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Messages - summers

Quote from: CMSfan on February 28, 2012, 01:50:36 AM

A little surprised Cohen didn't make it.  But I'm guessing he, McAndrews, and Klukas will earn PP plenty of All-SCIAC love in the next three years.

In fairness, PP was just balanced this year, with no real individual standouts. Klukas on the first team at <10 ppg was probably even a reach.  If CMS didn't have such a great year start to finish (and make inroads nationally), Coach Kat would have been an easy COY choice.
Quote from: CMSfan on February 27, 2012, 06:14:38 PM
Welcome to the board, summers. You know, I think that photo, combined with the others, actually makes it even more cut and dried that Pinson didn't touch him.

We'll have to disgree on that. Bear in mind the two guards were double-teaming Cohen outside the arc when Cohen passed the ball to McAndrews wide open. Pinson wasn't guarding him on the catch - he flew at him with a late contest with his momentum taking him towards the corner. And the referee was standing along the sideline, so even at that exact instant of the picture, there's no way he could see any space between Pinson's hand and McAndrews' elbow. Even if you think there was no contact (and this point is less aimed at you -- and more for the earlier ranters and the Got Foul? people), Pinson put the official in a situation where he could make that call by getting his hand in the cookie jar right at his elbow at the moment the shot was being released. The shot going behind the backboard would also lead the official to feel pretty confident he got it right.

But no worries - CMS is on to bigger and better things, deservedly so, and the call is really just a footnote at this point. I'm more just sharing the photo at 2.0, so people don't only see the shots at 2.1 and 1.9 and think the ref was blind and that there was some sort of great officiating travesty that took place.  It might have been the wrong call, but if so, it was so dang close you can't fault the official for making it.

(modified by GS for formatting)
Quote from: CMSfan on February 26, 2012, 01:29:45 AM
I don't mean to rehash Tuesday's game or cast aspersions on the officiating crew.  It's a really tough job and I appreciate that so many refs are willing to do it and maintain professionalism despite the verbal abuse they take. But I just saw this from CMC's student newspaper and thought I'd share:

The thing about still photos is that they only capture one specific moment of time. You can see on the scoreboard that those two photos are at 2.1 and 1.9. Would be nice to know what happened in between, right? Well - here's a shot at 2.0:

Not so cut and dry is it? That hand sure is in the cookie jar here. Not only that, but he clearly recoiled it by 1.9 in the sort of reaction someone might have if they touched a hot stove (or a shooter's arm). And since the shot went behind the backboard (McAndrews was wide open and on balance when he caught the pass, which was a little behind him), the most logical explanation for the sequence of events is that Pinson hit him on the elbow, recoiled his arm, and McAndrews' mechanics got throw off to the point that his shot missed by five feet.

You can also see in the first photo on that blog, that McAndrews was clearly fouled on his lay-up with 30 seconds left. Sagehens might have defended that last possession differently if they led by two (where a two ties the game) instead of one (where a two wins the game).