mason. But I am intrigued to see how the play action will open the field for Leister and his strong arm. I think we are going to see the begining of something special in Alma this year. Yes I am positive and always will be. Good Luck Scots!!!
That's what I hear as well and since 3 of the 5 starting lineman are coming back, plus the two primary back ups who got alot of time on the field, we will see if they can get it done. They showed last year that when prompted they could run block. i.e: single game rushing record for Ed Mason. But I am intrigued to see how the play action will open the field for Leister and his strong arm. I think we are going to see the begining of something special in Alma this year. Yes I am positive and always will be. Good Luck Scots!!!

Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 11, 2012, 02:42:08 AM
Well Alma has a new direction. My son said he liked Coach Posconda when he got to meet him but really did not get to talk to him. I told him he will have plenty of time for that. Good Luck Coach and you really do have a nice nucleus to start out with. It will be interesting to see what happens this year. GO SCOTS

Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 09, 2012, 08:40:47 PM
Just heard from my son today that Alma is naming it's choice tomorrow. They did not say who it was but are introducing him to the team in the morning. A new begining in SCOTS LAND.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 05, 2012, 03:09:22 AM
I have been around the program for four years and my "vested interest" will be a Junior (2 year recruitment). Yes I was at the Washington Lee game and I was not aware that Alma use to scrimmage Northwood. I am like you I like Poscodna's resume the best, but like I said I see them leaning towards Couch. There is an interesting post from an Alma Alumni on the MLIVE site and he makes a strong pitch for Couch. But I think that Leister will get it right and the program will thrive you gotta remember it's been along time since they looked for a HC. : ) Go Scots!!!
I have been around the program for four years and my "vested interest" will be a Junior (2 year recruitment). Yes I was at the Washington Lee game and I was not aware that Alma use to scrimmage Northwood. I am like you I like Poscodna's resume the best, but like I said I see them leaning towards Couch. There is an interesting post from an Alma Alumni on the MLIVE site and he makes a strong pitch for Couch. But I think that Leister will get it right and the program will thrive you gotta remember it's been along time since they looked for a HC. : ) Go Scots!!!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 04, 2012, 10:38:24 PM
I would also like to welcome AlmaFan27 to the board.

Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
January 04, 2012, 10:29:29 PM
I have been monitoring the events of Alma's coaching search and the information I have heard leads me to believe that Couch will most likely be the choice if the information is accurate. He is familiar with the staff or some of it anyway and knows the Cole traditions.
I personally think Poscodna is probably the best choice as well. Seems he has a nice resume and most of it is local. The fact that he was an assistant at GVSU (My Alma Matter) is a bonus to me. Ha ha
Silveus to me is a wild card and I mean that in different ways...he was DC at Northwood for two years and OC for two years so good experience on both sides of the ball. My concern is he has been all over the place and there are really no ties to the MIAA.
Alma definitely underachieved this year as a team, but they do bring back a lot of weapons and have some new ones waiting in the wings. It will be an interesting year in Scot Land. I have a vested interest in the new coach and I wish whoever it is, great success. GO SCOTS!!!
I personally think Poscodna is probably the best choice as well. Seems he has a nice resume and most of it is local. The fact that he was an assistant at GVSU (My Alma Matter) is a bonus to me. Ha ha
Silveus to me is a wild card and I mean that in different ways...he was DC at Northwood for two years and OC for two years so good experience on both sides of the ball. My concern is he has been all over the place and there are really no ties to the MIAA.
Alma definitely underachieved this year as a team, but they do bring back a lot of weapons and have some new ones waiting in the wings. It will be an interesting year in Scot Land. I have a vested interest in the new coach and I wish whoever it is, great success. GO SCOTS!!!
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
December 18, 2011, 08:26:06 PMQuote from: sflzman on December 16, 2011, 06:59:42 PM
Anthony Sabatella named d3football.com Honorable Mention All-American tonight
He had an awesome year and deserved all his accolades. Hopefully there will be more recognized next year for Alma...will see what the new coach brings with him.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Re: Michigan Intercollegiate Athletic Association
November 24, 2011, 03:09:31 AM
Well I think there are some very good assistant coaches on Alma's staff that have a real possibility of staying on when the new Head Coach is hired. I gotta believe that at least two or three will be retained if for no other purpose to help the new coach evaulate what he has coming back. Not only that, some of the coaches are very good recruiters. But that is just my opinion and would still not be surprised if Alma does not take a look at a few of their assistants as a possible head coach replacement. I have heard of at least a couple who expressed interest in the position. But that is just rumors.
Region 4 football (Great Lakes-ish) / Alma's New Coach
November 22, 2011, 07:55:59 PM
Anyone got any idea who may be the new Alma Coach? I wonder if it will really be a national search or if one of the assistants is going to get it. Just looking for opinions

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