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Messages - bullets

Great day at Gettysburg today. Petrie breaks win record and most of all Cory Wiesmann returned to the court for the first time since his freshman year. He suffered a stroke after his first season.

Coach Nugent from Washington did a very classy thing by fouling him with a few seconds left giving him a shot to make a free throw. He missed the first and made the second!! It was a very emotional day for the bullets.

Coach Nugent, I commend you and thank you for being a stand-up person and so gracious in what you and your team did for Cory today.
Just going by last years POY winner, Ward will have to really turn the team around and make it to the CC finals at least. The reason I say that is because last year Andrew Powers was in the top tier in almost all categories. Also, he led his team to the playoffs while losing three teammates after first semester, of which they accounted for about 30 points a game. In my opinion, he had one of the most impressive seasons in leading that team to the playoffs that I have seen in a long time. BUT, the bullets didn't make it to the finals and Milligan won it. I am certainly not saying he didn't have the stats to deserve it, he had a great season. He also had two other guys that had well over 1000 points! My point is this, the POY doesn't always go to who "carries" their team. If Ward can get them to the playoffs and into the finals, he would have a shot. This somewhat goes for Liddic too. If F&M wins the championship it would be hard not to give it to Milligan. He is so good and smooth. He handles pressure well and just seems very confident. They did lose a lot off of last years team, sure they still have good players, but without him they are not sitting with only one loss. Just my opinion, I am sure some will disagree.
A nice win for the young Bullets last night. They played ok, not great but well enough to get the win. I agree with UCHooligan about the officiating to a degree. I thought Gburg took about 4 charges that all went Ursinus's way. We did get to the line more, but we also were attacking their big men more so than they were. Decent game between to young teams trying to learn and get better.
Mules freak, the board is open to anybody. You can talk Muhlenberg all you want. Who's fault is it that most of the posters are F&M and Bears fans.  Get some friends together and join in. Hopefully it is a good game in Allentown this Saturday!
Go Bullets
Makes sense for Oneonta to go to F&M if they are heading that way.  At this time of the year you take whatever game you can get.  Options are limited, and a game is a game. 
I assume they will be heading to their place since they made the first trip? Or has that not been determined yet?
Watched some of the Gburg game on video. They did not look very good. Signs of a youthful team, inconsistent. Bad from three and foul line. Hopkins did not look very good either, but the bullets obviously were worse. I have seen or watched all of their games so far and Hopkins was the least talented, but they had enough tonight to get the win. And a win is a win. Haverford is up next. Who knows after watching this game.
Not trying to be critical. Just stating my observation. I agree that he is a fine player.
Thanks for pointing out that he did not start the next game. I missed that. Good move by the coach.
centfan...those are true observations of Malique. I was not sitting near their bench so I don't know what words were exchanged. But, it made Malique, Muhlenberg, and their coaching staff look bad. Not sure how the coach handled it, but he was in the starting lineup the next game. Everyone deals with situations differently I guess.
Good luck to the teams tonight, especially the Bullets:-)
Gabriel, I agree with your analysis of Ursinus.  They sound similar to Gettysburg right now.  Gburg is fairly young, especially with Zurn out.  One thing the bullets don't have is a big man like Ward, but they seem to use Bors and Constable  very efficiently.  When gburg was playing Muhlenberg they were trailing in the second half.  The coach then put in three freshmen, a sophmore, and a junior who has only played one year at gburg thus far.  THey went on a great run from the 10 minute mark to about 4 minute mark and pulled away.  I think the thing that helps gburg handle their freshmen getting time is their system. 

Mulefreak02, I agree that they have a great team, and that Liddic is a beast.  Malique on the other hand I have some issues with, none of which are about his abilities and talents.  He appears to be a very selfish player.  Granted I only saw him against Gettysburg, but here is what I saw.  First, their may not be enough basketballs around to keep them happy. Second, their coach was trying to coach Malique and he appeared to refuse his instructions and would not look at him.  Third, after the buzzer he ran off the floor and would not shake hands with the gettysburg players.  Their asst coach ran after him yelling something but to no avail, he obviously felt he was better then the team and game so he did not come out.  So, I agree he is very good, but his attitude is one that I would not want on my team.  Just my opinion, and I am sure some may disagree which is fine.  Just my observations.

Good luck to all teams tomorrow.  GO BULLETS
A good win for the bullets today against York College.  Good team effort, playing again without leading scorer Zurn.
Good game featuring a contrast in styles.  Great foul shooting pulled the game out in the end, 18-19 for the game.
Next up, Hopkins on the road.  Hopefully Zurn is back and they get another win. 
I am new to the board.  I have been reading it for a few weeks now and thought I might join in when I can.  Seems like a nice group of people on here for the most part.  As you can tell by my name, I am a gettysburg fan!! They picked up a great win without their leading scorer Tuesday over Muhl.  It looked like their young players really came together and got a tough conference opener Win!!  Best of luck to all teams this weekend.  Hopefully gburg gets another good win at York Sunday, hopefully Zurn is back.  Apparently he hit his head on the floor at the end of the Drew game coming down from a rebound.