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Messages - Cousin Eddie

Quote from: wally_wabash on August 19, 2016, 02:08:29 PM
Quote from: BashDad on August 19, 2016, 01:09:20 PM
Is the wabash / albion game streaming? There's no link listed on the schedule page.

I would assume so.  I'm positive I've watched games streamed from Sprinkle-Sprandle Stadium before.

BashDad, Albion should be streaming the game.  The link for the video doesn't usually pop up until game day.  The last few years they have run their broadcasts through UStream and should still be the same this year.
I would have to agree that the Albion facilities do need some upgrades.  As IO mentioned, part of it is due to donors wanting to focus more on the academic side of things.  But there some internal factors that have kept some of the donations towards football and athletics down.  Part of the issue stems from members of the '94 team not having a warm inclination towards Coach Rundle taking over after Pete Schmidt left. A number of them have said that they would not donate until he is gone.  They worked at spreading that sentiment to a number of players that went through the Schmidt years.  Now I know that this does not account for all, but when Wabco asks about some of the more successful alumni, they would fall into this category.  Another example would be several years back, prior to the current AD being hired at Albion, there were plans to update the locker rooms with wooden lockers.  Like the one's seen at DI and pro level locker rooms.  A lot of the funding was in place but internal issues arose that kept the project from moving forward.  At the time donations had been lined up to get the project started and it would have began with the men's locker rooms first as they take up the most space.  However the plan was scrapped until all funding could be found so that all locker rooms could be done at once.  Now I am not fully up on Title IX and so not sure if maintaining balance in regards to Title IX was the driving factor, but the main rumor at the time was that the Interim/Acting AD was the women's soccer coach and she shot down the plan because she did not want the football locker room to be the first to be updated.  For the years that Albion did not have a true AD, they really struggled to maintain support and move any facilities forward.  It wasn't until the current AD was hired and the office properly reestablished that Albion has seen the improvements and progress it now has. 
I was stuck with just the internet feed for the Albion v Olivet game as well.  And so no real idea on what the issue was at the end of the game.  Haven't heard anything from those that were there.  Just glad to see Albion finally got an upgrade to their camera equipment used for internet broadcast.  Finally able to read numbers and have a clear picture.  Kicking game still seems to be a wild ride for Albion.  But...they call it Special Teams for a reason.
Rereading I seem to be contradicting myself so to clear up just in case.  Most times if I am not on the sidelines for games I rarely hear or the person next to me if they ask a question.   But when down on the sidelines it is different for me and I find that I more easily pick up on field talk and noise.  My focus is just as much on the game but field level I am not working so much on ignoring general crowd comments and so field noise comes through.  Didn't want it to read or seem that I was saying I rarely hear field noise and then go on to say that it can easily be heard.
Yes my comments are that it likely happened on both sides.  Because from the vantage point I had on Saturday I wasn't able to hear much from the field from Albion or from Hope.  Most times when I am watching games I rarely hear the person next to me asking a question because my focus is on the game.  Which is why I have said I don't doubt you heard things from Albion.  But I will follow that by saying I have had the opportunity to be on the field/sidelines a few times at Albion for games.  And I know that one can hear just about everything on the sideline on which they are standing and that at times yes you can hear across the field.  Which is why I said I doubt that you did not hear anything from Hope sidelines because my experience is that it sure is hard not to hear everything from the particular sideline where one is standing.  That is the one aspect in which I can't bring myself to believe you.  Similar to how your joke/comment about the band and concession stand seemed to be implying that vandyboy was choosing not to hear or overlooking what was done by Albion....I am implying that you may have overlooked or chose not to hear what was coming from Hope.  And yes that implication was there in my initial post. 

Now a particular instance that I did get to see from my vantage point was an Albion player that did approach Hope's side at the end of the game but he was followed by an assistant coach that was pulling him back from continuing with whatever he was doing.  So I know I had previously left this part alone in terms of your comment about coaches historically looking the other way, that was not the case in this particular instance on Saturday.  I am not looking to open a new discussion on this coaches were also asking for instances and this is the one that I have for Saturday.  Again I have not doubted you saw or heard things from Albion which is why I am fine with pointing out this particular player.  I don't know what he was doing or saying, and so while unnecessary I can't point to if it was classless/unsporstmanlike or not.
Well since I can't help myself, I will put in a last word on this as well.  I do chuckle seeing those negative karma points going up.

