Quote from: BigMike33 on January 26, 2017, 01:28:18 PM
Since I represent my opinions and not the greater we..I will still call it like I see it.....
My comments are to stimulate conversation..not a rough draft to be censored.....
I will again leave the human flaw of memory to the greater we and your stats that do not involve this year. Every year is different. Every team is different.
You own your cringe....I am interested in the NESCAC & Middlebury basketball. Watched every minute of every Panther game this year, 9 in person. Basketball is basketball. If I'm right I gain credibility, If I'm wrong, the reasons why, I was wrong, will surely be apparent and I'm sure you will let me know. I also don't make players out to be other players. I respect individuality and prefer to compare & contrast basketball skills of contemporaries.
The comment on Folger was that he is a future star...but does change momentum and game flow frequently, which is consistent with the path to becoming a future star. McCord & Tarantino start. Majors & Folger sub. These are the "Bigs" led by Coach Reilly. The minutes are almost the same for all 4 with fouls & effectiveness being cases when Coach Brown deviates. Please reference the thought on blocks & stops in today's offensive focused game.
Middlebury pushes on your makes....that will be the speed of game..they will dictate....
Great Alumni weekend game for the school showcase.
Final comment Panther fans and foes....There is only one St. Amour--consensus NESCAC player of year...this is their year to do whatever it is they are going to do... Jake Brown also a senior. Guards dictate games because the ball is in their hands more of the time than the other players. Senior Guard oriented teams have great success in NCAA tournament.
Hamilton will be very formidable in the next 3 years as currently constituted that's where the Zach Baines loss will hurt middlebury more. Baines also would have been guarding Gilmour on Saturday. Saturday will show the trajectory of Hamilton's growth.
I've been sitting on the sidelines watching this league and board for ten years or so. I haven't opined for years and probably will hibernate again until the guy who just took the oath in DC goes back to New York. Anyway, maybe it's me, but singling out a freshman sub as a "future star", "changing games" etc, while bellyaching about that same kid not getting the stats he deserves no matter how true it ultimately may or may not be comes across more dad like than objective analyst like to me. After all, where I come from, the only stat which really matters and is worth barking about is the big number under each team on the scoreboard. While your prediction on St Amour may turn out to be true, even I know there is plenty of basketball left to be played to decide that. Don't rip my head off while telling me how little I know compared to you. I'm gone.