The problem then as it seems Former, is the implied meaning you are finding with my statements so let me help clear things up on that:

"Sorry to say formerd3db....but it does sound a bit more like 'sour grapes' than anything else" and
"... while true that foul language was heard, did sound more like 'sour grapes'..."
Both statements say "did sound like" so meaning similar to or that's how it could read.  I didn't state that It Was "sour grapes".  So I am not back tracking...wasn't calling you a liar.  I know that you said it wasn't sour grapes and that's fine, I am not taking that away from you....but it could seem that way.  I didn't say that it was. 

Next.  "In such a high emotion rivalry game it seems odd that you only heard foul language from Albion players and coaches, but nothing from the Hope side.  Because I am sure it was happening on both sides" and
"In my initial response I was just pointing out that the comments, while true that foul language was heard..."  and
"I don't doubt that you heard foul language (from both sides)."
Looking at these I am not sure where you thought I was denying that Albion used foul language.  My meaning here was that you heard Albion but yet don't ever claim to have heard any foul language used by Hope at any point on Saturday.  Any implied meaning here would be that both teams engaged in foul language.  I am not looking for you to name names in any way.  Just a simple statement of "I was also disappointed by some of the things I heard from Hope players" is what I am saying is lacking. Because again....while I don't doubt foul language was used by Albion....I do doubt you heard nothing from Hope.  And if you claim that in the past you have called out Hope on times you have heard foul language, it surprises me that this past game was a time when nothing of note took place in that regard. 

So hopefully that cleared up any of the implied meanings and was a bit more explicit.  On to the up coming games.
Vandyboy....sorry my post got you pulled in to having to defend your comments.

Look formerd3db, nobody was calling you a liar.  I don't doubt that you heard foul language (from both sides).  But I don't think: "I am not saying any of our players don't do that," is really a specific comment to the contrary.  Your comment refers to over the years it may have happened.  It leaves out that Hope more than likely had some foul language on Saturday, just as Albion did.  So again not really a specific comment to the contrary.  In my initial response I was just pointing out that the comments, while true that foul language was heard, did sound more like "sour grapes" due to the loss and your sole focus on Albion.  Because it is likely the case that had Hope been victorious, you would not have brought it up.  And don't worry, I got your attempt at humor....I just chose to ignore it. 

But you are is pointless to debate this much further. 
Sorry to say formerd3db....but it does sound a bit more like "sour grapes" than anything else.  If you were right down on the sidelines and yet have no direct incidents to name off for the Hope players and coaches it seems a bit suspect.  In such a high emotion rivalry game it seems odd that you only heard foul language from Albion players and coaches, but nothing from the Hope side.  Because I am sure it was happening on both sides.  If vandyboy was possibly "shielded by the band or even at the concession stand" then it seems possible that you were shielded by your Hope sense of superiority.  But then again if I recall correctly, this topic comes up each season and just about every team...other than maybe KZoo...has been called classless at one time or another.  And it typically comes from a fan of the team that lost. 
I would have to agree with others that the Albion v Hope game was a well fought game with big plays and mistakes on both sides.  I was attempting to watch the Hope internet broadcast and was increasingly frustrated.  I commend Hope on having the first D3 setup I have seen where they can access multiple camera views for the game.  However, it was this great thing that was the cause of frustration.  The broadcast was flipping from various views in the middle of plays and most often stayed on a camera that was zoomed in on just the offensive line.  Many times big plays were missed because of this view and when switched to a different camera it was one in which the top row of fans was standing and blocking the view.  So unfortunately a lot of the big plays....and from what it sounds like the penalties, were not in camera view and so I cannot speak to the full extent of the game.  Again good on Hope for having multiple cameras, but they are not ESPN yet and so need a lot of work to make sure it is a good viewing....not just a cool thing to have.

The Albion win on Saturday was the 100th W as Albion HC for Craig Rundle.  Quite a combination of things with winning the league and winning a rivalry game for the 100th W. 

North Central is a tough draw for Albion.  I caught some of the 2nd half online of the North Central v IWU game.  As mentioned their offense and defense looked to be quite fast and physical.  Should be interesting to see how it plays out on Saturday.
Haha.  Well played dahlby and Pat.....Well played.  Laughed at both posts.
Mainly because I don't feel this joke ever gets old.....

sac you forgot one:

BYE @ Albion  100% for Albion.    ;D 
Quote from: Cousin Eddie on September 25, 2012, 01:30:50 PM

wisd3, as many of us here are former players, we all have seen players that know they are legitimate backups and aren't expecting to see the field not carry the same focus in practice....which is something coaches cannot always influence and control.  So regardless of number of reps they get they still may not be prepared.  In the past several years Albion has had the habbit of playing the #2 QB for a series or two at the start of the 2nd half.  The reasons for this may vary but points to the issue of the backups receiving close to an equal amount of reps and preparation.... 

As I looked back on this post just a few things I felt I wanted to clear up in case of confusion.  First when mentioning lack of focus I was not referring directly to Bona.  I was just giving a scenario and hopefully those reading the post did not think I was questioning the way he practices or approaches the game.  Second I brought up Albion inserting the #2 QB in games to make the point that the reason they would feel comfortable doing this is because they were confident in the preparation and number of reps given to the #2 QB.  Again when I reread my post it seemed like I wasn't clear on those two points.
Quote from: Flying Dutch Fan on September 25, 2012, 08:35:20 AM
wisd3 - So do you KNOW these things to be true (you attending practices at Albion) or do you ASSUME them to be true?  Either way, you have to admit that Cousin Ed's point about the stress of being thrown unexpectedly into your first collegiate game can be "rattling".  Heck, look at how it has affected NFL back-ups - or do they also suffer from lack of reps and poor coaching?

Right in line with what I was thinking.

wisd3, as many of us here are former players, we all have seen players that know they are legitimate backups and aren't expecting to see the field not carry the same focus in practice....which is something coaches cannot always influence and control.  So regardless of number of reps they get they still may not be prepared.  In the past several years Albion has had the habbit of playing the #2 QB for a series or two at the start of the 2nd half.  The reasons for this may vary but points to the issue of the backups receiving close to an equal amount of reps and preparation.  I am venturing to guess that you have not attended an Albion practice this year nor have you attended in the past.  But what it really comes down to is the fact that neither of us have true knowledge of what currently takes place at Albion practices.  We both are making some assumptions that are likely reaching a bit.  You mention that you have found that D3 starters get most reps....would be interested to know at how many schools you have found this and if it can be considered a good representation of all of D3.  I don't want to take the time to go back and check, as I am sure you will tell me, but was the #2 that took over for UWW a freshman?  Probably not.  If not then it is a bit easier to come in as a backup when you have been with the system for a few years.  1-2yrs of reps and preparation even if only at 20%, is a bit better than 1-2months of preparation with 50% reps.  Obviously talent level comes into play...but that is a whole other conversation.  I am not taking anything away from Liepold, he is a good coach and the team is well coached.  But to toss out GREAT COACHING when attempting to compare these situations is a bit off the mark. 
To respond to your question on Albion's QB Krause, as RuleBrit mentioned he is likely done for the season.  What was heard is that he suffered a separated shoulder....grade 3 was term tossed around.  Tough way for a guy coming back for a 5th year to end his season.  With the freshman QB's taking over for Albion I am sure Kraus' experience and wisdom will be helpful in their play as the league games start up. 

From Saturday's game against Central Iowa it seems that Bona had a better showing than what took place at Benedictine.  It is safe to say that a backup QB getting thrown into a game off an injury can be rattling and is not necessarily an indication of lack of reps or a "huge coaching error".
Quote from: sac on July 05, 2012, 04:24:30 PM
The Detroit Lions posted a little piece about Chris Greenwood on their website this afternoon.

Word is that during OTA's Greenwood tore ab/oblique muscle.  Was listed as out about 4wks so should be back for camp at the end of July.  Hopefully it doesn't set him back much in his pursuit of making the roster.